The next door that Helen is talking about is naturally not the next door to Katanga province, but the next door to Angola, which was later called Namibia, which was originally colonized by Germany in Southwest Africa, and was handed over to the South African Mandate after the end of World War I, and after the end of World War II, South Africa forcibly annexed Namibia and tried to use this as a springboard to establish a new post-war order in Africa led by South Africa.

South Africa has also been sanctioned by the United Nations, although it is useless, the territory that should be occupied is still occupied, and even South Africa continues to expand its influence outward, in some ways, South Africa is also a colonial power, although it colonizes the place on its doorstep. Like Angola, Namibia is also

in turmoil, and Namibia’s black uncles are dissatisfied with the white government of South Africa ruling them and have been fighting for independence, but South Africa is not a soft persimmon, and the two sides have exchanged views on such a land in a cordial and friendly physics.

And South Africa is also worthy of being a former colony with Britain, three punches and two kicks, indeed hit the black uncle wow, can only find a way to shake people outside.

Of course, in addition to Namibia, South Africa has a lot of places, Rhodesia, that is, the famous Zimbabwe, before the white government was overthrown, it was also South Africa that strongly supported Rhodesia in the brutal suppression of local blacks, so in North Africa and Central Africa, look for the French, and in the southern region there are problems, then look for South Africa.

“You mean we buy arms from South Africans and transfer them to Zabi?”

“That’s right, if a single source of weapons is noticed by someone with a heart, the problem can be detected quickly, and if you want to hide your identity, then you must muddy the water!”

“But isn’t that a bit redundant?” The weapons in stock in the DRC arsenal are FAL rifles from Belgium and a

considerable part of the old World War II FN49 semi-automatic rifles, and the South African Army is also a FAL rifle, the difference is that one is produced in Belgium, and the other is produced by South Africa itself, it can be said that the appearance is not bad, the difference is that the handguard stock and shooting mode will be slightly different.

“But if we don’t muddy the waters, the Portuguese will stare at us deadly!”

“It is!”

“And, most importantly, you have to understand Pinch, Zabi!”


Shepard raised his eyebrows, although what he said was indeed correct, but it came out of the other party’s mouth, and it was still a very blunt exposition of the word pinching.

“Are you all so blunt in Oxford?”

“It’s the same with Cambridge next door!”

“Elite education, really extraordinary!”

Shepard is a man of good work, there are not many black people under him, Sakral is busy sending guns and cannons to Angola, then he can only let Osaba appear, he will go to Namibia and South Africa in the name of the Angolan Liberation Front to contact, the latter in Africa is equivalent to the Gestapo Europe, although it is not to say the degree of smell and crying, but it can also be regarded as a dog hatred. In the past, Shepard was

worried that the guerrillas would be violently bombarded by the Portuguese regular army, so whether it was guns or bullets, he basically gave as much as he wanted, but now, Shepard decided to get stuck according to the needs of the guerrillas.

Of course, if Zabi took out real money, then Shepard would definitely not be so buttoned, and he would find a way to get the cannon if the other party wanted it.

When Zabi learned that supplies had to be cut due to transportation and supply problems, the whole person looked extremely disappointed, and he did not doubt Shepard’s statement, after all, the latter also said that he was a volunteer, and the lack of supplies was also desirable.

“But I want to launch a counterattack!”


Shepard’s first reaction was to stop the other party’s thought, but when the words came to his lips, he stopped.

“What are you going to do?”

“I want to attack Tundo!”


Shepard coughed, then silently looked at Sakrar on the side, who immediately began to introduce him to this Dundo. It is a city on the

northeastern border of Angola, a border town hub linking the Democratic Republic of the Congo with Angola, and a reasonable road runs through the city, a small town of about 10,000 people, mainly agricultural and animal husbandry. The Portuguese had a battalion

garrison here, plus about five hundred servants, but the garrison and servants were stationed in the surrounding towns on weekdays, and there was only one battalion headquarters and about a hundred policemen in the city.

In addition to being a transportation hub, the town also has a telegraph station, which is the only channel for the town to connect with the surrounding area.

“Uh, so, you’re going to use your newly recruited hundred men to go to the city and fight more than a hundred Portuguese troops and police?”

Shepard simply wanted to laugh, those subordinates recruited by Zabi, a considerable number of people do not even know the three-point line, aiming and shooting all rely on the voice, and even some guys have not learned how to reload the magazine for a week, rely on these people?

“No, I am going to use the tricks you taught to transfer the enemy in the city, and then attack the telegraph office, where I will send a message calling on the people to rise up and resist!”

“Oh, this way!”

Shepard had to admit that Zabi was indeed a talent, and this kind of general language was not to mention anything else, but it was of great historical significance, not to mention its direct propaganda value, because most of these facilities in the colony were for the colonists, but the rebels captured the facilities of the colonial authorities and issued a call to resist, and after a little operation, Zabiden raised his arms and called for a leader to be a leader.

But Shepard still had doubts about this, and it was a hundred kilometers from Zabi’s border camp to Dundo, and it was a question of whether he could pull his team without losing a single person.

However, Shepard still did not stop the other party, and even offered to provide Zabi with a few more boxes of canned food as military food.

“Your idea is very good, Zabi, I am very optimistic about you, but unfortunately I can’t help you more!”

“No, that’s enough!”

Zabi saw that his plan was affirmed by Shepard, and immediately became a little proud, after all, in some ways, it was affirmed by someone better than himself, so he immediately returned to Angola full of confidence to begin preparations. And here Shepard

, Plomri was careful to ask Shepard if he wanted to let the Portuguese go out.

“No, do you think that guy’s plan will succeed?”

“I feel suspended!”

“Isn’t that right?”

Shepard took off his hindrance hood and said with a smile.

“Let’s just wait for the good news!”

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