"Brother A'Liang, what card did you draw, in front of my Profound Civilization, you can still laugh?"

Luo Feixuan looked smug.

At the entrance to school banquet, she was beaten by her cousin to be exhausted and her anger remained.

Now that the Profound Civilization card is drawn, the cousin is in the adjacent position again, must abuse him well.


Luo Liang smiled exaggeratedly, and can learn from a certain Zhou superstar in Earth.

He shows the cards in his hand.

It was a card in the mysterious starry sky, with a black hole inlaid in the center, in a spiral shape, surrounded by billions of stars.


"Also let people not play?"

"This kind of card can also be drawn. It's Luck Emperor's luck! "

Hu Jia, Huang Ya and other high school classmates, seeing this kind of card, couldn't help but scold their mother.


The card game box is warned, and a mechanical reminder sounds.

"Star God Clan is here!"

"The faction relationship has changed. All players form an alliance and defeat Star God Clan to win."

The rules of the game change instantly.

Myriad Clans Striving For Hegemony is a melee game of strategic cards, there is no absolute faction alliance.

But the Star God Civilization card appeared, breaking the routine of the game.

Star God Clan is the Rank 7 civilization that was destroyed in the cosmic catastrophe thousands of years ago.

Current interstellar law stipulates that once Star God Clan traces, including bloodline descendant, are found, unconditionally kill without mercy.

This status quo is reflected in Myriad Clans Striving For Hegemony.

"Brother A'Liang, you dogshit luck, you have been favored by Luck Goddess."

Luo Feixuan pouted.

She finally got Profound Civilization and was about to slaughter all sides and abused her cousin. As a result, Luo Liang got Star God Clan.

"I am the man who can make Luck Goddess cry."

Luo Liang tsk tsk smiled.

"Star God Clan is too abnormal, everyone must cooperate!"

Hu Jia, Huang Ya and other students are waiting for it.

Even if they join forces and have Profound Civilization, the probability of defeating Star God Civilization is not high.

Actually, Star God Civilization is too terrifying.

How strong is Star God Civilization?

We have to compare the Profound Civilization of the "One Super" universe.

At the time of Rank 5 Peak, a deep light cluster the size of a lantern destroyed the Level 4 Civilization of more than a dozen galaxies.

And every time the civilization level increases by Rank 1, it is a quantum leap.

After Profound Civilization was promoted to Rank 6 civilization, its overall strength surpassed all high-rank civilizations.

True universe is invincible!

The four tyrants under the One Super League teamed up, which is worthy of being able to deal with it.

How strong are the four fighters? It can crush all civilization except Yichao.

Simply put.

One super, is one hand breaking the wrist against the civilization of the entire universe.

But ten thousand years ago.

Profound Civilization is just the little brother behind Star God Civilization.

Rank 7 civilization is called God Rank civilization. It can integrate all the source power of the Main Universe, extract the power of multiverse, and attack the high-energy world.

Once Rank 7 civilization is born, the high-energy world will panic and will jointly suppress it.

Game at first.

Luo Liang uses the advantages of Star God Clan to quickly roll the economy, upgrade the technology tree, and cultivate heroes on the 3D star map projection.

All the celestial bodies in the universe, stars, neutron stars, and black holes are the nutrients of Star God Clan.

It's really abnormal!

This race has almost no shortcomings, and Innate has a strong start.

The only thing that can pose a threat to Luo Liang is the Profound Civilization of Luo Feixuan.

But Profound Civilization has a mediocre start, not a strong one.

Luo Liang pushed the economy and strengthened his strength, taking advantage of the trend to suppress the neighboring Luo Feixuan.

When six students saw this, they sent troops to help Luo Feixuan or harassed Luo Liang's development.


Only in the early stages of the game, Luo Liang climbed to Level 4 Civilization, nurtured heroes of the Universe Rank, and eliminated Luo Feixuan’s Profound Civilization.

The remaining six civilization races are crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

One kill, two kills, three kills...Seven kills!


Luo Liang scored 7 kills in one fell swoop and swept the game!

"You're so angry!"

Luo Feixuan said madly.

The students expressed helplessness. When they met Star God Clan, unless they were surrounded by strong races in the early stage, they could not stop Star God Clan's economic growth.

"Come again!"

Luo Feixuan was a little unconvinced.

The card game box is reopened for another round.

In the second game, there was no super-perverted civilization such as Star God and You Shen.


Luo Liang's luck is still good, he drew four of the Mohe Civilization of One of the Overlords, and after a battle of wits and courage, he succeeded in eating chicken again.

Luo Feixuan is unfortunate, because it is adjacent to Luo Liang, it is the first one to be destroyed.

"You guys play first, I'll go to the bathroom."

Luo Feixuan went out angrily.

