“We have to adjust our tactics!”

When Ike rejected the proposal of the United Mines and returned to the tent of the temporary headquarters, he happened to see François studying the map, and the other party eagerly drew the marking line on the map like an empowerment, and then pointed it to his subordinates.

“Focus on breakthroughs, the other side can also focus on defense, we have the advantage in numbers, then we should change our thinking, we open the offensive, they will also spread the defense, at that time, we will attack the weak link!”

“But if we do this, we will suffer a lot of casualties, and just run back a few brothers, except for them, the rest of the people will either die in battle or surrender!”

“Now that I can’t care about any casualties, what conditions did that guy just open?”

“He said he could give us two hundred people and let us work for United Mining!”

“That’s good, promise him!”

François said nonchalantly, and Ek was stunned when he saw it.

“Head, you are?”

“Aren’t we short of people, promise him to send people immediately, preferably some bullet grenades!”

“Got it!”

Ike also reacted, his good brother wanted to prostitute in vain, and immediately nodded and agreed.

“Then if the other party sends someone, how do we arrange it?” “Let them attack the factory

area along the main road, send them trucks and jeeps, our people, continue to attack from the northern and southern highlands, the southern front does not need to do anything, it is only necessary to contain the enemy, if they want to give up, then directly press, the northern line goes around from the riverbed, we do not enter the soil mountain, directly insert the factory area!”

“What about the snipers, their snipers blocked both sides of the riverbed and forcibly broke through?”

“I just asked people to unload the steel plate on the truck, although it is a bit heavy, but it is still no problem to find a shelf on it, the river plate is very dry now, and there is no problem running the truck!”

“Understand, when will the attack begin then?”

François looked at the sky, it was close to six o’clock in the afternoon, although the sun had not yet set, but the sun had become blood red, and even the animals on the steppe were active.

“Tomorrow morning, the last day, we will win the battle!”

After all, it is not a warlord melee, everyone is in a position there to fight for a year without stopping, and the Shadow Company can fight for three days has been beyond François’s expectations, they were ready to solve the battle in one day, and even the logistics were not well prepared, but now it dragged on to two days, the dead and wounded were almost half, in order to ensure that the brethren had enough to eat and have a place to live, François even took the black mercenaries down to work, anyway, these guys can’t stand anything.

The black mercenaries led by Sack have all turned into orderlies at this moment, serving tea and water to the white mercenaries, washing and cooking, and the fierce battle in these two days has made Sack understand that this matter has nothing to do with him, just honestly watch each other fight on the side.

Even François asked the black mercenaries to cut down trees on the spot and build a temporary bathhouse on the highlands, boiling water here and washing there, so that his subordinates could relax, and the blood and water with mud that was washed away also seeped into the dry soil of the highlands little by little.

As for the Shadow Company, the helicopter again flew at night, bringing more ammunition and supplies to Hannibal, and then transporting the bodies of the daytime dead, who according to the contract were to be returned to their relatives, along with the bodies, as well as their pensions.

And Hannibal also took advantage of this short break to hold a simple farewell party.

Familiar PMCs come in shifts to say goodbye to their familiar dead, although the company has been established for less than eight months, but the PMCs who signed the contract get along very well, although they are not yet able to reach the situation of brothers and sisters, but they are also harmonious, the old people will take the initiative to help newcomers familiarize themselves with the situation, and there is no discrimination and oppression, so everyone has something to say about the departed friends.

Hannibal did not participate in the farewell party, although he also had a lot to say, but after all, the battle was not over, so he decisively took advantage of the night to inspect several defensive positions currently controlled by the Shadow Company, whether it was a high ground or a mining area, the current state of the PMC was not bad, although there were few people, but the reasonable rotation allowed each PMC to get enough rest, hot food and dessert also ensured morale, and even the music played during the war relieved everyone’s tense nerves, But that state of affairs also can’t last long, after all, contractors are not soldiers.

“But such days will soon be over, no more than two days, I promise everyone!”

Hannibal’s guarantee is not a blank promise, it is completely according to the battle plan, at present, the Shadow Company has caused enough killing to the mercenaries, so that the other party has reached a state where it is difficult to ride a tiger, in order to recover the losses as much as possible, the other party will definitely do whatever it takes, and this is the opportunity for the Shadow Company to fight back, how the BHP mine is, it does not matter to the Shadow Company, it just exists as an extremely sweet, bait that can lure mercenaries. And then, when the

bait comes into play, when the mercenaries begin to go deeper at all costs, completely ignoring the threat behind them, that’s when they counterattack.

In order to achieve this goal, Shepard also used his trump card, he released Osaba again, let him go to contact Sakral, they will be responsible for cutting off the mercenaries’ back road, so that François completely lost the logistical supply guarantee.

And the next morning, when a mercenary delivered François’s ultimatum, Hannibal knew that the opportunity he had been waiting for had arrived!

He again seriously rebuffed the other side, and then ordered all the fire teams to confirm the situation and report at any time, and when it was confirmed that François had launched an all-round attack, François immediately sent Shepard the agreed codename.

He himself gave the latest orders to all PMCs except the southern highlands.

“If the opposite side attacks strongly, then you use the fiercest firepower, fight and retreat, remember, don’t look at how many people you killed, but see how many people you can attract!”

The mining area is a big burden for the Shadow Company at the moment, and with this baggage, they can’t let go of their hands and feet and work with each other, but if they throw the burden to the mercenaries, it is not the Shadow Company that is bound by their hands and feet!

“Now, it’s the general’s turn!”

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