“That’s it… I understand. Urahara Kisuke nodded solemnly, then raised his head and said resolutely:”Ancestor, please let me contribute.””

“There’s no need for that.”

Urahara Reika immediately rejected Urahara Kisuke’s proposal:”Kisuke, there are other tasks that need you to complete.”

“Other tasks?”

“You immediately and your……”

Speaking of this, Urahara Reika suddenly paused, glanced at Yoruichi hesitantly, and then asked:”Wife? That should be right, right?”

That cold temperament that was as cold as ice for thousands of years suddenly disappeared in the blink of an eye. A layer of gossip……


Urahara Kisuke was speechless for a moment.

He turned back to take a look at Yoruichi, only to find that the latter had already taken a few steps back, with an inexplicable hint of girlish shyness in her expression… Well, let’s just call this move that is very aristocratic. The shyness is gone, but all in all, it’s probably impossible to expect her to give the answer.

Urahara Kisuke swallowed and gave a more conservative answer:”It’s not to that extent.……”

Halfway through his words, he suddenly felt that the sight behind him was becoming increasingly subtle – heading in a more dangerous direction.

The ancestor in front of him looked very curious.

Urahara Kisuke held his breath, and after much hesitation, he simply raised his hands in surrender:”Just think of it as my plea… Can you skip this topic for now?”

“Kisuke, you are two hundred and twenty-seven years old this year, right?”The corners of Urahara Reika’s lips raised slightly,”It’s really enviable to have such a young mentality.”

Urahara Kisuke could only respond in dumbfounded silence.

“Okay, no more kidding.”Urahara Reika’s expression calmed down again,”Back to the topic, I need you to sneak back to Seireitei immediately with this Shifouin Yoruichi.”

“Return to Seireitei……?”

Urahara Kisuke scratched his head in confusion:”And it’s sneaking in… What exactly are you planning on asking me to do?”

“The only ones not involved in this incident are the ‘Urahara family’, but you have nominally separated from the family, so naturally you no longer have to obey this order.”

Urahara Reika said calmly:”Seireitei is currently the strongest force in the Three Realms. If the Shuras want to take over the Three Realms, they have to pull out this nail – with Jiu Ren’s violent behavior. If you say that, you will definitely concentrate your strongest power to destroy the Seireitei from the very beginning with the idea of accomplishing all your efforts in one battle. So go back, find a few trustworthy partners, and secretly set up some means to deal with the culprits… As many as you can save.”


He didn’t ask reasonable and important questions such as”Why do you have to make things so troublesome?” and”Why is it necessary to act secretly?” Anyway, according to his experience, what the ancestor wanted to say was absolutely wrong. There will be no delay, and if she just orders the task without explaining the reason, it means that she doesn’t want to mention it at all, and it’s useless to ask.

Anyway, it’s done.


Time returns to the present, in the eighth division team building

“That’s it, I understand.”Mizhen punched his palms with his fists, showing an expression of sudden enlightenment, and nodded:”So the two of you were instructed by the ancestors to arrange city defense methods for the Seireitei. That’s a generalization, right?”

——Urahara Kisuke fulfilled his promise of keeping the story short and explained the above content to Yizhen in very concise sentences. Naturally, he skipped over the plots in the middle that were not suitable for outsiders without even mentioning them.

“That’s it.”Urahara Kisuke nodded,”Well, I have a plan… but it can’t be completed by Miss Yoruichi and I, so we must find some partners who can keep secrets to work together.”

“I understand.”Mizhen shrugged and asked,”But wouldn’t it be very inefficient? Considering the current situation, as long as you communicate directly with Captain Yamamoto, you will be able to have smooth access in the Seireitei. Why do you need to act in such a sneaky and secret manner?”

“There is no way, this is what the ancestor ordered. Urahara

Kisuke coughed dryly and said with some meaning:”Before Miss Yoruichi and I set off, she emphasized three times that before the culprit came, you must not attack members of the captain’s faction or the Forty-Six Room revealed half a word’……”

Then Yan crossed his hands in front of his chest and made a straight X.

We are all understanding people, so there is no need to speak too clearly.

After calming down, Yizhen also came to his senses – although Urahara Reika knew that someone like him, Watanabe, could travel through time and space, everyone was working for the Soul King. We were our own people. What was there to be afraid of? ?

Judging from Urahara Kisuke’s attitude, he definitely didn’t tell everything, and he didn’t know his role in this series of events. Even if he thinks about the worst, when he already knows the details about himself, it actually doesn’t matter. The so-called, anyway, it has not been made obvious, which proves that there is still room for success. All I have to do is continue to act in the same way as before.

