The Portuguese paratrooper who hit the head fell to the ground immediately after the gunshot, and immediately began to struggle painfully, his squad leader and comrades immediately set up their rifles and began to strafe the dirt wall indiscriminately, so as to suppress the fire, and then the two men dragged the fallen paratrooper back to the bunker with their hands and feet.

The unlucky bastard’s neck was hit by a bullet, blood rushed out like a fountain, and the medics desperately treated, but in the end he died of his injuries in this unknown forest in Angola.

Before the battle even fully began, one of their own people was killed, which undoubtedly cast a shadow over the entire raid, but the battle plan did not stop when one person fell. While treating the

wounded, the other paratroopers had already begun their advance on the village, as they had already been shot, and the paratroopers threw smoke bombs to block the enemy’s view in the village, and then began to break into the village in battle formation.

They were already familiar with this kind of combat mission to break through and sweep, so after entering the village, the various combat groups immediately rushed towards their respective targets.

A battle group surrounded a small courtyard, and then the sharp soldier kicked the wooden door first, and then the booby trap set behind the door was detonated, and the sharp soldier and the three teammates behind him were shattered by fragments and debris, although it did not cause death, but at least the battle could not continue to participate. A few wounded

were immediately arranged to retreat, the infantry had set up a field ambulance station to deal with the wounded, and the military doctor wearing the red cross mark looked at the few wounded who had been sent in less than ten minutes after the start of the war, and he glanced at the few medical supplies and plasma, and could only silently pray that everything would go well.

After witnessing the tragedy of their comrades, the remaining paratroopers became more and more vigilant, they now have to observe before kicking in the door, and the booby trap seems to be just an example, because the paratroopers searched several houses afterwards, but did not encounter any booby traps, nor did they resist as expected.

“Where are these?”

“Did they all run away?”

And when a team of paratroopers who entered the courtyard and whispered finished checking the room and were about to leave, they had just checked the room where there was no one but suddenly extended a muzzle, and then a row of bullets directly hit these unsuspecting paratroopers, and the mercenaries in the room turned their heads and entered the interior without the slightest hesitation after firing the bullets in their hands.

Other soldiers who heard the gunfire quickly came to reinforce them, only to see two corpses and four wounded on the ground, and after hearing that there was a problem with the room, seven or eight paratroopers fired hundreds of shots at the room, and threw seven or eight grenades, blowing up most of the room before ceasefire.

The paratroopers then inspected the ruins, but found no bodies, so the paratroopers had to blow up the house again with grenades to prevent anything strange from popping up.

And the same group of paratroopers, after evacuating the wounded, they began to check another yard again, first to confirm that there were no booby traps at the gate, and then the paratroopers kicked open the door reassuringly and shot at the house, and then a sharp soldier carefully pushed open the door, looked at the mess in the room and immediately beckoned his teammates to come closer, and he himself stepped into the room, and then he heard a click.


The sharp soldier only had time to spit out half a dirty word, and then the anti-infantry mine buried in the room was activated, and then shrapnel blew the opponent’s entire leg to pieces, and the remaining half of his own body was also ejected from the room by the explosion and fell to the ground.

“Damn it!”

The paratrooper company commander who was only in the rear listened to the explosions and scattered gunfire that rang out from time to time in the village, and angrily smashed his fist on the tree, and his men had already killed and six wounded before even one-sixth of the scheduled work had been completed, and the reduction was almost one squad, and if the casualties continued to this extent, I am afraid that his entire company would be damaged here.

And the Portuguese paratroopers as an elite, naturally can not continue to smash down, they quickly adjusted the style of play, gave up kicking the door, but directly began to use grenades to break the door, this can detonate booby traps, but the soldiers carry a limited number of grenades, after clearing more than a dozen yards, the paratroopers’ grenades have been exhausted, and there are more yards waiting for them next.

After all, this is a large village with thousands of people, the length of the entire village is close to 3,000 meters from east to west, and it is almost 1,000 meters from north to south.

But the good news is not for nothing, after the paratroopers broke the door with grenades, they did not suffer any casualties, and even the enemy attack stopped, so as long as this progress is maintained, they can complete the mission goal in less than half a day.

So the paratroopers could only start searching for usable things again, and also began to collect all the explosive items from the infantry grenades, and then, these paratroopers showed their own talents, some people found wood as battering rams to break the door, and some people tied explosives to sticks as blast cylinders, in short, all kinds of things added up, but greatly accelerated their progress, and soon the two areas of AB were cleared by the paratroopers, and during this period, they only added two lightly wounded.

But no one is optimistic about this anymore, because the price of their clean-up of the AB area is to use up almost all the explosive supplies, whether it is grenade explosives for paratroopers or infantry, and the only thing that can still explode now is the two 60mm mortars carried by the infantry!

But anyway, the cleanup had to continue, and the paratroopers guessed that the enemy might have dug a secret passage in the room to hide themselves, so they had to continue in order to destroy Zabi’s guerrillas.

After a short rest, the paratroopers who had completed the rotation began to clean again, because of the scarcity of explosives, they did not dare to use grenades presumptuously, and had to find a way to either climb over the wall or use wooden battering rams, and then the situation began to deteriorate sharply again. A paratrooper had just climbed up the wall, and before he could see if anyone in the room

could see if there was anyone in the room, the bullet broke through the window and greeted him, and the teammates who heard the gunshots immediately began to throw grenades, and after the explosion, they bravely tried to rush up to solve the opponent, but when they rushed into the room, they saw two other grenades with blue smoke, which had just been thrown from the inside of the room.

Not only in the room, but also the paratroopers moving on the village path were surprised to find bullets shooting at themselves from various dark corners, and the whole street, no, the entire village, as if alive!

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