At this time, the capital, Jinhe Villa District.

Chen Anhe, who was finally released after the week-long continuous review, has returned to his home.

"How's it going, is she coming?" Chen Anhe's face was gloomy, and his originally handsome appearance was turned into a ruthless look.

Yi Xiangyun watched the phone call he was hung up on and stomped angrily: "She said she didn't know me and didn't know what the Yi family was! What's so great about a mere Yi Nanyan! I'm so **** off!"

"Oh, Yi Nanyan is really amazing now. She is now a big celebrity in the Xie family. Are you an Yi family who can get into her eyes?" Chen Anhe played with the wrench in his hand, but his eyes were full of ruthless.

This Yi Nanyan caused him to stay in the bureau for so many days, and also stole the development plan of the commercial street in the R area.

If he didn't teach her a lesson, how could He Anhe Real Estate have a foothold in the capital?

"Then An He, what should we do?" Yi Xiangyun frowned, "If Yi Nanyan didn't come to the capital, we wouldn't be able to go and trouble her!"

As the saying goes, strong dragons don't overwhelm local snakes. If you go to G city, it's really not easy to deal with Yi Nanyan.

"What are you afraid of?" Chen Anhe clenched the armrest of the chair, "Mr. Xie's 70th birthday is coming soon, Yi Nanyan has received the favor of Xie Yunjie, even if there is no invitation, she will come to visit in person. No one will refuse this. Great opportunity to compliment the Xie family."

At that time, he will let her know the fate of offending him!

Yi Xiangyun was a little scared, "But An He, if we trouble Grandpa Xie during her birthday, will we offend the Xie family?"

The Xie family can be said to be the head of the aristocratic family. Xie Yunjie's methods are already terrifying, not to mention that the old man of the Xie family is not dead yet.

"Yi Nanyan is not a relative of the Xie family. Your Yi family is a small family. What are you afraid of? The family in the capital has always been in a group. Unless Xie Yunjie is a lunatic, she will only turn a blind eye to this matter. one eye."

Chen Anhe's eyes fell on Yi Xiangyun and smiled, "You Yi family, do you plan to recognize her?"

"My father thinks so, but my mother won't let it. It's not been rumored recently that Yi Nanyan is on Xie Yunjie, and my father plans to recognize her..."

"Is that so..."

"An He, what are you going to do?" Yi Xiangyun asked.

Chen Anhe smiled, "I have a small plan, but I need your help from Xiangyun. I just don't know if Xiangyun is willing to help me?"

Yi Xiangyun said nothing: "What are you talking about! We are all engaged, and we will get married soon. Who else can I help without you? What do you want me to do, tell me!"

"Hehe, don't worry, just wait."

Really coincidental.

Chen Anhe originally thought that the surname "Yi" was rare, but he didn't expect that the Yi family where his fiancée was located happened to be Yi Nanyan's family.

With the help of Yi Xiangyun, it would be much easier to teach Yi Nan a lesson.


After Lu Linxi returned home, he heard Yi Nanyan talk about the phone call he received today, so he asked her for her opinion.

"I'm not going back to the Yi family." Yi Nanyan was firm.

It's not that she hasn't checked the Yi family's situation. She knew she was a "single-parent family" for as long as she could remember.

She doesn't have a father. Although she thinks that having a mother is enough, the lack of fatherly love is still a lever in her heart.

It wasn't until she grew up, took over the company, and finally had the ability to investigate her mother's past, that everything turned out to be so absurd.

Yi Xiangyun is the second young lady of the Yi family.

Her mother is the second wife of the Yi family head. It was said that it was a second marriage, but everyone in the Yi family knew that her mother was a junior.

When she came to the door when she was pregnant, Yi Tianxuan, the owner of the Yi family, had to take her into the room.

Although the law does not allow bigamy, but after entering the door of the Yi family, everyone knows that this is the "Second Lady".

Since then, he has been prosperous, rich and arrogant.

Even the original wife, Yi Nanyan's biological mother, was so angry that she had a miscarriage because of the existence of the "Second Lady".

After giving birth to the child, the original wife brought Yi Tianxuan to court with a complaint, but it was still not enough for the Yi family's great career, not only divorced, but also left the house.

Regarding the issue of child custody, it is not that Yi Tianxuan has not fought, but it is true that the wife of the original wife wants nothing but a child. In addition, Yi Tianxuan cheated first, and the child was finally sentenced to the wife of the original wife.

Since then, the Yi family has only one "second lady" left.

It seems to be to prove that he was really "accidental" with "Second Madam", or to prove that the divorce was all unreasonable by the original wife, Yi Tianxuan has not married since then, and "Second Madam" For so many years, although in charge of the big and small affairs of the Yi family. But in fact, there is no name.

Yi Xiangyun is the second child of this "second lady".

She also has a brother named Yi Wenshan, who is an Alpha.

"The most ridiculous thing is that Yi Wenshan is actually a year older than me." Yi Nanyan laughed sarcastically.

