【Threats to intimidate others? She is a repeat offender! 】

[The eldest Miss Fengyun Group was arrested in public and suspected of multiple cases of threats and intimidation. 】

[Miss Fengyun was arrested in the office on suspicion of intimidation, and the police have issued an administrative detention notice. 】

This headline has almost occupied the homepage of major platforms.

Yi Nanyan simply closed the page after reading it. Immediately, she got out of the car and the cold air poured in, which made her rub her hands.

"Su Ruantian has been arrested." She looked at the woman who was leaning against the car door smoking a cigarette and said.


"Aren't you surprised?"

Lu Linxi looked at the sky, "Because I called the police."

Yi Nanyan:  …

"What's the matter? Do you think I'm being too cruel?"

"No." Yi Nanyan said lightly. She doesn't care how Su Ruantian is. Unfamiliar after all.

Compared with Su Ruantian, it is better to say that she is more familiar with the woman in front of her.

"I just want to tell you, be careful yourself. Even if Su Ruantian has an accident, her father Su Qingguang will not ignore it. Be careful, it will take revenge on you."

Lu Linxi patted her on the shoulder, "I know. Don't worry, she has Zhang Liang's plan and I have a wall ladder. She has her local tyrant father, and I have the Xie family behind."

Yi Nanyan:  …

"Su Ruantian wanted to **** me, so I sent her to the bureau for a while. Su Qingguang wanted to **** me... Then I had to ask my aunt to help me." Lu Linxi grinned deeply.

With a deep smile, Yi Nanyan felt a hint of coolness.

It is said that businessmen are the best at using chips, but the woman in front of them is even more terrifying than businessmen.

But on second thought, it was just **** for tat.

After all, it was also what Su Ruantian looked for first.

Su Ruantian is like a princess in a high tower. She can only see the submissive civilians under her feet, but she doesn't know that there are people outside, and there may be more magnificent castles outside the tower.

And in the castle, there lived a queen she couldn't afford to offend.

"Baby, what are you thinking?" Lu Linxi asked coldly.

Yi Nanyan told her all her thoughts just now.

Lu Linxi was delighted after hearing it, "This metaphor is very interesting, but it's not a question of who can offend anyone, I, Lu Linxi, never make trouble with anyone.

The situation now is, this insane princess, she wants to take my most precious crown. If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight. So, I have to teach her a little lesson. "

Yi Nanyan raised his brows: "Who do you say is the crown?"

Lu Linxi put his hands in his pockets and stared at Yi Nanyan, "I don't care, you are my crown."

Yi Nanyan froze for a while, afraid that he would blushed and show timidity in front of her again.

So he quickly changed the subject and asked, "How far is it from Changfu?"

Lu Linxi sighed softly in his heart.

It was as if her crown had not fully become her crown.

"But it doesn't matter, that's what I'm here for."

A small murmur passed by Yi Nanyan's ear, she raised her eyes slightly, "What did you just say?"

"It's okay, it's not far from Changfu." Lu Linxi glanced at the time, "About half an hour."

"I've had enough rest, let's go, go there early, and work things can't be delayed."


The two got back into the car, and the car was running on the unmanned highway, pulling away the cold mist, and the late sun was about to lift off into the sky.


Su Qingguang sat in the office, trying to make himself more calm to deal with everything after his daughter was detained.

After Su Ruantian was placed under administrative detention, major media rushed to report on him, and almost put a label of "Goddaughter has no way" on Su Qingguang's forehead.

Even Fengyun's share price has been affected somewhat.

Knowing that if the public opinion is allowed to develop like this, it will be used by people with intentions. Su Qingguang immediately contacted a few powerful "superior people", and it is best to get Su Ruantian out of the police station first.

But unfortunately, he made several calls in a row, but all he got was the reply "I can't do anything about this."

Su Qingguang's face was almost black enough to write.

Su Ruantian is his only descendant, and he must keep it.

With his status, of course there is a relationship in the police station. Whether it is the G city police station or the few people in the city, he has some connections. After all, he is a businessman and must be able to deal with the authorities.

But now, a call is made, and one by one, they all shirk.

