I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 718 You are a person whose mind is full of yourself (still going, still going)

This is not an unprecedented battle, but it can indeed be regarded as a rare battle between Kamen Riders, especially since the two people fighting are Tiandao and Gan Qiao.

In the past, no one would have thought that these two people could fight.

But now, everyone knows that Gan Qiao is involved in these things, and it is impossible for heaven to let him go.

If this guy continues like this, what he will do in the future is unimaginable.

"Are you ready?" Tiandao installed the Xingtian dial on the space-time drive.

Next to the two people facing each other, a group of Heisei knights gathered here without blinking, for fear of missing the battle between the two.

"Who do you think will win this battle?" I don't know why, Tsugami Shoichi suddenly asked such a question, which attracted the attention of everyone present, and they all looked at this man with surprised eyes. The shapeshifter of Yajida.

There's nothing wrong with you, right? Asking this question?

"It depends on how much strength he brings out." After all, it is still the Chief of Tiandao. At this time, he is often the only one who can find an explanation that takes into account both sides, and it is completely unacceptable: "Whether it is Tiandao or Qianqiao. "

"That's right." These words were recognized by everyone, and everyone nodded involuntarily.

On the other floor, the Showa Knights, who were gathered together in front of the window, were also watching the battle, but they were all focused on the outside world.

Speaking of which, if Tiandao had not chosen to take action at this time, the Showa Knights would have prepared to give the Heisei Knights a hard blow and change their abstract way of thinking.

"This Tiandao should be human, right?" Chao No. 1 was the first to speak: "Isn't it the Divine Mountain Tiandao that transformed humans? Didn't it escape the fate of fighting after all? Even in the Heisei era, he still became a warrior."

"The destiny of the Kamiyama family to fight is vividly reflected in Kamiyama Tiandao." Sky Knight whispered, but these words immediately caused many Showa knights to feel the same.

"Just watch, look at his strength, and look at his determination." No. 1 said in a deep voice: "Kamiyama Tiandao in the Heisei era, his fighting consciousness, everything about him, at this moment, let us have a glimpse of the reality Bar."

"I want to find an answer, or..."

Gan Qiao took a deep breath, turned on the phone in his hand, pressed the No. 5 key three times in a row, and then turned it off.

"Find what I lost in the battle."

"so me"

Putting the mobile phone on his belt, Qian Qiao clenched his hands into fists at his sides and whispered: "henshin!"

The dazzling photon blood swept through the whole body instantly, outlining the traces of pipe flow. In the flash of bright red light, Kamen Rider Sanjogo officially appeared in front of everyone.

"There is no need for a reason to fight." Tiandao flipped the space-time drive and completed the final transformation amidst the ticking sound of the clock: "Because as long as it is a fight, there must be a reason to fight."

"Whether it is to protect the person you want to protect, even if it is to protect your own life, whether it is noble or selfish, whether it is great or small."

"Those are reasons to fight for, not to look for."

The Xingtian Armor is worn on the body. Tiandao does not attach the God Riding system, but only uses the power of the Xingtian Armor: "Even if you feel selfish, that's it."

Qian Qiao:.


If he continues talking, it's hard to say how much of his will to fight will be left.

Qian Qiao shouted angrily and ran quickly towards Tiandao.

The clenched hand was pressed behind his back, ready to give Tiandao a hard blow on his face.

Tiandao's body remained motionless, and his transformation was triggered instantly. In the blink of an eye of Qian Qiao and everyone watching the battle, Tiandao appeared behind Qian Qiao, with the raised knife across the back of Qian Qiao's head, but Nothing fell.

"If you were Cao Jia now and were killed like this, would you look at me with resentment?" Tiandao said word by word: "Tell me your last words."

"Do you think I'll care?"

"Stop talking!" Gan Qiao waved his hand suddenly, and swept forward with a whip fist, landing towards Tiandao's temple.

But at this moment, Tiandao activated his transformation again and disappeared in front of Qian Qiao once again.

Gan Qiao's blow missed, he raised his hand unwilling to be outdone and immediately activated the acceleration form.

Expand the breastplate on the chest to both sides to expose the built-in parts, so as not to interfere with subsequent heat dissipation.

On the bent arm, the time was set on the watch, with ten seconds as the limit, and it started counting immediately.

The same acceleration and the same ultra-high-speed movement were replicated on Qian Qiao's body. The two figures who were also in the accelerated world could no longer be perceived by outsiders.

It was a picture that was beyond what the human eye could capture. Even the Showa veterans, who were reformers, couldn't see it clearly.

After countless fights and collisions in an instant, ten seconds arrived and Qian Qiao had to exit from the acceleration state.

But at the moment of exit, his body was knocked away the moment it stopped, and his whole person was continuously being hit in the air, as if an invisible opponent was continuously releasing attacks on him, making him Always stay in the sky and never come down.


He kicked the ground hard, trampling Qian Qiao from the sky. Tiandao looked at Qian Qiao who was holding his ankle and said word by word: "Do you see clearly now? I am like Ophiino who killed Soka. If I want, you will be killed like Soka."

"So what do you think is the biggest difference between you and Soka?"

As he said, Tiandao kicked Qian Qiao away, forcing the opponent's body to fly sideways in the air. After rolling several times on the ground, he landed next to his motorcycle.

"Because you are stronger than Soka, I am more looking forward to it." Tiandao turned around.

"Show your final form, Qian Qiao!"

But Qian Qiao, who was lying on the ground and looking at the sky, did not do anything about it. Instead, he stared at the sky blankly, as if he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Is this the reason for Soka's death?" Covering his face, Qian Qiao said slowly: "I am stronger than him, so I am the one who survived."

"You don't need to worry about Soka's death." Looking at Qian Qiao who had lost his fighting spirit, Tiandao no longer had the idea of ​​fighting. He canceled his transformation and returned to his human form, and came to Qian Qiao step by step.

"If you want to blame, blame Soka for not being as strong as you."

"All tragedies come from their own lack of strength, and the same is true for life."

"If you are not strong enough, you can't guarantee that you can survive in the battle."

Tiandao stretched out his hand and placed it in front of Qian Qiao, waiting for his choice.

"What I lost in the battle is the dream I want to protect." Qian Qiao grabbed Tiandao's hand: "I don't have a dream, but I can protect the dreams of others."

"But. There is no dream for me to protect."

What was lost in the battle has been felt in the collision of the accelerated world.

But it is precisely because of this that Qian Qiao cannot accept this.

"At this point, are you still thinking about protecting other people's dreams?" Tiandao shook his head and pulled Qian Qiao up with force, even though he was still in the transformed posture.

"You are really selfish."

"Because I am such a selfish person." Qian Qiao canceled the transformation and shook his head helplessly: "I still don't know what I am going to do, but at least I have to be responsible for the disaster I caused."

"Leave Soka to me, I will give him, everyone, and me an explanation." Qian Qiao turned around and looked at the many knights watching the battle, and said firmly: "Please believe me."

"Then let's go." Kadoya Shi smiled and walked out of the crowd first.

"After being delayed for so long, it's time to let them see how powerful our Heisei Knights are."

"Of course." With a dragon roar, a huge red dragon soared in the sky, and the knight standing between the dragon's horns jumped down and suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Then, a roaring tram emerged from the cracks in time and space, and Ryotaro and the four demon gods appeared in front of everyone.

"I have dealt with Odin." Dragon Knight smiled: "But on the way here, I saw many strong enemies."

"Zi-O asked us to come." Before Ryotaro could speak, Momotaros spoke first.

"The Knight of Time, I am looking forward to it!"

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