Someone whispered in amazement.

He turned his head and looked at the crack where he came to this world - the crack that ripped apart the starry sky was actually just a crack in the wall, not much bigger than a mouse hole.

In the eyes of the giantess, they may be smaller than mice.

smaller than a worm.

Is this a god.... In a trance, he thought of the **** of titans in Genesis. The rumored titans are also so magnificent, but compared to the mythical titans, this female giant.... is much smaller .

"This world is very wrong."

The captain's expression changed, and he communicated with the team members with his mind.

"There is no magic element, no atoms, molecules and electrons in this world, but it has gravity. I always feel that something is wrong with it. You must be careful!"

Soon, the team members also collected information about this world.

In the world of Allen, the expression of the supreme consul also changed.

"Is there really such a world?" He looked at the results of the alchemy computer, and the world opposite the big crack turned out to be a world with extremely chaotic physical properties and no magic element.

And in that world, there is only one living room and one woman.

Outside the living room, there is a strange passage. After a team member detected it, they found that on the other side of the passage, there was a whole new world.

"What is this?" The supreme consul didn't know whether to cry or laugh. Allen's world was not the only world created by the gods. On the opposite side of the big rift, was another world created by the gods.

It's just that compared to the world they are in, that world is more weird and not blocked.

Since they are not gods, they don't need to be so cautious.

"Bring back that female giant!" The supreme consul said solemnly, "We may be able to know the truth of the gods through her!"


Now, Hogwarts.

Harry Potter was leaning on the sofa, listening to the rustling of the wind and snow hitting the windows, feeling the warmth of the fireplace.

Beside him, there is an elegant and arrogant black cat, huddled together, enjoying the rare warmth together, swinging its tail on Harry's body from time to time.

This is one proud Mr. Cat.

The other Hogwarts students commented so much on the black cat, which was kept in the school by Dumbledore and was required to be treated as a Hogwarts student without being rude - when, in fact, faced with this elegant Black cats, most people like them.

But they don't want to touch the black cat.

It's only close to Harry Potter.

For Harry, this elusive black cat that never leaves, is like a loyal friend and a close elder, soothing Harry's troubled heart.

One person and one cat, Ge You, lay down, enjoying the peace and tranquility.

But the peace was broken.

"Mrs. Paplow is gone, Mrs. Paplow is gone!"

There was a scream of a troublemaker from outside the lounge.

The complicated footsteps and noises disturbed Harry's rest. He put down the book in his hand and walked out of the lounge curiously.

The black cat got up gracefully, jumped off the sofa, walked in front of Harry, looked back at Harry from time to time, waited for him to get close, and then moved on, keeping a comfortable distance.

Outside the lounge.

The portraits on the wall all panicked, the fat lady of Hogwarts once again hid behind the tree, only showing one head.

There are also knights in full armor, who also draw their swords and are on guard.

A large number of students are concentrated in one place.

"What happened?" Harry asked the Sir in the portrait.

Sir said sadly: "Mrs. Pablo has disappeared, we can't find her!"

Mrs. Paplow is also a painting, hanging on the third floor of the castle, is a lady who likes to joke and always knits sweaters.

Harry and the black cat were stunned. They quickly chased the crowd of students to the third floor.

They saw the portrait.

The fireplace in the room was still burning, and Mrs. Pablo's sweater, which never left her hand, fell on the high chair, and no one was seen.

Dumbledore hurried over.

He checked the magic painting, his face darkened, and he quickly inquired about the students, ghosts, and other portraits, trying to find Mrs. Papulo, but found nothing, and no one knew how she disappeared.

Blizzard Castle.

The person in the painting who disappeared out of thin air.

This satisfies all the elements of a detective novel, and the fear begins to ferment.

"here we go again!"

"Is it made by the Death Eaters again, can't we have a good Christmas holiday?"

"Look, Harry's here too... Calamity!"

Harry Potter was silent, but the black cat was so furious that his fur exploded, and he shrieked shrilly around him.


Dumbledore's voice amplified a bit, overpowering the whispers of the students, and his tone was heavy: "The professors will find Mrs. Paplow, you all go back to your respective rest areas and are not allowed to go out!"

Speaking, he glanced at Harry intentionally or unintentionally, but said nothing, turned and left.

The students followed the professor's instructions and went back to the rest area. They were still discussing the matter in a low voice.

When Harry returned to the lounge area, everyone who was discussing closed their mouths, and the atmosphere suddenly became depressed and embarrassed.


