"It's the queen! It's too late."

The door suddenly opened, Jiang Zhaoxue was completely unprepared, the charming face changed color, and the dark road was not good.

"Meet the Queen!"

An elegant and poised beautiful woman wearing a phoenix crown walked into Jiang Zhaoxue's boudoir.

The Queen of Empire looks only twenty-seven or eighteen years old, with outstanding demeanor, dignified and mature.

"Zhaoxue, Ling Yan didn't bother you, right?"

The queen's color is pleasant, including said with a smile.

Jiang Zhaoxue was taken aback, and found that the queen did not see Luo Liang.

Luo Liang beside him no longer exists.

She vaguely remembered that when the queen pushed the door, Luo Liang suddenly knelt down.

"No...Sister Ling Yan just talked to me for a while."

Jiang Zhaoxue smiled and replied.

From the corner of her eye, she glanced at the foot of the snow-white dress.

Jiang Zhaoxue's heart beats.

I saw a miniature pea-sized little man squatting on the solid wood floor next to her long skirt.

The elegant snow-white skirt, with embossed patterns and creases on the surface, slightly concealed Luo Liang's body.

But if the queen bows her head, it is not difficult to find Luo Liang who is shrinking.

Jiang Zhaoxue is annoyed.

Luo Liang under the long skirt is making faces at her.

May be exposed at any time!

Jiang Zhaoxue is disturbed.

Luo Liang is playing with fire and walking a tightrope on the cliff.


She was born witty, and took a step forward calmly.

hua! Phew!

The snow-white long skirt that shuffled the ground immediately covered and swallowed Luo Liang's body.

That's it.

Even if the queen looked down, she couldn't see the scenery inside the skirt.

Jiang Zhaoxue secretly heave a sigh of relief.

Imperial Family has a feeling of nurturing her after all, Scarlet Dragon Great Emperor is her biological father.

Jiang Zhaoxue doesn't want to stigmatize his reputation, and let outsiders see that oneself and Luo Liang are in a private meeting in a boudoir, and they are losing to the Imperial Family.

But soon!

Jiang Zhaoxue realized that something more troublesome was coming.

"tsk tsk, Younger Sister Zhaoxue, it’s not that I deliberately take advantage of it, it’s the benefit you give to me on the initiative."

Luo Liang's sight dimmed, and he smelled of elegance and emptiness. The secluded girl is full of body scent, and her body and mind are refreshed, and her blood is boiling.

In the hidden space, although the light is dark, it can't block Luo Liang's gaze.

However, he is too small now, and he can only see the scene in front of him.

It is a silver white high-heeled shoe and beautiful feet wrapped in translucent silk socks. The back of the instep is crystal clear as jade. The veins of the light azure are like blue and white textures, which are clearly visible, just like a delicate piece of art. Taste.

Jiang Zhaoxue feels a slight coolness under the long skirt, regrets it, and feels "self-eating".

"That's good."

The queen looked at the layout in the boudoir, and continued:

"There is still an hour to the dinner party, you are better off Are you there?"

"It's better, it won't affect the birthday dinner."

Jiang Zhaoxue answered quietly and well.

On the surface, he is calm, but inwardly grumbled in his heart.

At this time, Luo Liang leaped gently and landed on the white instep of his high heels. The upper part of the line of sight is the slender and white calf, the higher part is blocked.

He climbed up and touched the skin on his calf. Under the narrow view of people, Jiang Zhaoxue's skin surface is jade-like smooth, without any blemishes.

Luo Liang couldn't help but be amazed. Is this the superior bloodline, the perfect gene?

"Zhaoxue, as a person who came by, Empress Mother sincerely advise you. The so-called romance and true love are not worth mentioning in the presence of Peak’s power. They are just karma that interferes with your path..."

The queen is instructive.

"Well, yes. Empress Mother makes sense..."

Jiang Zhaoxue kept smiling and responded politely, but Xin was not here long ago.

She adjusted her posture unnaturally, tightly slender legs and elegant snow-white skirt, dragging slightly on the floor.

"Younger Sister Zhaoxue, are your legs uncomfortable?"

Outside the room, Jiang Lingyan faint smile, with a touch of playfulness in his eyes, aimed at the hem of Jiang Zhaoxue's skirt .

hearing this, the queen also looked towards her skirt.

Jiang Zhaoxue's leg posture just now was slightly imperfect in etiquette, and could not escape her harsh eyes.

"It's okay. I was breathed in the yard before, and I was bitten by insect."

Jiang Zhaoxue's expression is unnatural, and a faint crimson appears on his face.

"Lingyan, why are you still at the door? What kind of style!"

At this time, the queen found Jiang Lingyan's abnormality, scolded.

