The young man got up and looked at the priest outside the prison.

"Mortals and wizards have an indelible hatred, and this hatred will spread and never stop." The young man grabbed Phoenix's ankle and said to the silent priest, "There is absolutely no possibility of living in harmony!"

The phoenix let out a high-pitched cry, and with the youth turned into flames, disappeared into the prison.

The priest looked at the flames flickering toward the sky outside the iron window of the cage, put his palms on the Bible, prayed softly, and sighed in a low voice.

The night was very deep, the young man grabbed the phoenix and flew higher and higher.

He looked down at the city under his feet. The soldiers were roaring in the chaos, the mortals were screaming in fear, and the orange light of the torches was on the wall, in the city, in the city lord's mansion.

Those arrows couldn't reach the sky where he was.

The ancient city is getting farther and farther, and finally there are only pink dots left.

Instead, it is a dark and dark earth, without any light, a land that hides countless secrets and sins.


"Are you a wizard?"

The Muggle in front of him asked with a smile. Albus Dumbledore's eyes narrowed, and he looked at his clothes without a trace. He was wearing Muggle clothes, and even his wand turned into a hat.

He, how did he know my identity?

Dumbledore was a little confused, no, why would a Muggle know wizards?

"Don't worry." The store owner said with a smile, "I recognize you as a wizard because you have no common sense of modern technology, and you are exactly the same as the wizards I've seen."

"Have you seen other wizards?"

Dumbledore quickly adjusted his mind.

"Of course, there are wizards in our town too!" The store owner took out a bottle of iced Coke, opened the cap and handed it to Dumbledore: "They are all working on the farm now, I can ask my son to show you, maybe You know it too."

Dumbledore took the Coke, very uncomfortable.

"Is your son also a wizard?"

"Of course not." The store owner sighed: "If only my son was a wizard, but this **** can't do anything, except to hook up with the little girl next door!"

Dumbledore became more and more confused.

"If your family is not a wizard, how do you know about a wizard?"

Store owner: "It's not a secret, we all know it in town!"

Two months ago, a couple came to this border town in California and lived here. In the days that followed, the couple showed their magic and helped the townspeople.

"We were a little uneasy when we first started... After all, magic, we've only heard of it in fairy tales," the store owner said. He used magic to cure old John's lame leg for more than ten years, and also helped the farmland grow!"

The Muggle was amazed: "I don't know if you've seen a potato as big as a stone mill. Several guys in the town pushed it together. During that time, we were tired of eating potatoes!"

Dumbledore pursed his lips and his eyes flickered.

"Aren't you afraid of wizards?"

"What are you talking about?" said the store owner, "We're not ungrateful bastards. People use magic to help us, so why should we be afraid of them? The Lacombes also said that magic is a skill, it's just a learning condition. Be harsh!"

It's the first time I've been accused by a Muggle.

Dumbledore looked at this peaceful little town. He couldn't imagine how harmonious the life of wizards and Muggles could be.

"Can you take me to see them?" Dumbledore asked.

Under the leadership of the boss's son, Dumbledore went to the farmland outside the town.

He felt the fluctuation of magic power.

A couple dressed as farmers, standing beside the farmland, waving their wands.

Clear water appeared out of nowhere, and was manipulated into a stream of water, which was poured into the soil. The witch chanted a spell and sprinkled seeds while there were Muggle farmers driving machinery and cultivating the land.

"Mr. Lacombe!"

The store owner's son waved his arms and shouted.

The wizard turned his head and waved his arms at him as well. Then quickly walked over.

"Why are you here?" He looked at the boy, then moved to Dumbledore, rubbed the dirt on his hands nervously, and said, "Who are you?"

Dumbledore took off his hat and changed back to his wand.

"Oh!" Lacombe shouted to his wife in surprise, "Honey, we have a guest!"

In the shade of trees not far from the farmland.

The wizard couple sat opposite Dumbledore.

"Mr. Lacombe." Dumbledore glanced at the Muggles in the farmland in the distance, and his expression became serious: "Do you know what you are doing?"

The wizard couple looked at each other strangely.

"Are you a wizard from out of state?" Lacombe suddenly laughed: "It's no wonder that wizards from other places are always not used to it when they first arrive. It doesn't matter, you will soon be attracted to California."

"After all, this is the only place in the world where we can live under the sun."

Dumbledore looked at the heartfelt smiles of the couple, but felt chills.

"What happened here..." He said with difficulty, "Why can wizards live with No-Maji?"

"It's all because of Mr. Grindelwald."

The witch said happily: "His arrival has changed the magical world of California."

In the explanation of the husband and wife, Dumbledore understood everything.

Everything started two months ago.

At that time, wizards and No-Maji were still separated from each other. Wizards obeyed non-disclosure agreements, concealed their identities, and lived far away from No-Maji.

Until one day, a strange wizard came to their settlement.

