Gao Hongjie's matter finally came to an end a few years ago.

Before the trial, Gao Hongjie committed suicide in prison.

But the trial will continue. Qin Xu, as a witness, testified against Gao Hongjie's many crimes.

Jiang Hu was sentenced to life imprisonment on charges of "intentional murder", "gathering a crowd to hurt people, and gang involvement", and after Jiang Hu, those "confidants" who had done big and small dirty things for Gao Hongjie were also sentenced to life imprisonment. Not one escaped.

The case didn't make a splash in the world because it didn't make it to any media. Just like snowflakes in winter, quietly settled in a corner that no one knows about.

After that, as Lu Linxi predicted, Xie Yunjie called and asked them to go back to celebrate the New Year.

Two days before the New Year's Eve, Lu Linxi and Yi Nanyan took a plane to Xie's house.

Xie Yunjie drove her 88888 to the airport to pick up the plane.

"Where's Sister Yuanqing? Why didn't she come with you?" Lu Linxi was puzzled, but it was her aunt who came to pick him up by car.

Xie Yunjie's face darkened instantly, "The contract was not negotiated, it was blown."

Lu Linxi raised his eyebrows, "What contract?"

"Bodyguard contract." Xie Yunjie sighed, with a hint of depression on her serious face, "Gao Hongjie died, she said she would no longer be my bodyguard, so the contract was terminated."

Lu Linxi: "..."

Yi Nanyan was also very curious, "But the salary that my aunt gave Sister Yuanqing should be very high, didn't Sister Yuanqing say why she is no longer your bodyguard?"

Xie Yunjie frowned, "She thinks I'm annoying."

Lu Linxi and Yi Nanyan looked at each other, "What do you say?"

"I don't know." Xie Yunjie clenched the steering wheel. "She didn't say it. I also want to know what's bothering me."

"It's annoying to have a sullen face." Lu Linxi teased unceremoniously, took Yi Nanyan's hand and held it, and said cheerfully, "Who wants to see people around you with a sullen face every day? It affects the mood. ."

Xie Yunjie:  …

Yi Nanyan nodded, she agreed with Lu Linxi's words.

Take her and Lu Linxi as an example, only when Lu Linxi is really annoying will she talk to her with a cold face. Usually, the two of them are still talking and laughing.

Xie Yunjie remained silent, as if thinking about Lu Linxi's words.

"Gu, the light is green," Lu Linxi reminded.

"Well, go home first." Xie Yunjie said with a frown.

As for Yuan Qing, she went back and asked again.


As soon as he entered Xie's house, Lu Linxi was stopped by his aunt.

Seeing this, Yi Nanyan knew that their aunt and nephew had something to say, so she didn't bother, but went straight to the garden.

Xie Siyang happened to be there, and was accompanying the old man to sunbathe in the garden.

Seeing the old man of the Xie family again, Yi Nanyan calmed down a lot, opened his mouth and shouted, "Grandpa."

Grandpa Xie was happy when he saw her face.

Xie Siyang also shouted: "Sister Yi—"


Grandpa Xie hurriedly called someone to his side, "Nan Yan, it's a coincidence that you guys are here. Yangyang and I are looking at the pictures of the girl when she was a child."

Photos of Lulinxi as a child?

Yi Nanyan leaned over with interest.

There are several pictures of milk dolls on the huge album.

There are also a few photos of what should be Lu Linxi's parents, a young couple holding their lovely daughter and smiling slightly while standing in front of the camera.

Very cozy.

But Yi Nanyan noticed that the album should be some years old, and the photos were yellowish.

Only then did I know that the current Lu Linxi really looks a lot like his parents.

"You don't know, the girl was very lively when she was in her mother's womb when she was a child."

Grandpa had a nostalgic smile on his face, "We all feel that the girl will definitely grow up in the future, like Yun Jie, and go the way of the military academy."

"As a result, this girl grew up and engaged in the writing industry. She sits in front of the computer every day, and looks like she is helpless. When Yun Jie talks about the girl, she frowns."

Xie Siyang was puzzled, "But I feel that Sister Lu is very strong now?"

Grandpa smiled: "Maybe it's because I figured it out later and started exercising? What about Nan Yan? You should also exercise more."

When Yi Nanyan heard her name, she snapped back to her senses, and then smiled: "Well, I also went to the gym recently."

I don't know why, but when I heard what my grandfather said, Yi Nanyan always felt a little weird.

When it comes to Lulinxi, who is still young, Yi Nanyan believes that he knows Lulinxi better than Mr. Xie, who doesn't always stay by Lulinxi's side.

Because they are high school classmates. Moreover, Yi Nanyan is also the monitor of the class. She doesn't say much about Lu Linxi, but she still understands the most basic situation.

At that time, Lu Linxi could barely read his sports scores, and his favorite thing was to read books. At first glance, it is a gentle, quiet and bookish Alpha.

Behind the scenes... is a flower-hearted radish.

A love object is like a book to her. She will read every book carefully, but after reading one, she will always find a more favorite reading.

All in all, it's pretty rubbish.

But looking at it now, Lulinxi is completely different.

"Hey! Grandpa, what photo is this?" Xie Siyang found a special photo in the album.

It was Lulinxi when she was about three years old. She was holding a big red pepper in her hand, and her little face was wrinkled.

"Ah, this is the girl who was tricked into eating chili peppers when she was a child, and then she was so hot that she cried. I don't know if she was miserable when she was a child, but when she grew up, she would not stick to it." Grandpa laughed happily.

