I'm really not an expert in Douluo

Chapter 21 Titan Great Ape

In the direction Li Ruofan was gazing at, two tall trees suddenly separated slowly to the sides, and a huge figure quietly walked out from there.

It was like a mountain. The dark hair of the whole body shone lightly under the faint light of stars and moon. Although it was on all fours, the height of its shoulders was definitely more than seven meters.

If you stand upright, the height will probably be 15 meters away.

From the outside, it looked like an ape and a chimpanzee, except for a pair of lantern-sized eyes that shone with citrine-like luster.If it weren't for it to move in the night, it might not even be able to see its body.

The body of this big guy is too majestic, unbelievably magnificent. Not only is it huge, but every part of its body is covered with strong muscles that are even more terrifying than granite, and the protrusions are like small hills.

But such a huge guy didn't make any sound while walking, not even breathing.

"Master, what kind of soul beast is this, why is it so powerful?" Tang San asked in surprise.

Li Ruofan said indifferently: "It is the king of the forest, the giant giant ape, and a hundred thousand-year soul beast."

The Titan Great Ape appears in any soul beast forest, it is absolutely a dominant existence.No soul beast dared to offend it, because the result must be death.Even if it is only a hundred-year-level Titan Great Ape, it can even compete with other ten thousand-year-level soul beasts.

They have unparalleled strength and speed, and almost no flaws in attack and defense.The most frightening thing is that they can also display skills similar to spirit abilities.

No one knows what the real skills of the Titan Great Ape are, because the humans who saw these skills are already dead.

The same is the ten thousand year spirit beast, the strength is definitely different, this is the problem of its own attributes.And the Titan Great Ape, among all soul beasts, is obviously one of the few soul beasts standing at the top of the pyramid.The horror it can bring is almost a nightmare for all soul masters.

I didn't know how many spirit masters coveted the power of the Titan Great Ape, hoping to kill it as their spirit ring, but those who had this idea and tried to realize it all disappeared from this world.

Among the known soul masters, it seems that only one person has hunted and killed a giant giant ape, and only that one person.

The Titan Great Ape is not only powerful, but also possesses wisdom no less than human beings.

In the forest, it is the absolute king.

Of course Li Ruofan knew the purpose of the Titan Great Ape. He knew that Xiao Wu had an unusual relationship with the Titan Great Ape. He wanted to abduct Xiao Wu, so the Titan Great Ape came after him.

When Li Ruofan wanted to accept Xiao Wu as his disciple, he had already considered this situation.

If it weren’t for the system requirements, Li Ruofan would never become Tang San’s master, because Tang San has always followed the main line in the Douluo Continent, becoming Tang San’s master, which means that he will also be influenced by Tang San. Will follow Tang San on the main task.

So this road is destined to be extremely dangerous.

With my careful character, how can I tolerate this danger.

So he can only be more careful and consider all issues comprehensively.

"Lord of the Forest, we have no intention of offending. If this is your territory, we are willing to withdraw immediately." Li Ruofan said in a deep voice.

He knew that the Titan Great Ape was able to understand human words. Although he had done many preparations, he was still prepared to negotiate first. If the negotiation fails, it will not be too late to move.


Suddenly, the Titan Great Ape gave a long roar, slapped his chest, the fierce light was exposed, and the brutal spirit power overflowed everywhere.

The Titan Great Ape didn't pay attention to Li Ruofan's words, it stared at Xiao Wu next to it.

"Master, what should we do?" Tang San asked quickly.

At this time, Li Ruofan solemnly glanced at Tang San and said, "Do you still remember the third principle that Master taught you?"

"You mean..."

"Yes, that's the trick!"

"Okay!" Tang San nodded.

The third principle: the ring has more bones and more bones, set the fire wave, the ring has fewer bones and run away!


Li Ruofan shouted.

At this moment, Tang San immediately pulled Xiao Wu by his side and ran.

The Titan Great Ape did not realize that Li Ruofan and Tang San would run, the king of the forest broke out with a terrifying roar, and ran after Li Ruofan and the others.

With the help of the purple magic pupil, Tang San could see clearly that a black air wave erupted from the Titan Giant Ape. Although it was night, he clearly saw this air wave.

I have to say that Li Ruofan's escape speed was extremely fast, and Tang San and Xiao Wu were thrown out of the clouds with a single word.

Tang San looked at his master in surprise, and couldn't help wondering if he was really reliable to follow this master?

Is this critical moment when you leave the disciple and run?

At this time, as a master, shouldn't you stand up and stand in front of you?

Tang San secretly said in his heart: I decided to sever the relationship with you when I go back!

At this moment, the Titan Great Ape had already caught up with Tang San and Xiao Wu. Tang San knew that they could no longer run, so he stopped immediately.

He opened the Purple Demon Eye and immediately stretched out his left hand, and a black hammer appeared in his hand.

He pulled Xiao Wu behind him, and stood alone in front of the Titan Great Ape.

"Big man, come on! Even if I fight this life, I won't let you hurt Xiao Wu!" Tang San stared at the Titan Great Ape.

He seemed to have forgotten all the principles that the Master had given him to be cautious. Here, the only thing he wanted to protect was Xiao Wu. For Xiao Wu, he had a special feeling. He felt that he had met her.

It's just that he doesn't know that his encounter with her is destiny.

This feeling appeared in his heart because of fate.

So even if he and Xiao Wu only met for a few minutes, he wanted to protect the little girl behind him incomparably.

The Titan Great Ape looked at Tang San with a little surprise, it had already developed a sense of intelligence, and saw that besides him there was a little boy protecting Xiao Wu, he was suddenly moved.

But it is a bit sour!

Suddenly, he let out a furious cry, and a huge sound even caused a hurricane, but Tang San's thin body stood still in the wind, guarding Xiao Wu behind him.

At this time, the Titan Great Ape did not know why?He was jealous, looking at Tang San, a huge palm pressed down towards Tang San.


At this time, Xiao Wu quickly shouted.

But it was too late, Tang San had closed his eyes, waiting for death to come.

At this moment, the Titan Great Ape suddenly stopped moving, and the huge palm of his hand did not fall.

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