That evening, more than a dozen buses drove into the port, and then groups of young men gathered under the leadership of their respective captains, and then the so-called Zhenyara lined up to board the Black Fish and sat quietly in the cargo hold.

After confirming that all these guys were on board, Shepard waved his hand, and then several security guards stepped forward and locked the hatch with large iron chains.

Then, another motorcade came, and Smith, dressed in pajamas, walked down with another team of company security.

“All done! Boss!

“Well, let’s go then! I’ll go to sleep for a while, and when I arrive, remember to call me!

Smith nodded, and then walked into the room prepared for himself, he was an old man, he couldn’t stay up any night, and the opportunity to exercise was given to the young man!

“Let’s go!”

Shepard came to the bridge, and after greeting the captain, he sat in the back position, he could not plug in the boat, just sit quietly! Immediately, after

a month’s rest, the Negrofish set sail again, slowly sailed out of the port, and in the open sea, two other container ships full of arms and supplies were already waiting here, and the Negrofish stepped forward and completed the formation with the other two ships, and immediately sailed into the vast night.

And when the three freighters set sail, an invisible radio wave also emanated from the port, and then, in a military camp in the capital of Yala, the radio wave turned into a code and converted into letters, and then passed to a tall man.

“The latest news from the Nightingale, Comrade Perseus!”

“It seems that these capitalist lackeys are really deceived!” The

tall man in a sea soul shirt crumpled up the telegram documents, and then strode out, and the room he had just left was also full of soldiers operating the radio, except that the uniforms of these soldiers were not the uniforms of the Yala army, but the uniforms of the Cuban army. After walking

out of the room, the man named Perseus slammed his fist on the siren outside the house, and a sharp siren sounded over the camp.

“Da crooked, Da crooked!”

Along with the sound of the siren, there was a loud urging.

Groups of elite soldiers, heavily armed, carrying backpacks and carrying weapons in their hands, ran out of the room and quickly formed a square line at the urging of the officers. And in the

sound of sirens, it seems that the rumbling of artillery can still be heard in the distance.

For when Yala had more Cuban troops, the Americans still knew nothing, even Shepard and a few veterans still gathered in front of the broadcast to listen to the good news from the front, the current counteroffensive Yala guerrillas have arrived under the capital, in the report, the Yala regular army seems to have given up the defense, the current capital is like a crumbling broken house, as long as they kick it, they can make it finished.

“What are the Yala government forces doing, and where have they all been transferred?”

Shepard did not understand at all that when the uprising, the Yala rebel army was so strong that it flattened the entire Yala in almost a week, not only chopping off the heads of the executives of the previous government, but even the embassies in Europe and the United States were easily taken down.

“yes, it doesn’t make any sense!”

Plomri also found it strange, he even had a map in hand, drawing it while listening to the war report, and then he came to a conclusion.

“Either Castillo is lying, or the government forces are not defending at all, otherwise there is no way to explain that these guys’ light infantry of a few hundred men can advance fifty kilometers along the road in one day!”

“Fifty kilometers forward, unimpeded, right?”

Shepard glanced at the map, and the straight-line distance from their destination, the port in the southwest of Yala, to Esperanza, the capital of Yala, was two hundred kilometers, and it was only two hundred and seventy kilometers along the road, and the current belligerent partisans had advanced a full two hundred kilometers in less than four days, and the Germans did not exaggerate the blitzkrieg.

“Looking at it this way, when we arrive, they seem to be able to take the capital!”

“There is a possibility, but I want to know more about what the Yala government forces are doing!”

“Could it be that you are preparing to run?”

A veteran thought that his witticism would make everyone giggle, and he was the only one who was ridiculous, so he was embarrassed to continue laughing and hurriedly put forward another guess of his own.

“Could it be that the other party still wants to outflank him?”

Several people could not guess the answer, and finally had to give up, Shepard simply changed the radio channel, from news to music, and then the beautiful Latin American songs on the radio fluttered and swirled leisurely on the deck.

“John, have you ever wondered what Smith will do when he retires?”

“I want to take over Pegasus and make a little transformation!”

Shepard did not hide it, and directly told Plomri what he was saying.

“Transformation? Do what?


“What do you mean? I don’t quite understand! “I want to be a contractor, the kind that can contract everything, need arms, we can sell him arms, we need the army,

we can provide him with the army, in short, the kind that does everything!”

“Are you kidding, contracting wars, then who will pay for it, and where are you looking for people?”

“Whoever has money pays, as for people, Lao Pu, do you know that once the Vietnam War is over, then the last thing we lack is people!”

“Are you so sure?”

“It’s not a certainty, it’s a guarantee that within three years, the United States will find a way to leave Vietnam, and then so many retired veterans who can only shoot and kill, how will the government resettle?”

Plomri anticipated the prospects described by Shepard, and then had to admit that this guy was right, so many retired soldiers, and even retired personnel from South Vietnam, South Korea, Australia and other countries, it can be said that if what Shepard said is true, then in the future, he will have a steady stream of manpower supplements!

“But what about the funds, who are you fighting with?”

“Didn’t I say that whoever has money will work for whomever has money!”

“Who has money?”

Plomri was just about to ask rhetorically, and then he thought about the present, yes, aren’t they just working for Uncle Sam now? It’s just that the business isn’t as extensive as Shepard describes.

“So, are you going to help me?”

“Let me think again!”

Plomly shook his head, he really hadn’t thought about it, but Shepard was very right about one thing, he had gray hair since he fought in the Korean War until now, but he really had nothing to do except fight.

“I’ve even thought of a future company name!”

“What name did you come up with?”

“Shadow Corporation!”

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