But this kind of thing is obviously useless to Mizhen and Jinghua Shuiyue.

High-end infiltration often only requires the simplest method – these two people came directly to the main entrance of the conference room and knocked down the team of guards guarding the door in one second, preventing them from having any chance to speak out. Then he piled up the fainted guards and threw them into the trash, and then walked into the conference hall through the main entrance.

The behavior after that was naturally the same – just like that, more than a hundred people were soon piled in the garbage pile, but the amazing thing was… no one noticed this.

Being strong means being willful.

As a result, it only took the two villains less than five minutes to speed through the dungeon guarded by the forty-sixth room.

We came to the trigger point of the plot, which is in the conference hall.

Let’s talk about a few well-known things – Room 46 does not huddle in the conference room like butts glued to chairs for meetings every day. How could these great men endure such a boring life? They only hold small-scale gatherings on the first and fifteenth day of each month, and hold plenary meetings every six months, excluding emergencies. In terms of work intensity, it is really as low as a vacation.

After all, the Gotei Thirteen Team will solve most problems… and today happens to be a”small gathering” time. Eighteen of the forty-six rooms will come forward to discuss some recent trivial matters.

As an aside, today is also the first meeting in Room 46 after Shikatori Baunsai escaped from prison. Because they were very afraid of being thrown away in one pot, they kept the meeting pigeon away for more than two months. It was important. All matters fell on the Gotei 13.

So Mizhen came today with some personal grudges…

According to the method commonly used in spy movies, Mizhen and Kyoka Suigetsu got into the conference hall through the vent, and then hung upside down on the dark ceiling, just like that I heard the conversation between them

——See, this is the disadvantage of not turning on the lights. You can’t even notice that there are two more living people on the ceiling.

To be honest, this was Mizhen’s first time to participate in such a high-level meeting, and he felt somewhat strangely happy.

Let me listen to what these old guys are saying on a daily basis.jpg

He cast his gaze with great interest to the gloomy little world below – in the past tens or even hundreds of thousands of years, Seireitei Every high-level decision-making was born here. It can be said that every brick here is soaked with the smell of power, and the human attributes are almost full.

As a result, Mizhen was greatly disappointed by the conversation of the dozen old men and women below.

There were no passionate words to criticize the ills of the times. The topics were all focused on trivial matters, such as so and so who profited from so and so without saying hello, and so and so’s family suffered so much because of the incident two months ago. Huge losses, the unruly people of Rukongai became more and more disrespectful towards the nobles, the dogs of the Gotei 13 actually dared to raise objections to their wise decisions, and so on.


It seems that Room 46 is a bit trashier than he imagined.……

“You and your master should have eavesdropped on many meetings in Room 46.”

Mizhen rolled his eyes and asked in a low voice to Jinghua Shuiyue:”Do they always talk about such unnutritious topics?”

“how to say……”Jing Hua Shui Yue spread her hands,”It’s like this most of the time. After all, these guys don’t even know what the real facts are. To expect them to put forward constructive opinions… It’s not necessary. It’s really not necessary.”

“After being ruled by this group of insects until now, Soul Society is about to end.”

Mizhen shook his head in disappointment, and then sneered:”Maybe we can do it more thoroughly? Killing these eighteen people might not create a terrifying atmosphere, so why not just capture all the forty-six old people and hang them on both sides?”

“Well…it’s best not to do this.”

Kingka Suigetsu said in a calm tone:”If all the forty-six chambers are killed, the political turmoil caused will probably be difficult to calm down within a few months. If the Seireitei is still in chaos before the hell forces invade the Three Realms, We are self-defeating”


Mizhen laughed indifferently:”Whatever, if you ask me, it wouldn’t be a bad thing to let hell crush the Seireitei from the inside out. It can just turn up the rotten mud and dry it, so it will save trouble.”

——Again, it is very important to maintain the character. The identity of Saki already has some extreme and neurotic elements, so it is quite normal to say such remarks.

