Zhao Shuixian was stunned and rushed up to hit me. I laughed and said, "haven't you thought about this problem?"

Zheng Kangkang's situation has stabilized. I know him. He will be happy to know the result.

Because he is getting closer and closer to Zhao Shuixian, this infatuated fool who can even commit suicide suddenly becomes a demon smoothly. It is estimated that he can wake up when he sleeps.

Zhao Shuixian said, "I didn't expect you to have such a skinny side. I thought only nerds could ask such questions."

"Your man infected your IQ, there is no way." I spread my hand.

Zhao Shuixian sighed and said, "these three color flowers are very precious. The nerd ate one, and I don't know if Ling Yue will kill us."

"No, she gave me all the three flowers."

"Dream, here you are?" said Zhao Shuixian disdainfully.

"Really, she won't come back in a short time." then I told her what happened last night.

After hearing this, Zhao Shuixian asked in surprise, "do you mean that Ling Yue is the leader of the Shao palace?"

"Yes, ask the young leader of the heavenly palace."

"My God, what a big comer." Zhao Shuixian was surprised and couldn't close her mouth.

"Ask the heavenly palace is very powerful?"

"Of course, human practitioners have two major forces in the hidden world, asking the heavenly palace and the Xuanmen. In terms of overall strength, asking the heavenly palace is much more powerful than the Xuanmen," Zhao Shuixian explained.

"Are the two forces opposed?"

Zhao Shuixian shook her head and said, "on the surface, it's not. For thousands of years, both the heavenly palace and the Xuanmen have assumed the responsibility of maintaining human order. The Xuanmen is mainly to deter the demon temple, the Ghost Castle, the corpse city and the demon ghost corpse essence of Wanxiang Valley, so that they don't make trouble in the world."

"Wanxiang Valley is the nest of your essence?"

"What nest? It's so ugly."


"That's our sphere of influence!!!" Zhao Shuixian said angrily.

"Sorry, my culture is low. I heard Ling Yue say, what else is the heart burning hall?"

"The burning heart hall is the magic hall," said Zhao Shuixian.

"Magic hall? Are all the demons in it very powerful?" I asked quickly.

Zhao Shuixian nodded and said, "yes, the situation in the heart burning hall is very special. There are human beings, demons, ghosts, corpses and spirits. When some big men enter the devil during cultivation, they will choose to go to the heart burning hall."

"So the heavenly palace is designed to compete with the devil palace?" I frowned and asked, worried.

Because it's obvious that Tiangong has been infighting, Ling Yue asked Lord Lei before. Who in the palace wants to kill her.

If Wentian palace collapses, can't the devil hall do whatever it wants?

Zhao Shuixian nodded and said, "yes, in addition to deterring the burning heart hall, there will be disciples of the law enforcement hall to help Xuanmen maintain human order in the past two years."

"What do you mean by asking that the heavenly palace and the Xuanmen are not opposites on the surface?"

Zhao Shuixian said: "the actions of Xuanmen in recent two years have become more and more incomprehensible, and the activities of demon ghost corpse spirits in the world have become more and more rampant. Xuanmen not only did not try its best to stop, but also had some meaning of laissez faire freedom."

I nodded slowly and muttered, "I said how I've met all the species in the hidden world recently."

"Are you talking about me or your daughter-in-law?" Zhao Shuixian asked with a frown.

I smiled and said, "I didn't say you. By the way, is my second uncle from Xuanmen or from Tiangong?"

"Brother Kui is from Xuanmen," said Zhao Shuixian.

Well, I said, "if this goes on, the world will be chaotic."

"A group of elves have come out of Wanxiang valley. I don't know how many others have come out, but no one dares to make trouble soon after coming out." Zhao Shuixian said with some worry.

I looked at Zheng Kangkang, who had become a white pig in bed, and then went out.

Looking at the dim lights by the lake in the distance, I couldn't help thinking.

This beautiful world seems calm, but in fact the undercurrent surges.

Once the heaven palace collapses, demons, ghosts, corpses and spirits make a riot one after another, coupled with the riots in the heart burning hall, the world will really be over.

I don't know anything else, but corpses and ghosts can use living people as resources to make themselves stronger.

I clenched my fists tightly and felt an unprecedented worry.