Luo Liang didn't care and moved on to the next game.

In a few minutes.

Luo Feixuan touched up her makeup at the sink and walked back to the private room along the corridor.

In the lobby on the first floor, there was an exclamation sound, what was playing on the screen.

"Wow! My male god Li Minjun!"

"Li Minjun came to Heaven Blue Star?"

"Lan Yuehai is here, they Appeared in the same hotel?"

Luo Feixuan looked towards the screen, which was playing the singing of the two stars at the cousin’s entrance banquet.

"Are we on TV?"

Luo Feixuan said happily.

She hurried to the private room, ready to tell everyone.


Acidentally, Luo Feixuan bumped into a thin girl.

"Do you have the quality, do you not have eyes to walk?"

The thin girl is pretty, with a ball head tied, her face is elegant and cold, and two ham-like hams are exposed under the chiffon skirt Long legs.

The thin girl was almost knocked down, Liu frowned.


Luo Feixuan apologizes.

The two girls are beautiful, subconsciously looking at each other.

In contrast.

The thin girl wears luxurious brand clothes and backpacks. Luo Feixuan's clothes are only mid-range brands.

"My bag is tens of thousands, don't be damaged by you..."

The thin girl is lightly snorted, check oneself's backpack.

"Why show off your wealth."

Luo Feixuan has a sour tone.

The thin girl’s backpack is exactly the type of her year for something even in dreams.

"You still have a reason to hit someone? I check my bag to show off my wealth?"

The thin girl said with a sneer.

"What's the matter?"

Luo Liang and the others walked out of the private room upon hearing the movement outside.

The glamour and elegance of the thin girl made Luo Liang's male classmates shine.

Is a beauty, and Luo Feixuan has their own strengths and weaknesses.

"Su Yue, what's the matter?"

Three girls walked in the nearby private room.

At the time, a girl looked like a full moon, and she looked like a thin girl. The other two were more ordinary.

"Little Elder Brother?"

The beautiful eyes of the current girl turned over, slightly charming.


Luo Liang smiled and confronted Luo Xiaoqian with the code.

"Do you know?"

Two people in the private room, looked at each other in blank dismay.

The atmosphere of the original with swords drawn and bows bent suddenly relaxed.

"She is my cousin." Luo Liang said with a smile.

"My best friend Su Yue, my temperament is a bit straight, don't worry about it."

Luo Xiaoqian introduced.

"It turned out to be Sister Luo's friend."

Su Yue slightly nodded, looking at these ordinary students with cold eyes.

The heartbeat of several male classmates of Luo Liang accelerated, and there was a sense of surprise.

Su Yue's elegant, glamorous temperament, tall figure and high-end clothing, give them a feeling of unattainable.

Since acquaintances have met.

Luo Liang invited four girls to gather together in the oneself private room.

Luo Xiaoqian has this intention. Several girls are clearly headed by her and have no opinion.

The waiter brought some drinks again.

"Little Elder Brother, what day are you playing with your classmates today?"

Luo Xiaoqian smiled and narrowed his eyes into a crescent.

"Today's college entrance banquet, invite students to come out and play."

Luo Liang said freely while eating fruit.

Luo Xiaoqian pretended to anger and said: "Okay! Why didn't you invite me to the college entrance banquet? You look down on me as a rider?"

"Okay, I will punish myself for a cup."

Luo Liang drank a cup of Cocktail refreshingly.

With his Innate Rank Martial Artist's physical fitness, no one at this table may be able to drink him.

"Speaking of college entrance banquet, have you seen today's short video?"

One of the girls said excitedly.

"Is it Li Minjun and Lan Yuehai, singing at a mysterious entrance banquet?"

"We all watched it."

Three Su Yue Girl, excitedly discussed.

"haha, this college entrance banquet, we are here today."

A male student, Luo Liang, volunteered.

So many beauties, they inevitably want to show off.

Su Yue the three girls were stunned, laughed without saying a word, and did not refute.

According to the Internet, the two celebrities participated in a college entrance banquet for a mysterious power.

How could it be related to these ordinary-dressed high school students?

The way Fellow Student Luo Liang tries to attract girls is clumsy and naive in their eyes.

"Why does Sister Luo have such a circle?"

Su Yue spoke slightly and communicated with the other two girls, a little puzzled.

They were still polite on the surface, and did not show it.

"Little Elder Brother, the mysterious college entrance banquet posted on the Internet, it turned out to be yours!"

Luo Xiaoqian's eyes flashed lightly, has several points of flattery.

"Sister Luo believes that? Are you kidding me?"

"Could it be that the kid is a pretty boy raised by Sister Luo?"

Su The three women Yue were puzzled.

Sister Luo has a very high status in their circle, and she rarely sees such a grounded daughter.

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