——By the way, when setting off, Kyoka Suigetsu changed her appearance to that of a strange black-haired older sister. After all, she was here to do such a treacherous thing, and it was really not convenient for her to show off in Aizen’s face.

Sure enough, Jinghua Shuiyue followed up and advised:”Please calm down, that kind of behavior is too uncontrollable.””


After listening for a while, just when they were about to jump down and take action… a wonderful topic suddenly started in the fourth seat of Room 46.

“Have you found anything from Team Zero?”

“No. Someone answered him,”The entire Seireitei has been turned upside down, but it still hasn’t been found, and the Rukongai spies haven’t sent any news – is that thing really in Soul Society?””

“It shouldn’t be wrong.”The fourth seat said worriedly,”After all, it is a joint creation of ‘Oori Mamoru’ and ‘Sword God’. It is hard to imagine that it would leave Soul Society on its own initiative.”

“But it’s been more than a month and I can’t find it anywhere!”

“If you can’t find it, send in more people! That thing must not be left among the people!”

This unclear but very exciting topic obviously attracted the attention of Yizhen and Kyoka Suigetsu.

They looked at each other, and Yumizhen first asked in a low voice:”How is it? Any idea?”

Jinghua Shuiyue calmly shook her head:”I don’t know. In the past month, my master has been busy with other things and really has no time to pay attention to current affairs.”

“When it comes to Team Zero, it’s definitely not a trivial matter.”

Mizhen said as he took out things like soundproof barriers from Kidou’s warehouse, and laughed quite excitedly:”I have to figure it out.”

The next moment, he wrapped the entire conference hall with a barrier.

After several months of emergency practice, although his barrier technique is still not comparable to that of the professionals from the Ghost Dao Sect, it is powerful as the saying goes. Bricks fly, if one doesn’t work, just put twenty, and the pile is done.

The atmosphere is solemn.

Even though the old guys in Room 46 don’t have much strength, they still have the most basic training, and their senses are not It was so bad that they couldn’t even detect the changes that were close at hand.

A few sharp-eyed people reacted quickly and immediately stood up from their seats, scanning the entire conference hall with vigilance.

——Then his face became more and more ugly

“It’s a barrier! We are trapped by a barrier!”

“what happened? Who did it?!”

(We will stop updating novels on this site, move to our new site: https://novelsknight.com////)

“Where are the guards?! Where are the guards!”

The big shots who stood at the top of Soul Society’s power were scurrying around like headless flies. Some tried to call the guards, and some tried to break the barrier, but they all ended in failure. This is ridiculous, obviously Shikatori Ba Yunzhai was still wandering outside. Only three of these old men and women were armed. I don’t know whether it was arrogance or simple stupidity.

But in any case, the atmosphere of panic had spread.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Mizhen and Kyoka Suigetsu looked at each other, and they both jumped down from the ceiling, making two small craters on the ground, which also attracted everyone’s attention.

“Time is precious, everyone.”Mizhen took a step forward,”I don’t want to cause any harm to your body or mind, so please be quiet next. You can only speak when I ask questions, otherwise you will pay the price with your life. Do you understand? ?”

Before he finished speaking, an old man shouted loudly:”What on earth are you doing?……”

There was a flash of cold light, and a small flying knife suddenly passed through the air and was accurately inserted into the center of the old man’s eyebrows. The electric current attached to the blade destroyed his brainstem in an instant, causing him to fall without saying a word. Go down

“I said, I don’t want to hurt anyone, please don’t let such a tragedy happen again”


The old guys who realized that the thief really dared to kill suddenly stopped and became as quiet as dead things. They wished they could even control their heartbeat and breathing.

Only one old lady let out a scream out of excessive fear – so Mizhen fired another flying knife without hesitation.

The winner will pounce immediately!

Now, no one really dared to make even a sound.

Yizhen walked up to the most distinguished person here, the fourth seat in Room 46. He bowed politely first, and then asked directly:”I just heard you talking about the Zero Squadron. Please tell the truth. tell me”


There was a flash of cold light, and the fourth seat’s left hand fell down.

