"My name is Oscar, Wuhun Sausage, the 30th-level second-ring auxiliary system Wuhun master."

The girl said coldly: "Meng Yan still, Martial Spirit Snake Rod, 30th-level Second Ring Battle Spirit Master."

Getting closer, Oscar discovered that this young girl named Meng still is very beautiful. She is sixteen years old after all, and her body is already perfectly developed. Compared with her, the three girls in the college look a little green .

Meng still has long eyelashes on his big brown eyes, his height is about the same as that of Oscar, and he is extremely well-proportioned. The chest is full and round, and his slender waist is twisted like a snake, although his face is light and thin. Anger, but not less graceful.

The breeze blew, the leaves rustled in the forest, and sunlight emerged from the jagged shadows of the trees.Oscar raised his right hand and said, "Please."

The anger in Meng's heart was already burning at this time, and seeing the rare spirit ring in her hand had such a problem, how could she feel good in her heart.Can't wait to get rid of the Oscar in front of him, so that he can get the Millennium Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb to absorb the spirit ring to advance.

In fact, although Long Gong Meng Shu was also in the Star Dou Great Forest, he was still separated from Snake Po and Meng because of tracking another soul beast, and it was not easy to find it in a short time.Otherwise, if Duke Long was really nearby, how could Snake Po Chaotianxiang speak so easily.

With a flash of body shape, Meng still quickly came to Oscar, and the two-meter-long snake stick hugged his head and slammed straight on Oscar's head.

It seemed that Meng was still just a slender girl, she didn't look like a girl when she moved her hands, not only was she extremely powerful, but her spirit power was also full of domineering aura.

Seeing the snake stick came, Oscar slipped and retreated quickly, suddenly a dagger appeared in his hand.

At this moment, Oscar suddenly took advantage of his strength, holding Meng Wei, who was rushing over, with his hand in hand, and the dagger in his right hand suddenly struck towards Meng.

"How is it possible? Is this really an aid?"

With a cold snort, the two spirit rings on Meng Still's body suddenly lit up at the same time.

Seeing the spirit ring shining on her body, Oscar was immediately taken aback. While surprised in her heart, Oscar quickly retreated without hesitation.

I saw Meng still suddenly smashed the snake-head crutches in his hand towards Oscar.

Among the snake heads at the top of the snake head crutches, a two-foot-long tongue blade spurted out, instantly narrowing the distance from Oscar, and the tongue blade shone with a blue lustrous luster, which was obviously highly poisonous.

Meng still activated two spirit abilities at the same time, the first spirit ring skill, tongue blade, and the second spirit ring skill, snake body.Relying on the snake body, her tongue's blade burst out a tyrannical attack, and the first hand suddenly reversed.

Oscar's body strayed slightly, no longer retreating, and his feet exerted force, almost thrusting forward against the blade of his tongue. At the same time, he used his left hand to control the crane force, and the right hand dagger shot out. The target was the snake head under the snake head. It is a snake, then Oscar’s goal is the seven inches of this snake.

With a muffled bang, the snake head crutch rose slightly. Meng's spirit power was still more domineering than Oscar had imagined. Although the snake stick was shaken away, Oscar did not get the opportunity to attack. Meng still pulled the snake stick forcibly. Back, the hands holding the snake stick shook slightly, the snake stick had turned into eight lights and shadows and pointed towards Oscar at the same time.

These eight lights and shadows are imaginary and real, with surging domineering spirit power, covering almost all the space where Oscar can dodge.

At this moment, Oscar's dual hands were activated, and he stretched forward without hesitation. Then, Oscar's right hand penetrated like a magical pen like lightning, and it caught the snake head crutch body. The position is exactly the seven inches where he hit before.

Meng still felt that the snake stick in his hand was tight, and all the illusory light and shadow disappeared, but the Oscar's attack did not end.

At this time, the dagger in Oscar's hand suddenly pierced towards Meng. Meng still had no time to react, and immediately retreated, but this retreat happened to hit Oscar's strategy.

"Look at how Teacher Li taught me the shoulder fall!"

I saw Oscar immediately pushed forward, and then grabbed Meng Li's chest!

Suddenly, Oscar grabbed Meng Dian's crisp chest, then carried Meng Dian, and fell abruptly from the top of his head.

After the fall, Oscar clapped his hands and said, "Mr. Li is right, this trick is really useful for girls!"

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded and looked at Oscar in surprise.


How can there be such a fight in this world?

Not only is he so cruel to girls, but he also grabs people's breasts directly?

Who taught this?

"Boy, how dare you, I will kill you!" Where can the snake woman watch her granddaughter be humiliated, she will immediately start her hands.

At this moment, Zao Wou-ki immediately stood in front of him and said, "Senior Snake Woman is going to do it?"

"This kid is so mean and insulted Lao Sheng's granddaughter, Lao Sheng must teach him well!"

At this moment, Li Ruofan said indifferently: "Snake woman, you are not kind enough to do this, I ask you, who made the challenge?"

"Lao Sheng brought it up, but what about that?" The snake woman looked at Li Ruofan and asked.

"You mean the spirit master's rules are coming?" Li Ruofan smiled.


"Then the soul master's rules stipulate that you can't grab your chest?" Li Ruofan asked.


"Since there is no stipulation in the rules of the soul master, and you didn't explain it in advance, so this competition is obviously the Oscar victory!" Li Ruofan said lightly.

"But, this kid insulted my granddaughter, I will teach him a lesson!" The snake woman sternly said.

At this moment, a powerful sense of fear suddenly appeared in her heart, as if a pair of big hands were holding her heart, as if as long as she took a step, those hands would burst her heart.

Chao Tianxiang looked up and saw Li Ruofan smiling at her.

"Could it be......"

Is it all done by the young man in front of him?

If this is the case...

Chao Tianxiang didn't dare to think about it any more, and quickly relented: "Okay, we give up! Still, let's go!"

At this time, Meng still stood up and said angrily: "But..."

"It's nothing, let's go!" The snake woman took Meng and left.

Oscar came to the phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake, then stabbed it, and suddenly, a purple spirit ring flew out.

Oscar quickly sat down and began to absorb the spirit ring, and Li Ruofan immediately picked up the big snake and walked towards his pot, then he quickly processed the snake meat, chopped it, threw it in the pot, and boiled... ..

"Teacher Zhao, you made a great contribution this time, let's eat snake meat together!" Li Ruofan looked at Zao Wou-ki and smiled.

"Huh, who is rare, can you eat the snake meat you boiled? I won't eat it if I kill you!" Zao Wou-ki snorted coldly.

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