I'm really not an expert in Douluo

Chapter 19: Love Starts from the Baby

Xiao Wu and Tang San sat by the fire and began to eat fish. Tang San didn't know why, there was an inexplicable affinity between him and Xiao Wu, as if they had seen them before.

But he was sure that he hadn't seen her at all after he crossed to the Douluo Continent. Why was that?

Li Ruofan hid among the bushes, watching the two children talking and laughing, very satisfied.

He thought of Tang San's experience of becoming a god. It can be said that Xiao Wu was Tang San's greatest help in becoming a god. Without Xiao Wu, Tang San might not be able to pass the test and become a god.

It is also because the feelings between him and Xiao Wu have always supported him, so he has the belief that he wants to resurrect Xiao Wu.

Under this belief, Tang San became a god step by step.

So even if Li Ruofan wanted Tang San to become a god, Xiao Wu had the most important opportunity.

Although Xiao Wu is a soul beast, it is related to the Star Dou Great Forest and the Spirit Hall. If Xiao Wu’s karma is involved, it must be inseparable from these, but in order for Tang San to become a god, Li Ruofan had to take all these causes and effects. Consider it.

"Xiao Wu is the key to Tang San becoming a god. It seems that I have to find a way to abduct Xiao Wu to Xiaoyao Gate, so that their young couple can cultivate and cultivate their feelings!" Li Ruofan said silently.

Just do it!

When Tang San and Xiao Wu had almost eaten, Tang San was a little surprised: "Master has been out for so long, why haven't you come back!"

"Such a delicious meal, you must have been eating it!" Xiao Wu replied.

"Is he going to eat?" Tang San couldn't help but spit out, "I think he is full to support!"

"Is there a difference between the two?" Xiao Wu asked.

Tang San hurriedly laughed and said, "Of course, eating up means eating too much, and holding up when you're full means nothing to do."

Xiao Wu touched her head, as if she still didn't understand.

After all, this is not a common language in Douluo Continent, and Xiao Wu is a rabbit, so she has learned very well.

At this time, Li Ruofan walked out.

"Little San, the meal is over, and my sister is finished, it's time to dare to be serious, let's go!" Li Ruofan shouted.

Although Li Ruofan knew that the best way to deal with women was to get caught.

So he didn't let Xiao Wu go with them directly.

"Where are you going?" Xiao Wu asked suddenly.

"We are going to hunt the soul beast. It's dangerous here. Did you come alone?" Tang San asked.

Hearing the hunting of spirit beasts, Xiao Wu's expression changed slightly, but he also knew that in this continent, in order to gain the spirit ring to improve his strength, he must hunt the spirit beasts. She couldn't stop this kind of thing.

"Well, I originally wanted to find a suitable spirit ring at the outermost periphery, but I got lost as I walked, and then I came here." Xiao Wu said.

In fact, Xiao Wu just returned home from Notting College during the holiday. He should have returned to Shenghun Village with Tang San this semester, but because Tang San was accepted as an apprentice by Li Ruofan, Xiao Wu’s course has also changed. Her semester I wanted to go back to the Star Dou Great Forest to take a look, but I didn't expect to meet Tang San here.

"Let's do this, or you can go with us! We will take you out." Tang San said.

"Good!" Xiao Wu nodded.

"Master, it's okay for us to take her!" Tang San looked at Li Ruofan.

"Good boy, I didn't expect you to be a girl at such a young age, haha... you deserve to be my apprentice, well, just do it with you!" Li Ruofan said lightly.

"Xiao Wu, let's go!" Tang San took Xiao Wu's hand and walked forward.

As he walked, Li Ruofan suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong, Master?" Tang San asked.

"There is a soul beast here that suits you very well!" Li Ruofan said.

As soon as Li Ruofan's voice fell, a soul beast rushed out of the forest.

At this moment, a faint air current hovered around his eyes, and Tang San seemed to see a dark shadow on the left side of the road ahead flashing away.

The sense of crisis suddenly sharpened Tang San's reaction, his body quickly threw himself to the left, and at the same time his right hand quickly drew the dagger from behind his waist.

He is not particularly proficient in Blue Silver Grass, so he is more used to using daggers.

Tang San pulled Xiao Wu behind him.At this moment, a black figure flashed past where he was before, and rushed to the ground next to him, close at hand, Tang San suddenly saw its appearance.

It was a thunder beast with a height of about one meter. It had brown hair all over its body, brown eyes, an unusually long pair of arms, sharp nails on the claws, exposed canine teeth on the lips, and fierce light in the eyes. .He missed a hit, and immediately let out a low roar at Tang San, his powerful hind limbs kicked on the ground, and he rushed towards Tang San again.

Tang San had fallen to the ground before, and quickly rolled to the left, bounced up, fell a few steps and raised the dagger to his chest.

The nervous heartbeat sounded clearly, and Tang San's breathing obviously became quicker.

Tang San knew that this was a thousand-year spirit beast, and he had seen it on the soul beast spectrum. It was a thousand-year-old thunder beast, possessing the power of thunder.

"Little San, kill your own soul beast by yourself, don't count on me." Li Ruofan said, holding his hand.

At this time, Tang San got serious, stood up straight and said, "I know the teacher, I will kill this soul beast myself."

"Xiao Wu, stand back a little!"

Thunder Beast missed two consecutive hits and seemed to be irritated. His upper body was raised, his fists punched his chest vigorously, and at the same time he roared, suddenly opened his big mouth in Tang San's direction. Tuan white light spouted from its mouth and flew straight to Tang San.

At this moment, even if Tang San had no experience anymore, he could tell that what he was facing was a spirit beast.There is still a certain distance between this place and the Star Dou Great Forest, and he is not half prepared. He is about to be hit by the white light group. With his current cultivation base, once he is hit, then it is likely to be a disaster.

While ejecting white light, Lei Beast himself quickly rushed towards Tang San, fierce light in his eyes.

Bai Guang had arrived in front of him, and Tang San, who had lost his ability to think in tension, just subconsciously lifted the dagger in his right hand following his body instinct, and was hit by the white light.

A strange scene also appeared at this time.At the same time Bai Guang hit the White Tiger Dagger, the Thunder Beast had already pounced, and a pair of slender arm fronts and claws grabbed Tang San's shoulders at the same time.

Lei Shou grabbed Tang San's shoulders, his strong body turned around in the air with the momentum, and he was about to throw Tang San out fiercely.

At the same time, a white light flashed underneath the Thunder Beast at the same time it fell out of Tang San.Lei Beast's body seemed to stiffen a bit, and Tang San, who was supposed to be smashed to the ground, was thrown away.


Suddenly, Lan Yincao shot from Tang San's right hand, entangled Lei Beast's body.

At the same time, Tang San's body immediately rushed towards the Lei Beast, and the dagger in his hand was ruthlessly inserted into the Lei Beast's neck, blood splashing everywhere.

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