Not worried about themselves, but worried that the world would collapse, and ordinary humans would suddenly become slaves from the top of the food chain.

Because ordinary human beings are really vulnerable to demons, ghosts and corpses.

"What are you thinking?" Zhao Shuixian came to me. The wind by the lake was strong, making her long hair flutter.

I turned to look at the remaining two tricolor flowers and suddenly said, "I know why Ling Yue didn't kill me. Instead, she left these tricolor flowers for me."


"She may think I'm not bad and want to cultivate me."

"I don't want you to save the world?"

"As a human monk, we are duty bound," I said faintly.

Zhao Shuixian turned to look at me: "don't tease me. It's hard for you to accept me now, and I can only be regarded as medium strength in the demon ghost corpse essence."

I turned to look at her and said, "less than ten days before you knew me, I was just a scientific Taoist who didn't understand anything."

"So powerful?" Zhao Shuixian looked at me strangely.

I nodded and looked at the prosperous street scene in the distance again.

My growth rate is definitely not what ordinary people can achieve. There are too many coincidences.

For example, my three souls lack the life style of one, "sow breeding and postpartum care", the corpse poison of ghouls, gouyu seal, ask the gift of the little palace master of the heavenly palace, soul determination, etc.

In this process, my original life has been completely disrupted, and I have experienced the death of many people, such as Grandpa, Zhao ruoxian, and so on.

All this is like a dream, strange and dreamy.

Happened to encounter this hidden world riot, demon ghost corpse spirits poured into human territory.

All this seems to tell me that I was born in such troubled times, so I should carry a three foot sword and make great contributions to the protection of mankind.


Ironically, I am not a normal human being myself. No normal human being is incomplete.

Strictly speaking, I am a monster without human, demon, corpse, ghost and essence.

But what can I do to calm the chaos in the hidden world?

Even the strength as strong as Ling Yue was seriously injured, not to mention me?

"You don't really want to get involved? In fact, with your ability, as long as you don't cause trouble, you can protect yourself completely," Zhao Shuixian said.

"I've been involved. Is there a normal person around me now?" I said with a smile.

Zhao daffodil spread his hand: "yes, it seems that there is no more."

I frowned, turned to look at her and asked seriously, "do you think there is no problem for the demon ghost corpse spirit to invade human territory?"

"I don't think it's a problem. We don't make trouble, but we also abide by human rules. Isn't it good to live in peace?" Zhao Shuixian said.

"There will never be peaceful coexistence for a long time. The reason why they haven't made trouble is that the time is not ripe. On the surface, they are pressed by the heavenly palace and the Xuanmen." I retorted.

Zhao Shuixian sighed and said, "I don't know about other races, but when our elves came out, the clan leader specially explained that we must not destroy the order of the sun."

"Then why did you come out again? Isn't deep mountain cultivation the best choice for you?" I asked with a frown.

Zhao Shuixian replied, "do you think we want to come out? It's not that every race of demon, ghost and corpse spirits have to come out. Each race comes out at least 100 every year. It's called adapting to human life. If we don't come out, we will be excluded by the other three races."

I was stunned. This must be a conspiracy. How can there be such a rule?

"Who is the leader of the four families of demon, ghost, corpse and spirit?"

"Led by the demon temple, our valley Master said it was the advice given by the demon temple. In fact, it was an order. The elves in Wanxiang valley are gentle and don't like disputes, so..."

"So among the four ethnic groups, the strength is also the worst," I answered.

The world is like this. The more you don't fight, the less you can grow. If you can't grow, your strength will stop.

In fact, many times, peace can only be obtained through war.

Aggression is a characteristic of all intelligent creatures.

Zhao Shuixian, with a very angry expression, said: "Wanxiang Valley has been suppressed all the time. Every year, we need to pay tribute to ten national fairy sisters in the demon temple and go to the top ten families of the demon temple as maidens."

"You seem angry?"

"Of course I'm angry. Before my father and I came out, my sister was chosen to be a slave in the demon temple," said Zhao Shuixian.

"No wonder your father hates demons so much. He threw up Du Zhiye the first time he entered the store."

"In fact, the fault of the demon Temple cannot be passed on to Zhiye."

"Well, by the way, what's the status of the Zhao family in the demon temple? Is it one of the top ten families?" I asked casually.


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