"Do as I say, $10000 per person," I said directly.

As soon as this came out, the scene was quiet. A girl came directly to me and said, "I'll come first. Which finger?"

"Middle finger." I said, grabbed her hand, pricked a needle in her middle finger, then handed two leaves and told, "three drops, no more or less."

"OK." the girl happily walked aside, and the second man hurried up.

The temptation of money is often the most effective. In less than half an hour, the girl in Nightgown didn't prick her fingers.

"Don't you tie it?" I asked, looking at him.

The girl sneered and said, "it's boring. I'm going back to bed."

When she passed me, I reached out and grabbed her arm and said, "no, you can watch here. If you dare to go out of the door, get out of here tomorrow."

"Who are you? This house belongs to duke." the girl looked up at me with anger on her face.

I was too lazy to talk nonsense with her. I grabbed her arm and stood up. I threw her directly on the sofa and said coldly, "if you dare to go out, I'll kill you."

The girl counselled. She sat down on the sofa and didn't speak any more. When others heard what I just said, they all shivered unconsciously.

I checked everyone's cups. Grapefruit leaves were soaked in them.

Walking back to the table, I cleared my throat and said, "everyone, I'm sorry to offend you, but please believe me. I don't mean any harm."

My tone is much better, and the girls look at me very seriously.

"Next, I'm serious. I hope you will listen carefully. I'm a Mr. Yin and Yang. This place is a conspiracy. Everyone is being infringed by ghosts."

As soon as I said this, people looked at me and I looked at you. They discussed it in a low voice, and most people expressed doubt.

The disobedient girl stood up and said, "if you want to say this, I'm sorry. I won't accompany you."

I pressed my hands and said, "each of you has a ghost on your back, but you can't feel it. The ghost is absorbing your essence. Your skin is getting whiter and whiter. It's not the good feng shui here, but the ghost on your back absorbs your essence."

They took pictures of each other's backs without any abnormality.

But my theory made them a little interested.

"It's normal that you can't see. I can see. I just did this to let you see. Grapefruit leaves stained with the blood and water of your own middle finger can help you open your eyes."

People looked at the cup in their hands suspiciously.

"From now on, listen to me. I'll teach you to open your eyes. After seeing the ghost, don't panic. If you leave here, the ghost will disappear automatically. After dawn, come back to pick up your luggage and don't live here in the future."

Zhao Shuixian smiled and said, "Mr. Qin, is this a new soul summoning game? These are deceptive."

"Even if I cheat, I have one million cash in my room. I bet you that if you can't see what I said, one million will be divided equally." I offered a big move again, the temptation of money.

"OK, we'll listen to you," said the girl next door, and the others nodded.

Even the disobedient girl came over directly, pricked her finger with a needle, squeezed three drops of blood into the cup, and then took two grapefruit leaves and put them in.

I glanced at her and said, "let's wait for her for three minutes."

In these three minutes, no one spoke, and the atmosphere became more and more dull. What I just said was very serious, and they had begun to think.

I didn't speak. At this time, the more dull the atmosphere is, the better.

Three minutes later.

I opened my mouth and said, "after you see it, you must restrain your emotions and don't crowd. Moreover, the more excited you are, the more angry the ghost on your back will be. I can't guarantee what will happen at that time."

Everyone looked at me eagerly. No one spoke. The atmosphere was basically in place.

"Do you understand?" I asked.

The crowd nodded and indicated that they understood.

"Now let's put down the cup, take out the two grapefruit leaves in the cup and cover their eyes."

They did, and I continued, "open your eyes, let your eyes touch grapefruit leaves, and then close your eyes."

After waiting for a while, I asked, "are you ready?"

"All right," the crowd replied.

I confirmed it one by one and said, "here are the spells. Everyone read them after me."

"Heaven is clear."

All the people read in unison, "the heavenly Dharma is clear."

"The earth method works well."

"The earth method works well."