Ron wanted to say something to ease the atmosphere, but when he saw his friend, he turned around and left the common rest area without saying a word.

When he left, the dull atmosphere instantly melted away.

Everyone once again discussed this strange thing.

Ron stood in the middle, looking at the figure of his friend leaving, and at the classmates who were communicating with him, feeling a strange sense of alienation.

"I don't blame them, I don't blame them at all!"

Harry rubbed his eyes, as if talking to himself or talking to the black cat: "It's because of me that these things keep happening. If you want to go back to your old life, you can only catch Sirius!"

He picked up the black cat and said indifferently, "I will definitely catch Sirius!"

The black cat was a little stunned, and humanized feelings appeared in the yellow vertical pupils.


The professors searched all day, but could not find Mrs. Pablo.

They have found every magic painting.

He also used their relationship to ask wizard friends outside Hogwarts, but none of them have seen Mrs. Pablo.

"Mrs. Paplow won't leave her frame easily." Pomona was worried: "Where did she go? Did the Death Eaters really kidnap her?"

"Death Eaters don't kidnap a painting."

Snape said quietly.

"We've looked for every painting in the castle, where can she hide it, and which painting hasn't been found?" Professor McGonagall's tone was not as calm as her expression.

Dumbledore was stunned, his eyes wandering involuntarily on Zhou Qi's face.

Can't see any abnormality.

"Go back and rest!" Dumbledore said, "It's never the way to find it like this. Let's calm down and think of other ways."

In desperation, the professors could only leave.

Now the worry is how to appease the students.

Zhou Qi returned to the Arcane Office.

There was one more person at the door.

"There is another painting, we haven't found it yet." Dumbledore's face was cloudy in the flickering lights, he looked at the alchemist without any expression: "Ivan teaches the oil painting you drew."

Zhou Qi was not surprised by his arrival.

"Please, Professor Dumbledore!" He opened the door, invited the white wizard into it, and raised the light.

The white wizard's gaze fell directly on the wall, the giant painting covered by the gray curtain.

Grabbing the edge of the curtain, Zhou Qi suddenly asked, "Principal, why didn't you point this out just now, but look at this painting alone, what are you afraid of?"

Dumbledore was expressionless and did not answer.

Zhou Qi let out a low laugh, and guessed his reaction, no longer hesitated, and used his arms hard.


The gray curtain was torn down.

The oil painting was clearly displayed in front of the two of them.

The white wizard's expression changed in an instant, and his eyes showed fear. He did not see Mrs. Papulo in this oil painting, but saw something more terrifying.

This oil painting is completely different from what I saw on Christmas Eve.

The planet sitting in the starry sky is no longer in the air, but full of steel-like metallic luster, lifeless.

There is no life, no sound.

Silent as if dead.

But what frightened Dumbledore the most was not the dead metal star, but the English words that appeared in the vacuum.

The words composed of meteorites, metals, and machines are painted with blood-like colors.

"I'm here to find you, painter."

PS: Thank you for Ning Ri'an's blade in the cloud

Eight thousand offer


Chapter 434 Chapter 75 I'm Your Father's Friend


The wind and snow outside the window never stopped.

The icy wind mixed with large swaths of flying snow smashed against the window, making a rustling sound.

Dumbledore's mood was far colder than the weather outside.

He staggered backwards, sticking to the wall, his eyes staring blankly at the huge oil painting, the blood-red short sentences floating up and down in the endless vacuum, like a giant hand grabbing his heart and dragging it into the abyss.

"They left."

He heard the musician sigh softly.

In this sigh, there was no regret or anger, only uncontrollable surprise.... Dumbledore turned his head slowly, and the dark-haired youth beside him stood under the light, looking at the oil painting with joy.

"You said them, who are they..." The white wizard's voice was low and painful, his anger burned in the gradually rising tone, he looked directly at Zhou Qi, his expression was serious and almost hideous.

Zhou Qi turned his head to the side, looked at each other silently, and laughed.

"Didn't you already know?"

The white wizard clenched his fists and stared at Zhou Qi's harmless smiling face. At this moment, he had the urge to pull out his wand and attack this face.

Reason and instinct held him back.

Reason calms him, instinct terrifies him.

Whether it was facing Grindelwald or Tom Riddle, Dumbledore had never been afraid, but at the moment when he had the idea of ​​attacking Zhou Qi, his uncontrollable instinctual fear spread from his mind to his body.

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