Chapter 395 Chapter 37: The World Line that Offsets and Ends


Ginny Weasley's eyes widened suddenly, cold sweat soaked in her pajamas, she staggered backwards, staring at Tom Riddle's phantom in disbelief.

"How can you be a mysterious person, you can't be a mysterious person!"

Ginny repeated expectantly.

When she got this mysterious diary, she often communicated with Tom Riddle in the diary and told her feelings.

No matter if there is a nasty brother in the family.

I still adore Harry Potter myself.

Or maybe you hate using second-hand books.

She will share happy things and sad things with Tom Riddle in the diary as soon as possible. In the hearts of young girls, the diary is like a close friend.

He couldn't be Voldemort.

It was the Dark Lord who brought darkness and despair, the Harry Potter he admired, the mortal enemy he once defeated.

Tom Riddle raised his brows slightly, and withdrew the gentleness of his eyes. He glanced at the girl coldly, and then looked at the dark wizard on the head of the Basilisk.

"Who are you?"

Although things went beyond imagination, the young Voldemort quickly calmed down.

Dubois was about to say something, but saw Ginny Weasley screaming in anger. The little girl grabbed the diary on the ground and smashed it at Tom, but could only pass through the phantom.

"You've been lying to me!" she exclaimed angrily.

Dubois shrugged: "I think you should deal with the trouble in front of you first."

Tom Riddle sneered, took out his wand, and wrote his name in the void.

Tom Marvolo Riddle.

Under the girl's angry eyes, he waved violently, and the words red as blood were rearranged.

I am Iam Voldemort.

"no no..."

The girl slowly backed away, looking at the blood-red words in the void, she hugged her head and ran frantically towards the exit of the secret room.

The green snake shadow shot out like an arrow, the huge body blocked the door of the secret room, and slowly lowered his head, the dark wizard Dubois looked down at the frightened girl, his eyes flashing with a threatening light.

"I can't let you make trouble now."

The wand fell from the robe into the palm of the hand, like a dragon out of water, and touched Ginny Weasley's forehead.

"Everything is forgotten!"

The wand floated with a white shimmer and pierced into the girl's forehead. The red-haired pure-blood wizard girl's eyes were dull, and then she slowly climbed up the body of the basilisk and was sent out of the secret room.

"It's only us next."

Dubois looked at the silent Tom Riddle, he tapped his wand, and the diary on the ground flew into his hand.

The seventeen-year-old Voldemort is not only much more handsome than the Nose Demon, but also has a much calmer personality. He can't see the impetuousness and anger of the Nose Demon at all. Even if the Horcrux is held by an unknown wizard, he still does not show any resistance. Emotions, but looked at the dark wizard calmly.

"Aren't you worried that I will destroy the Horcrux?"

Dubois threw off his notebook.

Tom said calmly: "You even know Horcrux, you don't seem to be an ordinary wizard... Could it be the future me, the Death Eater confidant that I gathered?"

Dubois looked at Tom's state curiously.

"You are Voldemort, but you don't share Voldemort's memory?"

Tom was extremely indifferent.

"I don't need to answer your question. Our information is not equal, which is very unfair."

"When will Voldemort be fair?" Dubois sneered, but did not continue to provoke Tom, "My name is Dubois, and I am a dark wizard who is not too serious."

Tom's eyes flickered a few times.

"The French wizard Dubois who stole Gringotts and made a scene at the Ministry of Magic, Ginny Weasley told me about you."

The young Voldemort didn't go too deep into this topic. He saw the basilisk crawling in from the door of the secret room and meekly sticking to the dark wizard's feet. The conversation changed, and he asked curiously, "How did you subdue the basilisk?"

"How to get uniform?" The dark wizard half-smiled, flicked his wand, and the giant snake statues around seemed to come alive and hissed. "Of course it is beaten, and magical animals must obey the laws of the jungle."

Tom immediately understood, he sneered and folded his arms, looking at the dark wizard with a lot of approval.

"Yes, whether it is the magical world or the Muggle world, power is always the truth, I should have thought of this earlier."

"I'll answer your previous question. I'm Voldemort's seventeen-year-old soul fragment. I only have his seventeen-year-old memory and knowledge, but I'm still Voldemort!"

The dark wizard's eyes flickered, and he looked at the diary in his hand with interest.

"So the souls in different Horcruxes are all Voldemort in different time periods." He whispered softly.

"What did you say?" Tom Riddle didn't understand.

The dark wizard smiled and ignored this sensitive topic.

He used magic power and injected it into the diary. In an instant, Tom Riddle's illusory figure condensed a lot, and the seventeen-year-old Voldemort cast a puzzled look.

"Make a deal."

The dark wizard said: "As long as you are willing to tell me how to make a Horcrux, I will help you resurrect."

There's no need to infiltrate Dumbledore's office.

No one is more familiar than Voldemort when it comes to how to make Horcruxes.

Voldemort's eyes became extraordinarily strange: "You also want to make Horcruxes, you want to be immortal?"

"No." The dark wizard walked slowly, his boots stepping on the wet floor making a tattering sound, the basilisk always followed behind him, occasionally peeping at Tom's phantom with cold eyes.

