Although he said that Western journalists were not listened to, Shepard still sorted out his clothes a little, such as changing into a new blazer and inner lined jacket, and his leather boots were also taken care of by orderlies and even used as mirrors.

Then, he found that this so-called Belgian Times reporter seemed to be a little wrong.

It’s not that the reporter is crooked and squinted, it’s hard for a mature intellectual woman in her thirties not to make people feel good about her, but the other party’s attention is all on Bao Man, a middle-aged man with a successful career in his fifties, a thirty-year-old intellectual big sister, and most importantly, the Belgian Times is a financial newspaper, and the other party is reporting on United Mining.

Of course, the female reporter named Casilla did not say nothing, and after a brief chat with Shepard, she recorded a line in the notebook.

United Mining has entered into a new cooperation agreement with a U.S. security company to provide more reliable security for the mining transportation process. The delay in the delivery of United Mining has shocked the company and investors a

lot, and even made many investors waver, so United Mining wanted to invite reporters from financial newspapers to do on-site interviews, the purpose is to let investors understand that the problem has been solved, and the mining company still has a promising future. Therefore, the

matter of Baoman advertising the shadow company out of kindness ended up yellow, and the female reporter obviously wanted to quickly complete the interview task and then conduct in-depth research on financial issues with the other party, so she didn’t even sit hot on her ass and hurriedly left, and when she left, she didn’t forget to leave a note for Bao Man.

“This, this, this!”

Bao Man looked at the departing reporter, and immediately wanted to explain two sentences, but Shepard waved his hand.

“Stop sorting those, give me the list!”

In order to let the shadow company make a move, Bauman promised Shepard’s remuneration in addition to funds, including six-wheeled trucks and a large number of NATO standard ammunition, explosives for demolition, and professional blasting engineers, these things are nothing for United Mining, but because Shepard wants brand new goods, so these things have to be shipped from Europe, as for the funds, Bauman paid directly with gold, anyway, it was the gold of the Congolese, and they were not distressed. In addition to these, Bauman also signed an exclusive contract on behalf of United Mining and Shadow Company, as

long as United Mining needs to hire security anywhere in the world, then it can only find Shadow Company, although it sounds like an overlord clause, in fact, it is also a overlord clause, but Bauman or United Mining and it doesn’t matter, after all, their crotch pulling guard force is really humiliating this time, United Mining is already preparing a layoff plan, they are ready to let these shameful guards all graduate, and transfer this kind of high-quality talent to European society.

Shepard didn’t know that he had inadvertently let hundreds of people lose their jobs, but it didn’t matter if he knew, unemployment is unemployment, it’s a big deal to receive relief at home, where to eat is not to eat?

In fact, Shepard wants to build a line through Bauman and the Belgian Herstal Ordnance Company, after all, Herstar is also a small famous ordnance company, whether it is digging walls or buying things, it is a very good object, of course, Herstar is only its full name, the abbreviation of this company is called FN.

No matter how he is also several versions of the Reborn, Shepard has long prepared a package of original plans, he is ready to go the way of others and leave others with nowhere to go. However, it is

a pity that there is no Herstal company among Bauman’s acquaintances, so there is little hope for the matchmaking, but the supply of bullets is not a problem, Herstal company’s main product is the 7.62mm FAL combat rifle, whether it is a bullet or a rifle, but it is a first-class military product, which is much more cost-effective than shipping from the United States.

In short, after completing the package of documents that should be signed and the formalities that should be carried out, the time has come to March 1971, and Shepard has not even felt the atmosphere of the New Year.

However, after a bunch of busy things, the Shadow Company was finally a lot idle, there were no mercenaries who came to find trouble, and those tribes that disobeyed discipline did not want to provoke the heavily armed PMCs, so the daily workload of the entire company was greatly reduced. Shepard, as the boss of the company, naturally knows what to do at this moment, the old employees in the company have been coming to Africa for almost a year, and they have walked through the

rain of bullets, although everyone has done a lot of bad things, but also made a lot of money, so he decisively started the PMC rotation, and the four detachments went home in batches to visit relatives.

After learning that they can take vacation, the happiest naturally belongs to that group of Korean employees, most of them came to Africa for that salary, and now their pockets are bulging, so they naturally have to hurry back to show off.

However, American employees and Vietnamese employees did not react, they have not adapted to a peaceful life after many years of war, and it is better to stay here and find something to do every day to spend some extra energy.

As for Shepard, he did not go back, but found a language training course in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and learned the local language, after all, in the current situation, if the shadow company wants to become bigger and stronger, it is inseparable from the resources and markets provided by Africa, so it does not hurt to learn a few local languages, and it can even be more convenient to communicate with locals to avoid misunderstandings.

In addition to learning to recharge, Shepard even went around South Africa, not to travel there, but to see if South Africa has a market to explore, South Africa at this time is not what Mandela looked like after he came to power, South Africa ruled by whites is extremely active at the moment, as the son of Africa with Britain, South Africa tries to emulate its old father, trying to create its own independent small world in the south of Africa, for which South Africa has carried out a lot of foreign military intervention, from Rhodesia to Angola, South Africa can be seen everywhere to intervene. But unfortunately,

these are not the current shadow companies can intervene, but Shepard found a lot of good things in the South African arms market, but unfortunately he also can’t eat it.

At this moment, Shepard suddenly missed Smith, and the other party’s network can always come in handy at such times, but unfortunately he is not able to take over at the moment.

Perhaps hearing Shepard’s call, a telegram from Kinshasa was delivered to him when he returned to the DRC from South Africa.

Uncle Smith, whom he had in mind, had arrived in Kinshasa, and the other party sent a telegram to Shepard and left an address for Shepard to come to him.

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