With a swipe.

All the students crowded over.

"Harry Potter!"

"What's the matter?"

Everyone was chattering and vying for the queen.

Hermione clapped the table, exerting the majesty of the monitor and teaching assistant, and immediately shocked the noisy students. She unfolded the newspaper full, and a dozen curious heads leaned against her and read the newspaper.

Ron was directly squeezed out of the crowd and was very upset.

"The Daily Prophet: The European Magic Alliance was established. In addition to the United Kingdom, 27 countries in Europe have dismantled the Ministry of Magic and merged into the alliance to uniformly govern the European magic world. The first president of the alliance was the Dark Lord Harry Potter. ."

"The Daily Prophet: The assistant to the president of the European Magical Union is Olain Black, a British pure-blood wizard family, who has full authority to manage the European wizarding world."

Hermione's eyes brightened.

Her friend, the third Dark Lord, Harry Potter, no longer continued to rule others with violence and terror, but formed the European Magical Alliance to manage the magical world of the entire Europe by agreement.

The European Magical Federation, a magical regime higher than a single country.

As the president, Harry Potter is the most powerful boy in Europe.

"so cool!"

Ron squeezed into the crowd and said loudly, "When I graduate, I'll go to Harry! Hahaha, you know, Percy is looking for me secretly and wants me to beg Harry to arrange an internship for him. Work!"

Hermione rolled her eyes at her friend, listening to the exclamations and admiration coming from behind, she sighed softly and closed the newspaper.

Compared to Ron who didn't understand, the Muggle-born Hermione naturally understood what the EU was.

President of the European Union....

Harry is getting further and further away from us!

You can't be surpassed by him too much!

Hermione drove away the people around her and buried herself in the book.

Draco Malfoy hurriedly walked in the castle with his head down. Both of his followers were gone, or in other words, he had no servants, no honor, no pride, and only hated people.

Because his parents were Death Eaters and they both invaded Hogwarts.

Although up to now, the British Ministry of Magic is still too busy to deal with the Death Eaters, and they Malfoy, the pure-blooded twenty-seven family, are not like the lonely Black family, they are all invested in the European Magic League.

This has led to the fact that the European Magical League, which has completed the transformation, does not recognize the British pure-blood family.

The Ministry of Magic also hated the Twenty-Seven Purebloods.

Not to mention Hogwarts, which had only been invaded by the Death Eaters.

Draco felt unpleasant like never before. He was looked at with discriminatory eyes by anyone who passed by. No one wanted to interact with him, even his former valet had left him.

Just because of the family.

The family that used to be proud is now a mark of shame.

There are also senior students who have always disliked him, bullying him when they find an opportunity, Draco's pride is gone, he feels what it is like to be bullied, and how Harry Potter was in the beginning. experience.


Is it my fault that I was born into a pure blood family?

During the Battle of Hogwarts, I was clearly on the side of Hogwarts, can't you see this?

Draco's full of resentment has nowhere to vent, he can only accept exclusion, bullying and violence in silence, no one will come to help him, Harry Potter still has friends and professors, he has nothing!

Gryffindor lounge area.

Ginny Weasley sat quietly on the sofa, reading the latest issue of the Daily Prophet.

At this moment, she heard the shutter sound.

Ginny frowned and looked over in displeasure. Colin Creevey, who was holding the camera, rubbed his head dryly and said, "I'm sorry, you looked too much like a painting just now, I, I will immediately delete it!"

Colin deleted the photo, glanced at the newspaper on Ginny's lap, and cried out in surprise.

"Harry Potter!"

After speaking, he carefully looked around, and he was relieved that there was no commotion.

Harry Potter was very much talked about at Hogwarts.

Most people believe that Hogwarts can be retained, thanks to Harry Potter's final change of heart, otherwise it is a question whether they can still enter the school safely. In this way, everyone's feelings about Harry Potter are extremely complicated.

Gratitude, regret, fear, disgust.

Thanks to Harry Potter's identity as the Dark Lord, the latter two are higher.

Colin is the exception.

He admired Harry Potter immensely.

After the two read the newspaper together, Colin said with emotion, "As expected of Harry Potter, he can easily do things that we can't do!"

"When will he come back?" Colin said with longing: "I want to express my gratitude and guilt to him in person." His expression darkened and he whispered, "I regret ignoring him before, I'm afraid of ignoring him. Li, will be bullied by others!"

Ginny folded the newspaper and said calmly, "I think he will understand."

"Really?" Colin was excited: "Guess when he will come back?"

Ginny's body was slightly stiff, her head was lowered, her voice was muffled.

"It won't come back." She took a deep breath. "He and we are from two different worlds, and won't come back."

Ignoring the stunned Colin, Ginny Weasley concealed the grief in his heart and returned to the dormitory.


Principal's office.

The afternoon spring is bright.

Dumbledore hugged Phoenix, sat quietly behind the desk, looked at the man in front of him, and sighed softly.

"Professor Lupin, do you want to leave too?"

Lupin was a little embarrassed. He put his resignation letter on the table lightly and said, "Blake needs my help. He said that the new European Magical Union is still fragile, and I need to help Harry manage it."

"Yes." Dumbledore put away his resignation and smiled: "Compared to Hogwarts, where my authority has lost its power, the European Magical Union has a broader future."

