I nodded and simply maintained the killing array. Although it doesn't take much energy, after all, there are tens of thousands of monks who have witnessed the whole process in yaochi Mountain Gate. I must finish all the rest. The plan to revitalize the pattern of the six heaven level sects is complete.

I turned back and winked at Ziwu. She soon understood my idea. With a big hand, there was a breeze in the yaochi pool, and everyone was quiet.

I took a look, and the eyes of these monks looking at me had completely changed, almost all with awe.

I know that from today on, not only yaochi, but also my leader in the early days of Renxian will become famous in exile from the mainland.

Because I have accomplished a feat that has been impossible for tens of thousands of years.

Forced back the five heavenly level sects, reorganized the pattern of exile of the heavenly level sects in the mainland, and even killed seven strong immortals one after another, scolded the supreme elder of Tianchan Pavilion, and seriously injured the leader of Tianchan Pavilion, Li mo

Together, these achievements are enough to make yaochi's position in exile to the mainland a position I can't imagine.

And I, with the help of the sword idea in the kill array, walked in the air step by step and came to the top of the yaochi. My voice was like a boundless voice: "today, I didn't entertain the yaochi well. Please forgive me, friars. Don't blame the yaochi!"

As soon as this remark came out, the bottom immediately boiled, and countless monks bowed their hands in response.

"Dare not..."

"Leader Qin is so polite. I'm sorry to accept it!"

"If I can witness this feat, I will die without regret!"

"The top and bottom of yaochi are really our models!"


I smiled and put away the leader's gold medal. The white robed sword figure hovering overhead suddenly turned into nothingness, and the cloudless sky returned to normal.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I once again said to all humanity: "Qin replaces yaochi up and down. Thank you for your face. Qin has said before. After today, yaochi will recruit monks, regardless of men and women. You should remember?"

Everyone nodded in response.

"In addition, Qin would like to remind you that from today on, the fairy in yaochi will restore the right to choose a spouse freely. Any monk who enters our yaochi can marry any fairy in yaochi without bride price by virtue of his own ability!"

I shouted.

Next second——

Many young male friars under the yaochi pool blushed and had thick necks. They couldn't help shouting:

"Headmaster Qin is mighty!"

"Leader Qin is really my good brother!"

"Leader Qin..."


I glanced at the fairies in yaochi not far away from them. They all blushed and were extremely shy. They were obviously less serious and more lively.

I cleared my throat and continued: "as the second big gift, yaochi will officially open to recruit fresh blood in three days. Whether you are an immortal in the early stage or an immortal in the earth, the sooner you join, you can allocate more cultivation resources, including but not limited to spirit stones, spirit tools and even pills!"

"In addition, those with outstanding talents can enter the inner door of yaochi exceptionally. They not only have the opportunity to consult the two strong immortals of Ziwu and Ziyan, but also have the opportunity to serve as the administrator and chief disciple of yaochi, giving priority to the salary of yaochi."

I talked about some company operation rules learned from the secular world of the earth, and replaced some of the key points with the coordination of various departments in yaochi, which can make the recruitment system more perfect.

My purpose is to deal with all the aftermath of yaochi at one time to avoid internal contradictions caused by the recruitment of fresh blood.

Before my arrival, the operation rules of yaochi were no different from those of animal husbandry on earth.

First cultivate a group of female practitioners, and then use female practitioners to go to various major doors in exchange for cultivation resources. These cultivation resources will be fed back to other female practitioners, so as to cycle and live forever.

Although on the surface, yaochi is a complete heaven level sect gate, which has even stood for tens of thousands of years, the internally derived system runs through the long river of years.

But from another perspective, in fact, this is the biggest problem. I have eliminated the pressure from the outside, and the rest is only internal reform / reform.

After announcing all the rules I could think of, I obviously felt that many monks below were eager to try, and some cautious casual practices were also moved.

The rest is the fermentation time.