He looked indifferently at the old face that was distorted by pain and howling, and said softly:”Repeat it again, I only need the answer, don’t add anything superfluous.” The fourth seat covered his head with blood while sweating profusely. The broken hand, which was flowing like water, nodded like it was pounding garlic, and said with a trembling voice.

“One…a month ago, Team Zero suddenly…contacted Room 46, saying that…an important item…manufactured by the cooperation of ‘Sword God’ and ‘Oori Mamoru’ was lost in the Seireitei. Here… entrusted us… to find that thing”

“What is it, please explain clearly”

“I have no idea……”

Seeing Yizhen raising the knife again, the fourth seat suddenly started to cry:”I really don’t know! The Zero Division only said that it was a three-inch square imitation wooden box! It had the Zero Division’s emblem printed on it! Nothing else was said!”

“Huh?”Mizhen sneered,”It seems you haven’t found it yet?”

“We have called on all our powers…but we just can’t find the box that Team Zero was talking about! Even Yamamoto Genryusai specially sent Kyoraku Shunsui to investigate Rukongai, but there was no result!”

Mizhen asked some more irrelevant details, and after confirming that this guy really only knew that much, he randomly selected a few people and asked the same question, and got the same answer.

He nodded thoughtfully.

It’s interesting, Team Zero can actually lose things?

Why don’t I believe it?

Not to mention that Nikaiya Wang Yue has always known the whereabouts of his creations. Even if they are lost, Ichibei, the commander of the military department, has control over all”black”” ability, it is easy to find something.

So did they really”lost something”? Or were they directing and acting in some strange drama?

In addition, he just met someone who claimed to be Sutra. Mysterious figure, if anyone said that the water here is not deep, it would be a bit insulting to the IQ.

Next, Mizhen gathered a few old people and asked some very secret questions, and got a lot of extremely exciting information , and then stopped after he was consciously satisfied.

“The rest is up to you.”Mizhen wiped off the blood splashed on his hands with a handkerchief, and then walked to Jinghua Shuiyue,”Please feel free to use your artistic skills.”

“I don’t think that kind of thing can be called art…but whatever.”

Jinghua Shuiyue slowly took out a few shining silver knives from her waist bag, clamped them in her hands, threw them away several times casually and flexibly like an acrobat, and then slowly walked forward. Is there something

? Is there anything that can enhance the sense of fear more than showing the head of an owl to the public?


That is a corpse that has been artistically processed!

It is for this reason that Kyoka Suigetsu came here.

After all, he, Watanabe, does not have that kind of bad taste, and has never studied human anatomy. A profound proposition, but Aizen has made great achievements in this aspect. As the latter’s Zanpakutō, Kyoka Suigetsu is naturally well versed in this, and can even easily completely separate a person’s circulatory system (this is her My own words).

Of course, this operation does not need to be to that extent, as long as it is visually shocking enough.

Although Yizhen does not have a hobby of watching torture, if the target is Room 46, he is not unable to Holding back his nausea, he clapped his hands and shouted twice. So, he leaned against the corner and watched Jinghua Shuiyue approach the remaining fifteen old people with a warm smile, and all the surgical instruments in his hands shone with a desperate cold light.

The dozen or so people who had already expected what would happen suddenly let out chaotic and high-pitched wails.

“Don’t… don’t ah ah ah ah ah!!!!”


After a while, the members of the Eighteen Seats and Forty-six Rooms, who had been made into horrific art, lined up neatly.

Jinghua Shuiyue breathed out softly.

Throwing the bloody dagger aside – just like at the beginning, her body was still spotless.

Immediately afterwards, Mizhen released the Ninety-eight-Empty Knot of Binding Dao on these corpses.

Compress it into something the size of eighteen fists, and then carefully put it into the container you prepared in advance.

This is considered a complete life, only the last step is left!

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