Since the queen came in, Jiang Lingyan has been guarding the door like a female goalkeeper.

"Empress Mother, stand outside to cool off. You don't care about me, keep talking."

Jiang Lingyan showed a far-fetched smile.

It's not that she doesn't want to come in. It was Luo Liang's previous password, let her guard at the door.

With Jiang Lingyan's cleverness, I naturally guessed the condition of Jiang Zhaoxue.

But she did not dare to reveal it.

Under that powerful spell, Luo Liang wants her to die, Jiang Lingyan's body will commit suicide without the slightest hesitation.

Therefore, even if Jiang Lingyan knew the truth, he was just jokingly adding to the chaos, which made Jiang Zhaoxue even more embarrassed and uncomfortable.


The queen looked at her helplessly, sighed.

Jiang Lingyan, after all, is the only child of her and the Great Emperor, and he has been pampered since childhood.

When the cultivation base reaches a certain level, the difficulty of gestation will continue to increase, and there is also the influence of individual factors.

"Ling Yan, you accompany Zhaoxue first."

The queen didn't talk much, and gave an explanation, got up and left.


The original intention of the queen's visit here is not to talk to Jiang Zhaoxue.

Before, Luo Wuliang asked her baby girl out, but the queen didn't feel relieved and followed her out.

Confirm that Jiang Lingyan is innocent, the queen does not need to chat with Jiang Zhaoxue.


Watch the queen leave.

Jiang Zhaoxue's increasingly crimson face, irritated, plump breast curves, ups and downs.

"This Highness, change your clothes, you are waiting outside."

The door is intelligently closed, Jiang Zhaoxue's eyebrows are sharp, and his voice is cold.

"Luo Liang, have you been hiding enough!"

Jiang Zhaoxue scolded coldly with a frosty face.

"Ah, it hurts, I can't get out." Luo Liang took a breath, dripping with cold sweat.

Jiang Zhaoxue suddenly blushed when he thought of something.

She adjusted her posture, slender legs close together, slightly loosened.

Gu Lu made a sound.

Luo Liang, who was shrinking, rolled out on the side of his long skirt.

Luo Liang staggered up, contorts one's face in agony.

He cursed secretly: Do you want to be so conservative, you almost got caught!

In the end, he stopped halfway up the mountain, and he was stuck in a dilemma without knowing the true face of Lushan Mountain.


Not waiting for Luo Liang to stand still, a white jade palm, like the Buddha Kingdom in the Palm of the Buddha, captured him alive.

"Zhaoxue, tap it! Stop! Do you want to murder the husband-"

Luo Liang, who was shrinking, was pinched tightly and his face turned red.

This is a negative effect of shrinking people, and physical strength will be weakened accordingly.

In this state, Luo Liang doesn't use his hole cards, so he is really not Jiang Zhaoxue's opponent.

Not to mention being captured alive by the opponent, it is simply difficult to resist.

Outside the window sill separated by a wall.

Qianqiu Wuhen, standing with his hands in his hands, opened his eyes and slowly closed them.

"Luo Liang, I want you to know that you should not be so rude in the future and understand the meaning of respect."

Jiang Zhaoxue's anger was slightly relieved, and his voice was cold.

"It's not that I took the initiative to enter...sigh."

Luo Liang's body was pinched tighter, and he quickly acknowledged and said: "I know, let go." "

tone barely fell.


Luo Liang felt his body lighter, and then he floated out. The wind outside the window made his body chill.

It turned out that he was thrown out the window by Jiang Zhaoxue.

Looking at the shrinking people going away outside the window.

Jiang Zhaoxue's starry eyes are flowing, the lip line is drawn in a beautiful arc, and the setting sun falls on the beautiful face of residual red aftertaste, plated with a warm glow.


"King Jiji."

The Luo Liang transformed villain quietly walked around Jiang Lingyan at the door and got into the latter’s ear.

According to the plan.

Jiang Lingyan returned to the great hall of the red star and passed by the rockery we met before.

Luo Liang, the shrinking person, left Jiang Lingyan to replace Luo Liang from the original position of Digitalization True Image.

Of course, before separating.

Luo Liang confessed Jiang Lingyan with the spelling password, to keep relevant secrets, and then move freely according to the original plan.

This incantation password has certain timeliness.

The spell lasts for a month.

But the effectiveness of each command only lasts for one day.

In other words.

As long as one day has passed, Jiang Lingyan will be able to regain her freedom unless an outsider gives her a password again.

This outsider is not limited to Luo Liang.

It can be all intelligent creatures, including servants in the Imperial Palace.

Of course, other people don't know the password of "King Gigi", so Jiang Lingyan cannot be allowed to obey it unconditionally.