I didn't continue to preside over it. After handing over the evacuation and other good things to other yaochi fairies, I returned to the main hall of yaochi under the leadership of Ziyan.

Yueguan and qintu sat on the left and right respectively, without too much communication, quietly waiting for my appearance.

To my surprise, Qin Tu's momentum fluctuated more and more. Within a few meters of him, I could feel a terrible overflow of immortal yuan. If he hadn't been restrained, I'm afraid it would be a lot of trouble.

I came forward and said, "brother Qin, can you hold on?"

Qin Tu shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it's difficult. I've just recovered soon. In addition, I forcibly absorb the inheritance of the fairy king. If I don't go to the Sanskrit mainland to find a safe place to cross the robbery as soon as possible, I'm afraid this cultivation will be destroyed as brother yueguan said."

"Did you tell Lord Yue about the inheritance of the fairy king?" I was a little surprised.

Qin Tu nodded and said, "in exchange, Lord Yue also told me some information about Sanskrit mainland. I won't talk more nonsense. Qin yihun, do you remember I said something to entrust you?"

I nodded and motioned him to go on.

"After stepping into the realm of fairy king, I can't stay in the exiled mainland and continue to serve as the leader of zhuanri gate, because the rules of heaven and earth don't allow me to stay here. This is one of them."

Qin Tu looked serious and said in a deep voice, "second, after I absorbed the inheritance of the fairy king, I had a dialogue with the remaining Yuanshen elders. I learned that he left a hate on the Sanskrit continent before his death, which led to his life and death hatred still living in the world. I must avenge him in order to obtain a more complete inheritance."

And this fairy King inheritance?

I was stunned for a moment, generally understood his meaning, and asked, "do you want me to help you take charge of the sun gate?"

"No." Qin Tu shook his head and said, "I have decided on a new candidate for the leader of zhuanri gate. He is my brother. His talent is no worse than me, but he is too stubborn. I didn't think about putting zhuanri gate and yaochi on the United Front, but it will inevitably lead to more trouble."

I nodded in agreement. It is very difficult to stand on the United Front with the status of yaochi and zhuanrimen in exile from the mainland. Even if such a big thing happened in yaochi today, I'm afraid zhuanrimen still has a lot of people who are not satisfied, especially the strong immortals.

The reason why I didn't think about annexing the power of other sects is that the immortal and powerful people in yaochi are not enough to support me to do so, on the other hand, there are absolutely loyal people in each sect.

If I kill their leader and don't look for me, I'll do my best. I still want to command them. Isn't that wishful thinking?

Today, there are only four of the six Tianji sects exiled from the mainland. If we take the theory of the strong immortal, Chiyue sect should rank first, tiancange second, zhuanri gate third and yaochi fourth.

But if you rank by reputation, I'm afraid yaochi dares to be the second, and no one dares to be the first.

"What do you mean..." I asked.

"This area can't bind me, Qin tu. when the time is ripe, I will take zhuanri gate to leave the exiled mainland and go to the Sanskrit mainland with more perfect rules of heaven and earth. I hope yaochi will try to keep friends with zhuanri gate during this period of time. If zhuanri gate encounters death, I hope yaochi can help."

Qin Tu whispered, "in addition, over the years, zhuanri gate has also exchanged a lot of female practitioners in yaochi, who are more or less ashamed of yaochi. In addition, your Qin soul has great kindness to me. I will order my men to send half of the cultivation resources and spirit tools left after the collapse of the broken yuan sect some day. Both gratitude and resentment between you and me are cleared."

I meditated for two seconds and didn't refuse his proposal. This is really the result I want to see most, which is beneficial to both sides.

If I don't have lotus petals in my hand, Qin Tu won't have the opportunity to absorb the inheritance of the fairy king, so as to step into the half step fairy king and help me frighten the major leaders and destroy the broken yuan sect.

Each has made achievements and cleared up, and no one is worthy of anyone.


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