Thinking about it more carefully, Urahara Kisuke’s words revealed a subtle message from beginning to end.

——There may be bad people among the people in Seireitei.

But the selection criteria are probably not what Kisuke Urahara said – what do you mean you can’t tell people like Mr. Shan? I, Watanabe, am Kyōraku Shunsui’s confidant. Who in the Soul Society doesn’t know that Kyōraku Shunsui and Mr. Yama are connected by the same spirit? Rounding things off, it means that I am also a member of Old Man Shan’s group, but you two found me first? Is this reasonable?

But there is no need to pursue it. Urahara Kisuke’s character is trustworthy. Since he doesn’t talk about it, there must be an unexplainable reason. He just needs to be a tool without emotions.

Yizhen nodded casually, and then laughed:”Since Mr. Urahara said so, I won’t ask any more questions – let’s get to the point, what exactly do you two plan to do?”

“The specific steps are cumbersome, but in summary it’s simple.”

Urahara Kisuke said cheerfully:”I want to add something to the soul mask.”

“Just listening to it, you can tell it’s a ridiculously big project.……”

Mizhen’s eyebrows twitched:”Although I don’t quite understand, it certainly won’t be something that can be done simply, right? What exactly should be added? What is its effect?”

“A little bit of Urahara’s specialty. Urahara

Kisuke looked at the sky through the window and smiled:”Vice Captain Watanabe may not know something. The architectural layout of the Urahara family is very similar to that of the Seireitei. They are both circular city-states – the difference lies in the protection.” As a measure, Seireitei’s soul-shielding membrane focuses on defensive properties, while the Urahara family’s ‘wall’ focuses on filtering properties.”

“Filterability……”Mizhen raised his eyebrows:”Needless to say, the filtered thing must be a specialty of hell like Jiu Ren, right?”

“That’s right, the Urahara family was originally built around a super-large gate to hell. The so-called ‘city wall’ is actually more like a ‘cover’, and its purpose is to prevent everything from hell from flowing to other places.”Urahara Kisuke nodded,”My plan is to add some magic spells to the soul-shielding film to isolate the guilty party, so as to comprehensively enhance the Seireitei’s defense capability in the coming war – but this spell is very difficult. Troublesome, it takes a long time to arrange, and you have to find someone to maintain it. Even if the release is successful, the shelf life is only half a year… There is really nothing that Miss Yoichi and I can do”

“easy to understand.”

Mizhen nodded in agreement:”Okay, I’ll join.”

“Well, thank you to Vice Captain Watanabe.”Urahara Kisuke breathed a sigh of relief as if he had been granted amnesty,”In this current situation… there are not many people we can trust, and even fewer people who can contact all parties in Seireitei. If you are willing to help, it would be great.”

“So…the first step of the plan is actually to kidnap someone into the gang?”Mizhen touched his chin and said,”In this case, I have a suggestion. Urahara

Kisuke nodded in approval, and then asked:”How do you say it?””

So Mizhen looked at Ye Yi with subtle eyes.

“I’m afraid Miss Yoichi will have to do this. He imitated Aizen’s movements and pushed the bridge of his nose, and said in a deep voice:”The situation was urgent when you left. It was a right choice to involve as few other people as possible, but today is different from the past. Quan Sering The family is facing a crisis. Rather than letting her stay out of the situation, it is better to actively bring her into the plan, which can protect her to the greatest extent.”

“Broken bees?……”

Yoruichi, who instantly understood who Yazhen was referring to, covered her forehead and sighed:”That’s right…if it was her, she would definitely do a good job.……”

“She is now an extremely important person. She has risen from the head of the criminal army branch to the position of captain, and her strength has also increased tremendously. Miss Yoichi may not dare to recognize her.”Mizhen said with a smile,”And……”

After talking about it this way, the meeting between Yoruichi and Zaihou basically confirmed the matters, and it can be regarded as resolving a knot in Mizhen’s heart.

Although he agreed quickly when he agreed to take Zaihou to find Yoruichi, it was actually a bit of a trick… After all, Zaiho is not as idle as himself (in fact, he is not idle anywhere), because he just took office not long ago. Due to the relationship, her tasks are extremely heavy, and it is difficult to squeeze out even a little bit of leisure time, let alone disappear and run away to the world for a whole day.

It’s not that Mizhen didn’t want to do it, but it was really troublesome to arrange it. After two months, I didn’t find a single opportunity.

Now that Yoruichi has come by himself, it’s really easy.……

“……Is this really the case? Yoruichi sighed,”Well, this is indeed my fault… Kisuke, I’ll find a chance to talk to Zaihou, and you can do that with Watanabe.””

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