If it wasn't for Tom Riddle's soul fragment always stored in the diary, this phantom was not a real soul, and he would have been killed by the sight of the basilisk.

"I just want to study Horcrux."

Dubois took off the seamless extension box around his waist and slowly took out the experimental tools. Tom looked indifferently and puzzled as the French dark wizard arranged the secret room into an alchemy laboratory.

"Or rather, I want to study the soul." Dubois turned his head and said with interest, "Don't you think it's strange, why does the soul split when the wizard kills?"

Tom's expression changed slightly.

"Wizards don't believe in gods, they think gods are just more powerful wizards, but there are various mythological factors in your life trajectory and historical process." As if he did not see the change in the expression of the young Voldemort, Dubois said to himself. : "Soul division, this is the teaching of Christianity, splitting the soul for the wicked is to sign a contract with Satan in **** and cannot ascend to heaven."

"There are also basilisks, which are also inextricably related to Greek mythology."

"Is it because you don't trust the gods, or did you assume the duties of the gods in the past?"

Dubois looked at Tom Riddle curiously.

Rao, the top student at Hogwarts, Tom Riddle, doesn't know how to answer this kind of question.

Splitting the soul and making horcruxes are both ancient black magic rituals, so ancient that there is no evidence to check. Tom Riddle only found relevant information from the book "Advanced Black Magic Decryption".

In the face of the dark wizard's question.

Tom could only change the subject bluntly.

"As long as I give you the Horcrux making method, you can resurrect me, is that true?"

The dark wizard retracted his gaze in disappointment, adjusted the experimental materials, and said calmly: "If it's just resurrection, it's too simple, you bewitched Ginny Weasley, didn't you just want to use her vitality to resurrect yourself? "

He didn't even look at Voldemort, he threw it at random, and it was a crimson sage's stone, which landed on the diary.

Tom felt a majestic vitality, which was transmitted to his soul through the diary. It was a life force field that far surpassed Ginny Weasley.

Dubois took the Sage's Stone.

"Wait!" Tom stopped abruptly like a charging knight, and it was extremely uncomfortable not to go up or down. He focused his eyes on the Sage's Stone, but he couldn't see the previous arrogance on his face.

"As long as you can resurrect me, I will teach you the art of Horcrux making!"

He said with oath.

"You think I'm stupid?" The dark wizard sneered: "Mr. Voldemort, you don't seem to see where the center of cooperation is, whether you can resurrect, or whether you will lose this piece of soul, are all within my thoughts. "

Tom pursed his lips and his eyes were full of resentment.

He wisely lowered his head and lowered his posture: "As long as Mr. Dubois can revive me, I am willing to offer the art of Horcrux making with both hands!"

After learning that he had a chance to be resurrected, Voldemort couldn't care about pride and dignity.

As for how to get revenge after resurrection, that is something that should be considered after resurrection.

"It's about the same."

The dark wizard chuckled. As for Voldemort's ghost idea, he didn't care.

"I will resurrect you, but not now." Dubois put away the sage's stone and said calmly, "As long as you are willing to cooperate with me, I will give you the corresponding return."


The next day.

Hogwarts vestibule.

"What did you say?" Hermione exclaimed, and then under her friend's eyes, she lowered her voice: "You sneaked out in the middle of the night, is that all you have for Gryffindor?"

"We also want to catch the real culprit who hurt Mr. Filch!" Ron quibble.

Hermione glanced at it, the pure-blood wizard boy, and shut his mouth decisively.


Hermione weakly closed the book and got up.

The boys looked at her puzzled.

"Let's go! Don't you want to go to Myrtle and ask about it?"

The three came to the abandoned toilet.

Myrtle was hiding in the bathroom sink in the cubicle. Hermione walked over with her two useless men and pulled Myrtle out very boldly.

The undead girl was very curious about Harry, and kept going around little Harry.

When Hermione asked her if anyone had entered the bathroom last night.

"No one will come here, everyone hates Myrtle." The undead girl sobbed pitifully.

Ron jumped out quickly and said, "No, you were sleepwalking last night."

Myrtle was next to Ron, her face was terrifying, so frightened that he hid behind Hermione.

"I never sleepwalk!" Myrtle said firmly.

Harry and Ron looked at each other and noticed something strange.

"Then where did you go last night?" Harry asked tentatively.

Myrtle was about to answer, but suddenly stopped, with a confused expression on her face.

"I, where did I go last night, I, didn't I stay in the bathroom...I...I don't remember!" The undead girl let out a terrified scream, jumped high, and plopped Get into the toilet, splashing everywhere.

Hermione was silent for a moment, then turned her head and said to her friend who was also bewildered, "I believe you."

The three people who were terrified directly found the person they trusted the most.

After listening to the vivid stories of boys and girls.

Zhou Qi seemed to be listening to a funny joke. He reached out and played a spooky tune on the keys to accompany Ron's horror story.

"Professor Ivan, what I said is true!"

Ron raised his hand to swear.

Zhou Qi said happily: "I know you see that I've been busy recently, so telling stories makes me happy... The students who don't exist at Hogwarts, this is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the principal is Albus. Dumbledore."

"How come there are weird campus rumors!"

Hermione had heard about the Dark Wizard from Harry.

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