Luo Liang returns to the great hall of the red star and meets with Jiang Chang Hong.

Jiang Chang Hong followed Luo Liang again.

Before, because Jiang Lingyan and Luo Wuliang had a private conversation, he didn't follow.

The sky is getting darker.

Brightly lit, gold and jade in glorious splendor in the great hall.

Rows of buffet tables are lined up all around the great hall, and the maids are busy, bringing in a variety of delicacies and fine wines.

"Would you like the dinner here?"

Luo Liang's appetite was lost, and he looked at the various types of delicacies on the table, dazzled, with hundreds of varieties.

"No, this is the place where the birthday party is held. The formal dinner is in those side halls."

Jiang Chang Hong replied.


Luo Liang's eyes flickered and did not continue to ask.

At this moment, the sound of celebration music came from the door of the great hall.

"Ninth Princess is here!"

The eyes of many guests seemed to be attracted by some kind of magic.

A guard of honor, stepping on the red carpet, enters the great hall of the red star with the sound of the band.

The forefront of the guard of honor.

Jiang Zhaoxue, in a luxurious white dress, looked steadily forward with the help of a female officer, and nodded to the guests.

The dressed-up Jiang Zhaoxue, beautiful and alluring, is like the brightest star in the night sky, with a kind of inherent nobleness.

With a frown and a smile, those twin stars and tears in the eyes make people fascinated and fascinated.

In the crowd.

Luo Liang stared at Jiang Zhaoxue. The latter seemed to be aware. Star eyes and him looked at each other briefly, and the eyes were brighter.


In the great hall, Jiang Zhaoxue meets with the Great Emperor and the Queen to address the guests.

Jiang Zhaoxue’s voice has the texture of a jewel and a sigh of starry sky.

As today's protagonist, her rays of light are dazzling, eclipsing the Great Emperor, Queen, and many Princesses.

Countless amazing eyes.

"It's really Top Grade."

It was the arrogant Mohe Prince. He walked out of No. 2 Partial Hall, his eyes were slightly fiery, and he stared at Jiang Zhaoxue.

This is the first time he has seen Jiang Zhaoxue in reality.

The more I look at it, the more I desire it.

bloodline is as noble as him, and when she looks at this woman, she feels ashamed and filthy.

Scarlet Dragon Great Emperor has a complicated mood, has several points of regret.

This daughter is so good!

The speech is over.

Jiang Zhaoxue, accompanied by the Great Emperor, the Queen and the others, went to Partial Hall No. 1.

"Zhaoxue Princess, your beautiful transcendence is mundane, even more amazing than the retelling of the Imperial Family."

Mohe Prince is no one else, and walks forward.

"Happy birthday to you tonight."

Prince Rutis bowed slightly.

He picked up Jiang Zhaoxue's white hand with white gloves and kissed deeply on the back of his hand. He sniffed vigorously, revealing intoxication.

"Thank you Prince."

Jiang Zhaoxue frowned slightly, and felt a strong nausea and discomfort even through the gloves.

She smiled forcefully, her face turned pale, and she broke away from Rutis's hand.

Not far away.

Luo Liang frowned.

If it weren't for Jiang Chang Hong to stop him, he was going to push Prince away forcibly.

"Young Master Luo, don't be impulsive, this is just a common kiss."

Chang Hong County King persuaded.

"Do you think he is like a normal kiss? I can't wait to suck all the body odor away."

Luo Liang taunted unscrupulously.

Of course he understands that this is just a courtesy among the nobles, Jiang Zhaoxue also wears gloves, can't be considered flimsy.

However, Luo Liang still feels that he should.

"Young Master Luo, keep your voice down."

Jiang Chang Hong smiled and reminded him.

There are too many superpower powerhouses present. It's easy to be heard when you speak this way.

Luo Liang doesn't matter, he didn't say anything.

Ninth Princess entire group, enter No. 1 Partial Hall, outside guests are not allowed to enter at will.

Luo Liang discovered that some young people from the Imperial Family, holding gifts, entered the No. 1 Partial Hall, and congratulated Jiang Zhaoxue.

Of course, not everyone is eligible.

You must have a high identity and a close relationship with the Imperial Family to give Jiang Zhaoxue a birthday present in person.

General visitors’ gifts are recorded and received by the officials present.

The king of Chang Hong took out a transparent crystal gift box with a strange flower planted in it, with three-color petals, which looked very beautiful.

"Eternal life flower."

Luo Liang recognized the origin of this flower and cultivated it by superpower. This flower can bloom for thousands of years and will never fade. It is a symbol of eternal youth for girls.

"This Jiang is a little tight recently and can only send out these cheap things."