In fact, when the mother was pregnant with her, the sons Yi Tianxuan and Chen Yun gave birth to outside were already one year old.

And Yi Tianxuan went too far. After the illegitimate child was discovered by his mother, he told his mother that it was just an accident that happened accidentally.

He also said that because the child was an Alpha, he could not give up, and asked his mother to raise him as his own child.

But the mother was unwilling, so she chose to file an appeal for divorce.

At that time, Yi Nanyan was less than a year old, and she was taken away from the Yi family by her mother without even having her gender tested.

And over the years, Yi Tianxuan has not found their mother and daughter.

Now Yi Xiangyun called to find her, or because she "climbed" to Xie's house.

If it wasn't for the achievements made by her 89 company, and if it wasn't for her to catch up with the Xie family, she would not believe that the Yi family would let people come to her.

There is no family relationship in the Yi family, even if there is, Yi Nanyan will not believe it.

Not to mention Yi Tianxuan's 50th birthday, even if he died, she would not necessarily return to Yi's house.

"If you don't want to go back, don't go back."

"Yeah." Yi Nanyan didn't want to mention the Yi family anymore, she changed the subject and said, "By the way, when I was cleaning the room... I saw your book."

"What book?" Lu Linxi put down his jacket, somewhat surprised.

She cleaned up her room at home today.

Yi Nanyan looked a little unspeakable. After a while, he said hesitantly: "Just that... What is "My Old Attack is the best ghost and animal alpha"."

Lulinxi: ?

Lu Linxi thought she heard it wrong, "What?" She turned back suddenly, "That book... did you open it?!"

Her pupils shrank instantly, and her expression management was quite exaggerated. This reaction surprised Yi Nanyan, so he said, "I saw it."

Lu Linxi only felt that he seemed to have turned into a stone at that moment, and it would not be too much to say that he was rigid.

Looking at Yi Nanyan with a calm demeanor, she wasn't sure what she was thinking. Many explanations and rhetoric flashed through her mind, and they all disappeared before reaching her throat and bursting out.

"Why do you... react like this?" Yi Nanyan wondered, "Isn't it just a little yellow book... You can read it if you want. I heard that some authors write novels, and they just need to read the little yellow book for "knowledge" "Input. "

Lulinxi smiled with a stubborn neck, "Yes."

Lu Linxi understood, her baby didn't even look at it.

If she opened it and saw the heroine's name, she would know that the book was not a simple book.

The record above is the whole of this world.

Lu Linxi sighed, "You're right, but I don't write novels anymore. I'll put that book away in a while."

Yi Nanyan nodded, "As you like."

"I'll go upstairs to change clothes and then we'll go out to dinner?"


Looking at the back of Lu Linxi going upstairs, Yi Nanyan thought for a while, but in the end she didn't ask why she didn't bite her neck.

Because... if she said it, it would feel like she was so thirsty that she wanted Lu Linxi to bite her neck.


Although I can't say it out loud, I really care about it in my heart.


Lulinxi entered the bedroom and found the book under the pillow.

The content of the book is still very clear.

Each character name is a real person in this world.

Su Ruantian, Gao Wen, Yi Nanyan, including Lulinxi.

If this book really made Yi Nanyan read, she would be questioned in minutes. How will you explain it then? Lu Linxi didn't think about it.

Lu Linxi closed the book and sighed.

Just lock it up.

She is not afraid of exposing herself. Even if Yi Nanyan knew about it, it was just a sentence "Actually, I came through a book".

But from the standpoint of Yi Nanyan, what would you think?

The world and life that have lived for more than 20 years are all arranged settings?

Thinking that you live a wonderful life and work hard, but in fact everything is just as absurd as "Truman's World"?

And most importantly, Lu Linxi didn't know if the world would change if this book was discovered by others.

"Lu Linxi, what gift should I prepare for your grandfather's birthday?" Yi Nanyan's voice came from downstairs.

"You can send anything." Lu Linxi hurriedly locked the book in the drawer of the wardrobe, then changed a coat and went downstairs.

"Then let's fly to T city tomorrow."

Lu Linxi was stunned, "Flying in T City?"

"Well, T city has the largest jade trading market in the country." Yi Nanyan put on his shirt and smiled: "I heard people say that T city will collect the best jade objects for auction. Tomorrow is exactly one year. Once at an auction, reliable news, there will be a very good auction tomorrow, which is very suitable for giving out as a birthday gift."

Lu Linxi raised his eyebrows, "When did you contact someone?"

Yi Nanyan: "Since you told me to go to Xie's house."

"Why are you so cute? It's just a gift, just ask Secretary Yang to prepare it for you, and I've also asked around, planning to fly to T City to buy it?"

Yi Nanyan pursed her lips and whispered, "After all, this is the first time I've been to your house."

She thought that even if the gifts were not expensive in the eyes of the Xie family, at least they were carefully selected by her.

Hope Mr. Xie will like it.

The author has something to say: I changed the text in the morning today, and the code words got stuck in the afternoon, so now there are only 3,000 words, and I will slap my non-existent outline.

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