
Luo Liang carefully observed the short teacher and found that even if he was facing oneself, he looked like a person with squinting eyes.


The short teacher looked towards Luo Liang with his "contemptuous" gaze, his face was red light, and he was very excited.

"At a young age, the cultivation base has reached the upper stage of the Extraordinary Rank, and the battle strength is approaching the Innate Rank."

Although he was praised by the short teacher, Luo Liang responded very much.

You have strabismus.

Luo Liang is a little angry.

Originally, 20% of the strength was enough, which made me expose half of my strength.

This makes me very passive!

After entering the Academy.

How do you make me pretend...low-key?

Testing field.

The teachers in the rest of the area came over one after another, looking at the broken target, clicking one's tongue in wonder.

"Dear teachers, my strength is enough for admission, right?"

Luo Liang confirmed.

"Excellent, go back and wait for the notice."

The female teacher said with a smile.

North Star's admission standard is under 18 years old, with Super Power User Rank 1. If the innate talent is strong or the profession is special, the standard can be lowered appropriately.

This alone can wipe out 90% of the candidates.

Adolescents of this age, even if they are awakening innate talent, are mostly Super Power User seedlings.

To become a Rank 1 Super Power User, it often takes two to three years of hard work.

After Luo Liang left.

Several teachers discussed in a low voice.

"The quality of this class of students is quite high, and today we have a top-notch seedling."

"There were a few good ones in our division alone. The girl who was naturally awakening yesterday. , Force Field ability reached Rank 1 Middle Stage."

"Fortunately, Martial Artist, if it is a better profession, I am afraid I will be robbed."



Luo Liang walked out of the test field.

Without any stay, get on the special flying car and leave quickly.

"Hey, wait."

The short-haired boy wanted to say hello to Luo Liang, but couldn't find the opportunity.

Luo Liang has something to do in Sky and Sea City, which is related to mother's company.

Sky and Sea City, as the capital of Bei'an Continent Area, has special counter stores under Medicine King.

The next two days.

Luo Liang took the Medicine King co-branded card to help Mother’s new company to get some purchase channels for Medicine King’s products.

After showing the Medicine King card.

The general manager of Medicine King lineage at Heaven Blue Star personally took a special plane from ten thousand li beyond to receive Luo Liang during the whole journey.

Medicine King co-branded card, jointly released by several major Medicine Kings of Freedom Alliance.

The owner holding this card is regarded as a distinguished guest of Medicine King. The Chief-In-Charge of Heaven Blue Star dare not neglect it at all.

As for the use of Medicine King card co-branded card, whether it will reveal the real identity.

Luo Liang has considered this point.

Even if Probationary Star Governor and Good Medicine Tastes Bitter know the situation of Luo Liang Family's, they at most think it is the alien bloodline left on the planet by "Cold and Silent Moon".

Maybe in order to please Cold and Silent Moon and Hierarch adults, they will take care of them.

Luo Liang laid the groundwork for this matter last time in the space.

Moreover, Luo Liang also has corresponding methods.

He consumed five hundred points to allow Little Primary to conceal oneself's family information for six months.

Within six months.

External investigation of his family can only obtain the most shallow information.

Specific life trajectories, including travel records, are not available.

Even if you ask Luo Liang Family's relatives, friends and colleagues.

These people also only know some surface information.

For example, how many people are there in the family, what kind of profession, and so on.

If you ask about the specific deeds in the past, you can’t remember well, and will as it should be by rights.

This method surprised Luo Liang.

Little Primary said that this method is called multi-dimensional information interference technology.

If this kind of technology is fully opened, it can remove someone’s information from the world out of thin air, like a ghost, even if they stand in front of them, the world can’t see this person.

In organization, only Hierarch above Tier 4 can use this function.

Luo Liang is the 7th Step Supreme, beyond the Hierarch level, the cost is greatly reduced.

The power he uses is very shallow, the scope is not large, and the cost is relatively small.

Once someone investigates Luo Liang's family information, there will be two results.

first, find the surface information and think it’s just this.

second, in-depth investigation, I'm afraid it will make people horrified and doubt life.

Directly shield a family’s life trajectory and past details, without even realizing the surrounding network. What a great power this is.