Jiang Chang Hong said with a slight smile.

Luo Liang knows that Jiang Chang Hong said it very politely. His immortal flower has three color petals, contains superpower fluctuations, and has wonderful characteristics, which is by no means Mortal Grade.

Its value is enough to buy an interstellar yacht.

"I wonder what gift Young Master Luo prepared?"

Jiang Chang Hong curiously asked.

"Gifts are not expensive. I believe Zhaoxue will like whatever I give."

Luo Liang looks like a bamboo in his chest.

Jiang Chang Hong hearing this, his face twitched slightly.

This Luo Wuliang wouldn't have prepared a gift. Now I want to hold on to the Buddha's feet, right?

"Let's go together?"

Luo Liang glanced at Jiang Chang Hong and walked straight to the No. 1 Partial Hall.

Jiang Zhaoxue’s birthday, he did prepare a gift, but he didn’t want to show it now.

Before that, as Cold Moon, he had contacted Hierarch, a cheap Senior Sister.

"Mohe Prince?"

Suddenly, Luo Liang and Jiang Chang Hong saw a tall foreign race silhouette and entered the first side hall.

It is Prince Rutis.


No. 1 Partial Palace.

Prestigious big table that can accommodate twenty or thirty people.

"Ninth Princess, this is my gift to you, the manuscript score of the pianist'Chodebon'."

"Your Highness Zhaoxue, this is the'Dream Blue Butterfly', from Hundred A small spirit object of Flowers World."

"...Qianshanxue, the skirt woven by the Empire master tailor'Korno' Master, matches the Zhaoxue Princess temperament very well."


"Thank you."

Jiang Zhaoxue is lightly blooming, with a sincere tone, and happily accepts every gift.

She said silently in her heart: Many thanks, you can’t repay your gifts one after another in the future, please don’t blame it.

"Zhaoxue, happy birthday. This is a gift for your father and Empress Mother."

The Great Emperor and the Empress also gave Jiang Zhaoxue gifts, which are worthwhile Not cheap.

"Thanks to Imperial Father and Empress Mother."

Jiang Zhaoxue has a gentle gaze and is grateful.

At this moment, she experienced a happy atmosphere that was rare in the past eighteen years.

But all this is destined to be short-lived.

She was even a little ashamed of receiving so many gifts.

A few days ago. She applied for a large amount of resources from the Imperial Family through the political marriage, as a victim of grievance status.

Jiang Zhaoxue transforms all his assets into strength in the organization.

Among these, the most valuable is a mecha of the Starry Bereaved Clan.

Be prepared for wind and rain. She has to prepare for the future so as not to face the possible storms.

Just then.

A tall foreign race man, waving his liquid hair wanton, entered the No. 1 side hall.

The guard guarding the gate did not dare to ask, and did not dare to come out.

"Mohe Prince?"

No. 1 Partial Hall fell into a brief dead silence.

"Prince Rutis, it is not yet the ball..."

Scarlet Dragon Great Emperor got up, but was interrupted by Rutis in the middle of the conversation.

"haha! I am fortunate to see a peerless beauty like Zhaoxue Princess today. How can this King be stingy? Prepare a gift here for Zhaoxue Princess."

Prince Rutis Grinned.

"so that's how it is, Prince please."

The Great Emperor heave a sigh of relief in darkness.

He was worried that Rutis was too anxious and couldn't bear to take possession of Jiang Zhaoxue in advance.

In that case, Empire will lose face.

"Zhaoxue Princess, please take a look."

Prince Rutis turned over and took out a huge treasure chest.

Everyone present, including the Great Emperor, looked towards the treasure chest curiously.

As Mohe Prince's detached identity, I don't know what kind of gift he will give.

Rutis is about to open the treasure chest.

There was movement at the door.

"My Prince is inside, no access is allowed."

Two Mohe Clan guards, guarding the entrance of the side hall.

Faced with this situation, several top aristocrats in Empire all retired.

"Come on and cool off! This is the territory of Empire, and it is not the site of your Mohe Civilization."

Luo Liang said in a bad mood.

"Young Master Luo..." Jun Wang Chang Hong jumped anxiously and quickly grabbed Luo Liang.

This is Mohe Prince's guard.

The Prince is not far away and can be seen across the door.

"en? Is this kid..."

Rutis noticed the movement outside, glanced away, and saw Luo Liang, which was exactly the same as the boy in the intelligence information.

"Not good! It's Luo Wuliang!"

The Great Emperor and the queen face changed.

Luo Wuliang cannot meet Mohe Prince!

The Great Emperor is preparing to convey his will.

"Let him in!"

The indifferent voice came from Prince Rutis.

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