Protect the magic painting.

Defend Hogwarts.

At this time, regardless of the four major colleges, all the students have reached a consensus that they want to protect the portraits of Hogwarts and prevent them from disappearing!

Under the leadership of the prefect, the students of the four academies took turns to guard the portraits.

In the beginning, the Ravenclaw Dean released the curfew and agreed that the Ravenclaw students would work in shifts in the middle of the night to protect the portraits; then the other three colleges also obtained the permission of the Dean.

The professors were all moved by the simple behavior of the students, and they also joined the team to protect the magic paintings and protect the students.

For the practices of students and professors, the life of every magic painting is touched.

They have accepted their destiny.

But once again, I was moved and inspired by these lovely and brave students.

"We won't leave."

The magic paintings, whose hearts are ashes, cheered up again, they decided to fight against the unknown fate for the sake of these students who protect themselves!


Dumbledore opened the curtains and looked at the mountains where the snow and ice melted. The clouds in the sky turned from blood red to dark blue, and the last ray of light gradually faded.

In the dark blue night, inch by inch climbed into the sky.

"They will eventually return..." The white wizard opened the window and felt the last traces of winter. The cold wind poured into the office, and the phoenix, who was curled up and sleeping, trembled slightly, and buried his body deeper.

"They are here."

Hanging on the wall—in the portraits of the previous principals, the only female principal has a complicated tone.

The expressions of the other portrait principals also changed.

"Albus." The former headmaster Armando Dippet said calmly, "Hogwarts will ask you."

Dumbledore closed the window.

He looked up at the portrait on the wall, imprinted the face of each principal in his heart, and brought the expression into his eyes.

Some are fearful, some are calm, some are encouraging, some are smiling.

But in the end, all the headmasters unified their emotions, and they looked at Dumbledore with smiles and encouragement.

"I'm going to find Professor Ivan." The white wizard said slowly, his voice was a little hoarse, and his tone was full of weakness and grief. "I'll find a way!"

He turned his head and left the office.


He heard the voice of the former headmaster.

"You are the greatest headmaster in the history of Hogwarts." Former headmaster: "Goodbye."

Dumbledore paused, did not look back, and walked down the stairs firmly.

He walked quickly, almost running towards the Arcane Office.

On the way, he saw the panicked expressions of the students, saw a pair of white picture frames, and saw the portrait calmly saying goodbye to the weeping students... Dumbledore hid all the grief in his heart, Go towards the destination.

How can I ask Professor Ivan?

Lower your posture and plead?

Or do you plead as a principal?

Dumbledore considered many situations, but when he stepped into the arcane office, which was not closed, all plans and considerations were all seen when he saw the painting and the young man standing in front of the painting,


"Headmaster Dumbledore, you're here." Zhou Qi turned his head, as if he knew he would come: "I've been waiting for you for a long time."


The door behind him closed on its own.

The light in the room also slowly decreased.

Whether it was an illusion or not, Dumbledore felt the giant oil painting on the wall glowing faintly, as if at this moment, it was the only light source in the room.

Now is not the time to be concerned about this!

Dumbledore stepped forward and said, "Professor Ivan..."

"Shh." Zhou Qi made a quiet gesture, without looking away from the portrait, and said softly, "They are back."

came back?

Dumbledore's attention was involuntarily focused on the oil painting. He opened his eyes wide. In the dark vacuum, a line of English appeared out of thin air.

"Hello, Mr. Albus Dumbledore."

Staring at the greeting on the oil painting, the white wizard felt a chill rise from his spine and climbed up.

"Don't worry." Zhou Qi saw Dumbledore's fear and reassured him, "They are still a painting, and there is no way to affect the three-dimensional world."

"Yes." The oil painting replied in cooperation: "There is an insurmountable barrier between the two-dimensional world and the three-dimensional world. You don't need to be afraid of us. We are beings below the three-dimensional world. As long as you use a magic wand, you can easily destroy us."

"Even if you cross this barrier—"

The floating fluorescence of the magic painting gradually intensified. The white fluorescence has no temperature, but it illuminates the room. In Zhou Qi's eyes, this light is not a light of practical significance, but the brightness of the colors is increasing.

Dumbledore didn't understand the principle of light refraction, but he instinctively noticed the strangeness of this white fluorescent light.

In fact, the principle that life can see things is that light shines on objects and is refracted into the eyes - so pure white, even if it is white out of the sky, as long as it does not refract light, it is dark in human eyes.

The fluorescence of the magic painting goes against this physical rule.

It lifts the tone to create a luminous effect.

This is enough to prove how high the arcane civilization has developed...Unfortunately, it is only a two-dimensional world, the civilization in the portrait.

Zhou Qi sighed softly.