This strange wizard claims to be a member of the Deathly Hallows Society. His arrival will change the wizard's life. The purpose is to allow wizards to live in the sun, to use magic freely, and to hide their identity without fear.

"In the beginning, no one wanted to believe his ideas, and no one followed."

Lacombe said: "But this wizard infects us day by day with his actions, and slowly, a group of young people are willing to follow him to take the first step. Ashamed to say, we enjoy the fruit instead. The second batch."

The witch added: "Young wizards follow these ideals, go to different towns, work for wizards and No-Maj to live together, we have magic, but we don't use it to hurt others, but to help and protect others. "

"That's why the townspeople recognize us."

Lacombe held his wife's hand and smiled knowingly.

"Magic and wizards are no secret in California. We can use magic to live a better life, be respected by others, and enjoy the fruits of technological civilization."

"If you live in California for a while, you don't want to leave!"

The wizard couple made a promise.

Dumbledore was silent for a long time.

"What about the Magic Congress? Are they not responding?"

Lacombe smiled confidently: "It has never been, I believe Congress has also recognized the current life!"

After this conversation, Dumbledore stayed in the town until evening.

He observed the life of the town. The wizard couple was not treated rudely here. The host would go to the pub with his neighbors to drink after a day's work, and the hostess would knit a sweater while watching the TV broadcast. comedy movie.

Occasionally, the two of them will use magic to provide convenience to the townspeople.

For example, carrying heavy objects, treating patients.

Magic in this town is just a bit of a habit.

The next day,

Dumbledore declined the enthusiastic wizard couple and went to Western California where Grindelwald is located. He did not arrive directly with Apparition, but was down-to-earth and experienced this unique country first-hand.

Every town, every village.

There are wizards living.

During the journey, Dumbledore heard many stories, wizards fight against black-hearted capitalists, wizards help No-Maj from poverty to food and clothing, the more you go to the core area of ​​California, the higher the status of wizards.

This status is not obtained by strength, but by hard work, hard work, and kindness.

Finally, the increasingly silent Dumbledore came to the west.

He saw Grindelwald.

"You are finally here." Grindelwald dressed as a Muggle wiped the sweat on his forehead, looked at the reclaimed wheat field with satisfaction, and turned back: "Our ideal has finally come true, here, wizards and Muggles are not separated. each other's lives."

PS: Thanks for the blade of the detective who never lies

Calvinka lost a lot of hair yesterday

There is one more chapter tonight


Chapter 466 Chapter 107 New York Wizarding Movement

Dumbledore saw Grindelwald in this dress for the first time.

Leaning on a hoe, looking ashamed, his trousers rolled up.

Like an ordinary farmer.

Such a state can appear in any person, but it is impossible for Grindelwald. He is an ambitious, delicate and clean-minded Dark Lord who is unwilling to get blood stained even when killing people.

"You knew I would come?"

Dumbledore was silent for a long time before speaking slowly.

"I'll know when you come to California." Grindelwald walked out of the field, his bare feet covered with black silt, marking the ground, and he approached Dumbledore.

"I have been guiding you to my side."

The Dark Lord approaches.

The white wizard stepped back cautiously and pulled away.

Grindelwald found this, stopped and kept a short distance.

He smiled indifferently, turned sideways, and introduced this field of wheat to his friend and enemy in destiny.

"This used to be the most resource-poor place in California. From here to the mountains, it was full of uncultivated sandy soil. I worked hard with the members of the community to transform this land."

It's like sharing your achievements with your friends.

Grindelwald picked up a full grain of grain and handed it to Dumbledore with a smile.

Dumbledore hesitated for a while, then stretched out his hand to take it. The grains of this grain of grain were full, with traces of magic power and a strong aroma of wheat. He looked away from the grain of grain and looked at the golden wheat field.

"What the **** are you doing, Gellert."

The white wizard's voice was slightly dry.

Grindelwald did not answer directly, but looked at the town behind the wheat field. It was the only town in the vicinity, with incomplete infrastructure, twenty kilometers from the nearest supermarket, and a town that almost no one cared about.

"This town is the poorest town in California, with 200 inhabitants and an annual family income of less than 10,000. The young people in the town go to big cities to work hard, leaving only the young children and the elderly."

"It's a place with no future."

Grindelwald's voice was soft.

"This town is not the poorest place in America, there are some poorer towns in some central and southern states." He turned his head and looked at the white wizard seriously: "And here is America, Earth. the most powerful and richest country in the world.”

Dumbledore was silent.

Grindelwald: "Africa, Southeast Asia, India, the Middle East, there are billions of precarious Muggles all over the world. They are hungry, miserable, desperate, but no one can save them."

His speech speed suddenly increased, his emotions gradually increased, and he waved his arms like a charging general.

"And we can save them, Albus!"

"Magic can transform nature, we can bring them food; magic can stop war, we can bring them peace!" said Grindelwald excitedly: "Come and help me, Albus, just like Godrey back then. It's the same as in the valley!"

The Dark Lord looked at the White Wizard expectantly.

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