Yi Nanyan was stunned, she murmured dully: "Grandpa, doesn't Lu Linxi eat spicy food?"

Grandpa nodded, "Yes, look, are there very few spicy dishes on our dining table?"

Yi Nanyan recalled the time when she lived in Xie's house before.

That's right, there are hardly any spicy dishes on the table.

Lulinxi would never pick up those dishes that were dipped in peppers.


Yi Nanyan's mind turned back and forth. wrong. Lu Linxi is obviously not too spicy.

A spicy dish is almost a must on the table in their home.

Then why...

Lu Linxi never eats spicy dishes at Xie's house, why?

Yi Nanyan did not immediately show her confusion, but changed the subject with a smile: "Lu Linxi and Uncle Xie really look alike."

"Yes, when I was born, I said that I looked like Xiaoxian, but when I looked closely, I felt that I was very similar to Yuncheng..."

The topic was moved away, and no one noticed something was wrong.

Only Yi Nanyan glanced in the direction of the gate inadvertently.

Lu Linxi, why did he deliberately hide his liking for spicy food at Xie's house?

There is also the matter of exercise. In her eyes, Lu Linxi has always been a woman who puts Alpha's outstanding talents on the value of force. During the first conflict, she directly overthrew five security personnel in her company. But such Lu Linxi, in the eyes of the Xie family, turned out to be powerless?


At this time, Lu Linxi, who was stopped by her aunt, also asked, "Aunt, what's the matter?"

"Your grandfather is going to hold a press conference tomorrow to reveal your identity. There are also the share assets left by your father and you, which have been kept by me, and it is almost time to hand them over to you now."

Lu Linxi snorted, "But I have no experience in managing a company..."

Xie Yunjie: "Then don't care, the Xie family has a professional team, but you should get the shares, and it's not bad to get dividends every year. Do you want to rely on your wife to support you all the time?"

Lulinxi:  …

When it was over, even her aunt knew about her eating soft rice.

"You should also buy a house in the capital. In the future, her Lia Group will also come to the capital for development. If the Xie family can help her connect, it must be the best to come to the capital." Xie Yunjie said lightly, "In short, these Think for yourself."


"When are you going to get the certificate?"

"Valentine's Day." Lu Linxi curled his lips, "Auntie, when are you going to get married?"

Xie Yunjie: "Don't worry. Don't worry about my business. Get ready tomorrow. Your grandfather is going to throw a banquet for you."

"Who are you asking for?"

"Every family will come." Xie Yunjie lowered her eyes, "Besides... you did a good job."

Lu Linxi was surprised, "What?"

"You avenged your father." Xie Yunjie looked into the distance, "You did a good job."

"Yeah." Lu Linxi heard her voice and sighed softly, "The Gao family is gone, no one can threaten my life now. My parents' revenge has also been avenged, and you should too. Take it easy.

As for the company, you also said that Xie's company has a professional team to manage it. I think whether it's my grandfather or my dad, I should hope that Auntie, you can quickly catch up with Sister Yuanqing and get married. You are in your thirties. Not to mention your age, Sister Yuanqing is not too young this year, right? "

Xie Yunjie frowned, "I'm measured."

However, why did Lu Linxi know that she and Yuan Qing...

"I'm just curious, the difference between the two of you is so young, how did you get along in the military academy?" Lu Linxi asked curiously.

"She skipped a grade." Xie Yunjie lowered her eyes.

"Then my sister Qing is great."

"Yeah." Xie Yunjie responded.

Lu Linxi did not continue to ask, nor did Xie Yunjie continue to speak.

Just looking at the sky, there was a little melancholy in his eyes.

She really didn't understand why Yuan Qing didn't want to be her bodyguard anymore?

Maybe, as Lu Linxi said, she should take the initiative and ask...


At this time, Qi Junhui, who was having a party with many boss stars in the villa, was drinking red, and his new love Omega was around him, and everyone laughed and laughed.

Suddenly, Qi Junhui's cell phone rang.

"Bring it for me."

Someone handed the mobile phone to him, and when Qi Junhui saw the caller ID, his expression changed.

"I'm going out to answer the phone."

Others hurriedly called him to pick him up here, they just didn't speak.

Qi Junhui didn't reject it either. With a swipe of his fingertips, he picked up the phone: "Hello, Dad."

"What? The Xie family is hosting a banquet again?"

Hearing his words, everyone present froze. The Xie family... it's the Xie family... Sure enough, it was rumored that Qi always had a family background in the capital, but I didn't expect it to be true?

"Why did the Xie family have a banquet?" Thinking of that possibility, Qi Junhui sobered up five points, his expression became urgent, and he didn't care about the people present, he got up and strode out, and said in his mouth: "Dad... It's not me. If I don’t hook up with Xie Siyang, the main reason is that there is Yi Nanyan blocking my way…”

"Shouldn't it be about announcing the engagement of Xie Siyang and Yi Nanyan tomorrow?"

"Not necessarily? That's fine... Well, I know, tomorrow is a good opportunity. I'll try my best, well, I'll be back right away for my afternoon flight."

Qi Junhui, who was far away in City G, immediately agreed.

Thinking of the number that Lu Linxi had blocked, he couldn't help but clenched his phone, trying to sow discord in the end without success.

If it is successful, tomorrow should be his and Xie Siyang's engagement banquet... If he misses Xie Siyang this time, he will have to kill Lu Linxi.

The author has something to say: the next chapter is over at night, I will work hard to write it! !

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