The white fluorescent light gathers together, forming a faint figure in the void, and the whole body is covered by warm white fluorescent light. He can't look down on his face and clothes, but he can clearly feel the difference between it and a real person.


It has no thickness, and when viewed from the side, only a white straight line can be seen.

Dumbledore's worldview was refreshed again, his eyes widened in horror, and the elder wand fell in his hand.

"Is it worth it?" Zhou Qi looked directly at the figure, shook his head and said, "I didn't meet the conditions for dimensional transition, but forced a high-dimensional expansion. Even if you appear in the three-dimensional world, you are still a painting."

"It's worth it. Chao Wendao, you can die in the evening."

The voice of the figure is extremely complex, as if it covers all the vocal ranges of men, women and children.

Zhou Qi turned his head, glanced at Dumbledore who was in shock, and smiled: "Principal, this is the culprit behind the disappearance of the magic painting, and he is now in a high-dimensional state, even if you throw a match , can kill him."

"This is the disadvantage of high-dimensional expansion!" Zhou Qi's eyes fell on the figure again, and he was extremely severe: "All your mass added together is only the weight of the paint in the portrait. A little spark can easily kill you!"

The figure stagnates slightly.

The fluorescent light on his body slowly dissipated, and his body changed, becoming human, elves, dragons, orcs, males, females, children, and old people.

finally stabilized.

He took the form of a young man.

"This image is the savior of Allen's world." The young man looked directly at Zhou Qi: "When we found that the universe was closed, he led us to find hope. You can call me Morey."

Morey bowed: "On behalf of the world of Allen, I came to see you, Lord God."

"—and come to seek answers."

He got up and looked directly at the alchemist, neither humble nor arrogant.

"Why did you create us?"

After Ellen's world first learned from Mrs. Paplow that she was a portrait, it collapsed for a while, and the truth was far more cruel than they imagined.

It is not the gods who created the world, nor the alien captive civilization.

Just a painting.

A toy that doesn't matter, even outside the picture, every wizard can make.

This kind of mental breakdown lasted for fifty years, and the trend of despair and self-destruction penetrated to the bottom of Allen's world until fifty years later, another trend of thought appeared.

Ellen World investigates Mrs. Paplow.

They know a lot of information, including that the magic painting is a replica of a real person, that there is no time passing in the magic painting, that the world of the magic painting can be connected to each other, and that the life of the magic painting is not a real life.


Of all the magic paintings in the world, only they are different.

They have precise physical constants, time rules, and independent biological chains.

They have something that other magic paintings do not exist - id consciousness.

If he is just a created toy, why did the painter set up such a precise and logically consistent biosphere, why did he set up magic elements, and why did he set up physical properties?

Why should the universe be closed to prevent us from communicating with other magic paintings?

If we knew from the very beginning that we are a painting and the life in the painting, there would be no such despair.

"We are special."

The new trend of thought has given Allen's world courage and strength, and they want to know the truth!

PS: Thanks to Mojave Postman for his spicy strips, and thanks to Shuke 1536205882 for his blades

This chapter is a bit difficult to write, it's gone today


Chapter 437 Chapter 78


Dressed in a trench coat and scarf, the Minister of Magic appeared at the gate of Hogwarts with only a confidant secretary.

In front of the precision casting gate, a transparent magic barrier floats.

"Minister, I have notified Hogwarts in advance, and they will come to pick us up soon."

The secretary's tone was somewhat resentful.

Minister of Magic, the highest political official in the wizarding world, with a position equivalent to the Prime Minister of the Muggle world.

Both power and influence are second to none.

When have you encountered such treatment?

Dare to bully even a magic school!

Minister Fudge saw the secretary's resentment, he sighed heavily, and through the precision-cast gate, he looked at the brightly lit castle with shaking figures, and his voice was low: "We have to ask Dumbledore now, so we have to compromise!"

"Pay attention to your words and deeds, don't ruin my affairs."

The secretary's expression froze, and nodded quickly.

The two waited at the door for about ten minutes. With hunched backs, Filch, the administrator with a lantern, walked over quickly. He first used a special magic tool to pull the magic barrier like a curtain. out the channel.

Filled with attentive smiles, he welcomed the two in.

"My lord, I'm really sorry." Filch's face creased and he walked to the right of Connelly-Fudge with a lantern, and said, "It's very chaotic in the castle, I'm a little late!"

"What happened to the castle?" Cornelius-Fudge showed the right look of concern.

"The magic paintings are all gone." Filch danced and swung the lantern in his hand, almost hitting the secretary: "It's all gone, the professors and students are crying!"

Connelly-Fudge was startled for a moment and sighed softly.

When they came to the bright castle, as Filch said, there was a burst of crying.

The students were crying, and so were the ghosts.

The professors also had red eyes, soothing the students.

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