With the scientific and technological means of human civilization, it is impossible to do it.

"Will anyone be scared?"

Luo Liang smiled secretly.

If Probationary Star Governor and Medicine King discover this situation, the evaluation of Cold and Silent Moon will increase.

Luo Liang really guessed right.

This kind of technology has already frightened someone.


Bei'an Continent Area, Dragon Lake City.

Jiang Family is a local great clan, with industries covering more than a dozen provinces, and has a good influence in both business and politics.

This day.

Jiang Family Old Master Jiang Leping, suddenly cred out in surprise, cold sweat on his forehead.

"What's going on here?"

"I can't remember the details of the second daughter's past."

Jiang Leping was panicked.

His second daughter is Jiang Manqin, and she severed the relationship very early.

But these two days.

Jiang Leping suddenly couldn't remember some things related to the second daughter.

On the memory of the second daughter, there is only an abstract outline, which is limited to surface information.

For example, he has such a daughter, what does it look like, and what is the relationship.

But the specific events experienced before are blurred.

The more terrifying thing is.

He subconsciously felt that this situation as it should be by rights.

Old age forgetful? dementia?

That's nonsense!

Jiang Leping is a Spirit Reader with a good memory.


The relevant memories of other children are very clear, he even remembers the embarrassing things he did when he was a child.

This weird situation is limited to second daughter Jiang Manqin!

If it weren’t for Spirit Reader, he almost thought it was normal and ignored it.

To confirm this.

Jiang Leping called eldest son Jiang Chuanhou over.

"Do you remember something about Manqin when he was a child?"

Jiang Leping facial expression grave.

"Manqin, I was very lively when I was young..."

Jiang Chuanhou said with a smile.

However, when asked about some specific deeds of Jiang Manqin in the past, Jiang Chuanhou couldn't tell why.

But eldest son looks very normal.

Jiang Leping's heart sank, with a sense of horror.

In the dark.

There seems to be a mysterious hand that has blocked Jiang Manqin's life.

This is similar to the harmony of the entertainment industry, which is blocked.

But the difference is that the entertainment industry can only block information and public opinion, not spiritually.

The methods against Jiang Manqin are as natural as natural, without any trace.

All the people involved have naturally forgotten from the conscious level, or the memory has faded, and they still don’t feel abnormal.

This invisible force is really terrifying!

Jiang Leping was startled in a cold sweat.

Look at the universe.

Only a super mighty figure standing on the top of the starry sky and a profession of the Spirit Reader class can have this method.


How can my daughter have a relationship with the power of this cosmic Peak?

"Maybe it was affected."

Jiang Leping thought.

My daughter's family background is very simple, and impossible is directly related to this kind of power.

"Chuanhou, take the time to contact Manqin."

Jiang Leping said to eldest son.

"father...are you willing to forgive the second sister?"

Jiang Chuanhou said joyfully in surprise.

Although he can't remember the specific past of the second sister, the general family relationship and the blood relationship are still there.

Jiang Leping has a complex complexion.

With the influence of breaking free of that force, some important memories are gradually restored.

Eighteen years ago.

As a Super Power User, the second daughter Jiang Manqin fell in love with an ordinary person, regardless of his opposition.

What makes him angry is.

During college, her daughter was pregnant with that person's kind, and she refused to abort.

In a rage, Jiang Leping severed his relationship with his daughter.

Jiang Manqin just graduated and married that ordinary person and had children.

The following years.

The second daughter realized the mistakes of the year and apologized to Jiang Leping, and wanted to go back to her family to see her relatives.

In those years, Jiang Leping was in anger, and Clan's business was down at that time, so he didn't care about it.

These years.

Jiang Leping led Clan back to his former glory, and began to miss oneself's second daughter, and found an anomaly.

"Yes, I haven't seen Manqin for many years..."

Jiang Leping thought of the stubborn second daughter back then, and smiled as if she suddenly appeared yesterday.

That is oneself's most beloved child.

For a while, the corners of his eyes moistened.

Just a little bit, he forgot the past memories of the second daughter, let this father-daughter love disappear out of thin air.

"Also, the grandson who has never seen each other."

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