"Yin and Yang combine essence, water and spirit show shape, light and water capture, reach the heaven and earth, practice law and law, yin and Yang mirror, the true shape shows quickly, the true shape shows quickly, and I follow the laws and regulations of Sanmao real monarch!"

I read it sentence by sentence, and everyone followed it sentence by sentence. After reading it here, I opened my mouth and said, "hurry is like a law!"

"Hurry is like a law!" they read in unison.



I went to the door, opened the door and said, "you can open your eyes. Remember, you must not panic."

As soon as they finished speaking, they took off the grapefruit leaves in front of them.

The next second, the scream of killing pigs came. More than 20 people directly fried the pot, and the scene was in chaos.

They were crowded and rushed out desperately. I couldn't stop them. I don't know why these seemingly weak girls have so much strength.

I totally overestimated their courage. These people completely forgot what I just said.

They shouted and rushed down the stairs. No one took the elevator. They were all running the stairs.

My voice was completely drowned by them. There was nothing I could do about these girls who were out of control.

Among these people, Zhao Shuixian was the last one. Instead of running, she directly hugged me and begged, "help me, please, help me."

The scream was getting farther and farther away. Xiao Wang rushed up in the elevator. He quickly asked, "Mr. Qin, what happened?"

"There are ghosts here. They are scared away." I didn't hide it.

"Ghosts? How could it be? I work every night. Why haven't I seen ghosts?" asked Xiao Wang suspiciously.

"Can you see me?" Si Si's voice suddenly came out. I turned my head and saw that she came out of the stairs.

I can see her, but Xiao Wang and Zhao Shuixian can't.

"Who? Who is talking?" Xiao Wang took out his baton for the first time and looked around vigilantly.

I smiled and said, "how did you come out?"

Sisi went to Xiao Wang and replied, "I heard something. I'm afraid you have something to do."

"Who? Mr. Qin, who is talking?" Xiao Wang hurried to me, trembling.

I opened my mouth and said, "I said there was a ghost, but you don't believe it."

"It's impossible. How could there be ghosts." Xiao Wang was still stiff lipped.

In fact, it is really difficult for people to accept things beyond the scope of cognition.

"Do you believe it now?" Si soul reflected himself and stood in front of Xiao Wang.

Xiao Wang Meng stepped back two steps and fell to the ground. He looked at Sisi in horror, but Sisi was not terrible.

Not only is it not scary, but it looks like a top-notch young woman.

Zhao Shuixian, who had been holding me, turned his eyes white and fainted.

"Xiao Wang, although she is a ghost, she is also my friend. I'm here. You don't have to worry," I said.

Xiao Wang stood up trembling and asked, "Qin... Mr. Qin, are you a man or a ghost?"

"I'm human." I said, grabbed his hand and said, "there's temperature, isn't it? And I still have a shadow."

"I have a shadow too," said Sisi.

I gave her a white look and continued, "Xiao Wang, please help the narcissus to the room to have a rest. She can't wake up until tomorrow."

"OK... OK." Xiao Wang came over, picked up Zhao Shuixian with a trembling hand and walked into the room.

After a while, Xiao Wang came out. It seems that the man as a security guard has a stronger heart.

But it's also because thinking is harmless and not scary.

"Qin... Mr. Qin, did your friend scare away the girls?" Xiao Wang asked shivering.

I shook my head and said, "no, there are many ghosts in this community. I just let them see it."

"Alas, how can I tell Duke? Will they be all right?" asked Xiao Wang.

"No, there are many of them. They'll be fine if they run out of the range. Xiao Wang, you have to do me a favor."

"What's the matter?" asked Xiao Wang suspiciously.

I said, "there are five more buildings. I want everyone to know the truth and let them all move out of here."

"What?" Xiao Wang was stunned, quickly waved his hand and said, "no, no, this is absolutely not. The boss will kill me."

"Boss? Is it the developer here?" I asked with a frown.


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