Lupin quickly explained: "No, I didn't leave for the future!"

Dumbledore laughed and said, "I'm just joking... Well, Professor Lupin, can you please continue to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts for the last month and a half, you know, this course is really not Looking for a teacher!"

Lupin said happily: "Of course, now, Principal, the Lord Voldemort you were worried about is gone, and the curse that plagued this course must also be gone."

The two joked for a while, and Lupin left the office consciously.

Dumbledore's smile gradually faded.

He looked out the window at the black lake and mountains that returned to the earth in spring, stroked the phoenix feathers, and his eyes flickered.

It was three days after the Battle of Hogwarts that he woke up and knew what had happened.

Naturally, he remembered the Christmas prophecy three years ago.

Sure enough, it was the night of the full moon, and Voldemort was gone.

But he never imagined that Harry Potter would become the third Dark Lord. Faced with this ending, he didn't know whether to be happy or helpless. If he wasn't fascinated by the potion, he didn't know how to deal with Voldemort. How much effort is spent.

How many people died.

And now, Hogwarts has only suffered a little damage, so Voldemort's heart problem has been solved without any casualties, which is considered a complete success.

As for the third Dark Lord, he wasn't worried.

With Black and Lupin, Harry would never go the way of the Dark Lord.

The only thing I'm not sure about now is whether all of this is in Professor Ivan's calculations - even now, Harry Potter has formed the European Magic Alliance, and if he continues to think about it, whose interests are the greatest?

Professor Ivan.


There are a few people Harry Potter trusts the most, but the one who can say he trusts the most is only Professor Ivan who can compete with Black.

Maybe even higher.

Even Black trusts Professor Ivan wholeheartedly, because he can survive because of the magic tools made by Professor Ivan.

If you think so, then the European Magic League will also become a card in the hands of Professor Ivan.

Dumbledore shuddered.

Peace is restored in Europe, and Harry Potter is in power, but Zhou Qi is standing behind the European Magic Alliance. If he wants to advance or reform anything, the entire European magic circle will have no resistance.

Perhaps the only resistance comes from the UK.

The UK is now the only country that has not joined the European Magical Union.

Dumbledore suddenly thought of something, he opened the drawer and took out a secret letter.

This is a secret letter from the secret son of the Ministry of Magic arranged by the Order of the Phoenix. The Minister of Magic Connelly Fudge has been placed on the pillar of shame and has fled and disappeared. Deputy Minister - Dolores Umbridge.

In the photo is a curly-haired woman in a pink coat with an elegant smile. When Cornelius lost power, she resolutely turned against the tide, stood for justice, and of course became the new Minister of Magic.

At this moment, the pub in the village of Hodemog.

The new Minister of Magic had an attentive smile on his face, bowed and nodded, without the grace and grace shown in the photo.

In front of her stood the new Headmaster of Ravenclaw.

"Connelly's wrong decision for Hogwarts, ha... The President of the Magic Alliance is unimaginable. I have sent someone to issue a warrant and will definitely arrest him!"

Umbridge's attitude was very low.

"Professor Ivan, only you can help me and help the Ministry of Magic get out of trouble!"

She took office on a temporary basis. Although she took over the power of the Ministry of Magic by cleaning up the old Connelly Ministry, the British Ministry of Magic had already exhausted its authority at this time, and its control over the magical world had dropped to freezing point.

If you want to save all of this, if you want to stabilize your position and power, you can only embrace the European Magic Alliance.

Umbridge has no capital to negotiate conditions with Harry Potter. All she can think of is Zhou Qi, who has the closest relationship with Harry Potter.

Facing the pleas of the new Minister of Magic.

Zhou Qi smiled.

"Minister, it's actually very easy to restore the decline. I can also help the Ministry of Magic regain its power step by step."

Umbridge was excited, but heard a turning point.

She hurriedly said, "Professor Ivan, if you have any requests, please feel free to mention them!"

Zhou Qi clapped his hands, and a big boy walked in outside the door.

A boy with black hair, freckles, and at a loss.

"This is Moore Arnold, a Hufflepuff student. He will be in the seventh grade next year. I hope the minister can invite him to be your assistant." Zhou Qiping smiled peacefully: "Although he is a bit dumb, he has a strong learning ability. ."

Moore pursed his lips and looked sincerely at the somewhat dumbfounded Minister of Magic.

Umbridge's eyes were dull, looking at Zhou Qi with a little panic.

She understood what it meant.

The other party's condition is to control the British Ministry of Magic through Moore Arnold!

And this condition, she couldn't refuse.

She couldn't give up power.

Although after agreeing to this condition, she could only become a false Minister of Magic, but Umbridge could only grit her teeth and agreed, and she left Hodemogg a little lost.

Moore was very puzzled.

To be an assistant to the Minister of Magic is something that every ambitious student longs for, including Percy from the Weasleys. If he knew that he could become an assistant minister so easily, he would have lost his sour teeth.

Ke Moore is not an ambitious person.

The only thing he deserves credit for is his blind worship of Zhou Qi, which started from the troll attack in his third grade.

"Don't worry." Zhou Qi patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I will teach you how to do it. It's very simple. This woman Umbridge has too much desire and is too easy to control."

"As long as you follow my instructions, it won't take long for you to change from assistant to regular."

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