This made Su Qingguang suspect somewhere else.

So he dialed an acquaintance's number again—

"Ju Zhang, can you give me the bottom line about my daughter?"

"Qingguang, we are already old brothers. It's nothing to give you the bottom line. The police station has indeed found relevant evidence and witnesses. The evidence is conclusive, and arresting your daughter is also a normal judicial route. The most difficult thing about this matter is that it is a public prosecution, and there is no plaintiff."

If you fight against the procuratorate, then there is really something wrong with your brain.

"It doesn't make sense for the public to focus on my daughter all of a sudden, right?" Su Qingguang said solemnly, "I don't believe that no one is behind the scenes."

Zhang Ju sighed: "It's true that someone reported it, but why are you staring at the person behind this? With this skill, you might as well prepare to dispatch your team of lawyers and think about how to commute your daughter's sentence."

"She didn't kill or set fire. It's just a crime of intimidation. How many days can she be detained?"

Bureau Zhang was amused by his words, "You don't really think that the other party has spent so much battle just to let your daughter in for a few days? As long as the verdict does not come down within a day, there is a chance for her to settle her charges."

Su Qingguang said in a deep voice, "Who did she offend?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know either. As an old friend, it's too perfunctory to say that you can't do anything. I'll show you a way to find a witness in this case. There is a man named Zhang Bowen. Your daughter should know who he is. As long as he doesn't testify in court, the court can't arbitrarily decide."

Su Qingguang immediately arranged for someone to find Zhang Bowen.

As long as Zhang Bowen is willing not to be this "witness", the crime of threatening and intimidating is still up for debate, and strive to release Su Ruantian as soon as possible.

After finding Zhang Bowen's address, Su Qingguang originally planned to send someone there, but after thinking about it, he went there in person.

Whether it's money or anything, it's easier for him to talk.


"That's it?" Su Qingguang was not surprised when he looked at the ordinary and remote villa in front of him.

This blog post is Yi Nanyan's ex-husband. When they divorced, scandals were flying all over the sky. Now the Zhang family's small company has moved out of G City, and Zhang Bowen was cut off by his biological father. The current situation can be imagined.

When he first heard about Yi Nanyan's divorce, Su Qingguang still didn't understand. As Zhang Bowen, he could marry Yi Nanyan, even if he didn't sleep well, and he still offered to divorce?

Now, it seems that his daughter put a lot of effort into getting Yi Nanyan.

It's too late to say this, and it is imperative that Zhang Bowen withdraw his testimony.

"That's right, Mr. Su, it's here." The lawyer behind Su Qingguang carefully checked the address and nodded.

After straightening his suit, Su Qingguang stepped forward and rang the doorbell himself.

"Which one?"

A sweet female voice came from the intercom doorbell, which made Su Qingguang stunned. Isn't this blog post his own?

"Hello, my surname is Su, let's find Mr. Zhang Bowen."

Then, the door was opened from inside.

The other is a woman. Wearing a capable camouflage uniform, the tight muscle curves under the camouflage uniform are clearly visible. But she has a sweet smile, like a sister next door.

"Hello, is this Mr. Zhang Bowen's home?" The lawyer behind Su Qingguang pushed his glasses and said, "We want to talk to him."

As soon as the lawyer finished speaking, Su Qingguang noticed something and immediately said, "Lawyer Jiang, we have found the wrong place. Let's go."

Before Lawyer Jiang could react, the woman smiled and said, "You are right, this is Zhang Bowen's home. Please come in."

Su Qingguang didn't want to enter very much, he felt uneasy instinctively.

But when he came today, he had to meet Zhang Bowen. Su Ruantian was his only daughter, so nothing happened.

Thinking like this, Su Qingguang walked into the entrance with hesitant steps.

The author has something to say: spoiler, my aunt will come out tomorrow. Also very A's sister (aunt?).

The V-4D update will drop tomorrow! (Although I haven't saved enough manuscripts at this moment) I hope you will continue to support!

Then my pre-received article "Code: A072666" is still for collection, ah, ah, take a look at the author's column, give it a collection, babies!

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