
"Wait! Senior, I can't do it anymore! Let me rest for a while!"


The middle-aged man was very interested in research, and he was full of enthusiasm. Hearing Chen Hao's wailing, he immediately glared.

Facing the angry eyes of the middle-aged man, Chen Hao only felt a chill hit him, and quickly waved his hands and explained to the middle-aged man:

"Senior, it's not that I'm dead, it's that my little ghost is dead. It has performed the Xuanyin Ghost Control Technique many times, and if it continues to use it, its ghost body will disperse!"

The middle-aged man heard the words and looked at the kid in front of him.

Sure enough, as Chen Hao said.

This brat consumed a lot, and his body became very illusory.

It seems that it will burst like a bubble when touched.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man was also a little dazed, and his frantic research heart gradually calmed down. He returned to the table, picked up the tea and savored it slowly.

After drinking half a cup of tea, the middle-aged man said slowly:

"Your kid is still poorly trained. It's not enough to cast so many spells. It's too weak, too weak."

"Senior is right!"

Chen Hao said flatteringly, but in his heart he was crazily cursing.

My brat is still weak?

If an ordinary person were to perform the Xuanyin Ghost Control Technique, he would probably run out of Blood Essence, and he would not be able to perform so many times after krypton lifespan.

You prostitute my ghost for nothing, and you are still talking sarcasticly here.

Enough is enough!

"Senior, let my ghost rest for a while to recover, and then I will show you the spell, do you think it will work?"

Chen Hao tentatively said cautiously.

"Of course it's fine, that's what I'm planning to do!"

The middle-aged man readily agreed to Chen Hao's request, and after thinking about it, he continued:

"However, I think your brat's strength is still too weak. It would be a bit wasteful if you can only cast spells a few times every time you study in the future. Simply, I will pass you a spell so that you can train your brat well!"


As soon as he heard that the middle-aged man was going to teach him the spell of cultivating little ghosts, Chen Hao's eyes lit up immediately, rubbing his hands together, and said with great anticipation:

"Thank you senior for bestowing the law, I'm here to thank you for your kindness!"


The middle-aged man watched Chen Hao's vivid performance with disdain.

He said that his acting skills are not bad, and his voice and emotion are both strong, which is a bit of his demeanor back then, which is worthy of praise.

He touched from his bosom, took out a booklet, and handed it to the excited Chen Hao.

In this booklet, it was obviously the spell he was talking about.

Chen Hao took it respectfully and opened it to have a look.

"Xuanyin Cleansing Mantra"--Xuanyin Sect

It started with Xuanyin again. Could it be that this formula is compatible with Xuanyin's technique of controlling ghosts?

"Senior, are you taught by Xuanyin?"

Looking at the cover of the brochure, Chen Hao raised the question of own curiously on the surface, but was terrified in his heart.

Just killed a Xuanyin Sect altar master during the day, and at night, a high-level person suspected of Xuanyin Sect came to block the door.

How are you doing this day?

"Why, have you seen the Xuanyin sect?

That's right, you have learned the technique of controlling ghosts in Xuanyin, and it must be the secret book that some altar master wandering around the city saw right with you and gave you the secret book casually. "

The middle-aged man was not surprised that Chen Hao had heard of Xuanyin Sect.

Anyone who is a little bit famous in Lingyue City knows the existence of Xuanyin Sect.

He thought for a while and said:

"You have practiced the Xuanyin Ghost Control Technique. Whether you want to or not, you have been called the Xuanyin Sect. It just so happens that there is still a altar master under my command. I don't know if you would like to come to my subordinates to mix An altar master should be!"

"Altar Master? How old is that official?"

Chen Hao feigned surprise and asked curiously.

For middle-aged people, there is a lot of information.

The position of middle-aged people in Xuanyin Sect should be much higher than that of the altar master.

Otherwise, the altar master cannot be appointed or dismissed casually.

Obediently, it's amazing!

"Officer! Hehe!"

The middle-aged man laughed when he heard what Chen Hao said:

"What are officials, the Xuanyin Sect is different from the government, we are much better than the government.

Take this Lingyue City as an example, the city lord here is begging us to do things.

If it makes us unhappy, the head of the city lord will be hung on the city wall as a lantern the next day! "

Speaking of this, the middle-aged man is not arrogant, and his tone is very flat.

But to Chen Hao's ears, it was full of compulsion.

Controlling the life and death of the city lord at will, not afraid of the secular world Wang Quan, this Xuanyin sect is indeed powerful.

"In Xuanyin Sect, the altar master is the core of the religion, responsible for managing the congregation, spreading the teachings, resisting foreign enemies and many other matters.

There are Dharma protectors, hall masters, etc. I will not introduce you one by one. Later, when you officially enter the teaching, I will find someone to explain it to you in detail. "

The middle-aged man said a few more words, and finally asked:

"How should I put it, are you willing to become the altar master of Xuanyin Sect?"

"I am willing, of course I am willing to work under the senior, and the next ten thousand will."

Facing the middle-aged man, Chen Hao didn't dare to take half a step, at least he said again against his conscience.

But I had another plan in my heart.

Wait for daddy for a while, wait for daddy to take off.

I'm sorry for what you did today if I don't turn your shit Xuanyin religion upside down.

Chen Hao didn't like these gods and gods talking about religion at all.

What's more, he has also seen with his own eyes the almost cult-like preaching methods of the master of the Xuanyin sect.

I don't have the slightest liking for Xuanyin Sect.

After taking Chen Hao under his command, the face of the middle-aged man improved a lot, and he didn't care whether Chen Hao was sincere or not.

Into his urn, he has plenty of ways to concoct.

When the time comes, Chen Hao will not be able to disobey him.

Start with the spell just now!

I gave Chen Hao an order like an order, and I will go to his residence every five days, and ask him to study and cast a spell to wait for me, kid.

After explaining the location of his residence, the middle-aged man ordered Chen Hao to practice the "Xuan Yin Cleansing Mantra" carefully to cultivate his own evil spirits.

"Senior goodbye!"

Reluctantly sending the middle-aged man away, Chen Hao closed the doors and windows, and collapsed on the bed exhausted.

It was too much torture to be in the same room with such an old monster.

Be careful all the time.

I am afraid of saying the wrong word or doing the wrong thing.

The head on the head is not own.

too painful!

After resting for about ten minutes, Chen Hao got up and sat down at the table.

By the bright yellow candlelight on the table, I opened the book left by the middle-aged man.

"It's so early, why sleep, don't hurry up and improve your strength, the next time you encounter such a situation, you will still be involuntary!"

Patting his face, Chen Hao temporarily put aside the influence of middle-aged people, and opened the book with firm eyes.

After flipping through it, Chen Hao initially understood the essence of this spell.

But there are still many doubts.

This Xuanyin Body Cleansing Curse is different from the Xuanyin Ghost Control Technique, and does not require the matching Magical Item to be refined.

Just keep chanting the mantra, you can continuously absorb Yin Qi and bless your physical body.

Chanting the mantra for a long time can make the human body infinitely stronger and not afraid of pain.

"It looks like a pretty good spell, but why does it feel a bit unreliable?

Flesh and blood are yang, constantly absorbing yin energy to strengthen the body, won't there be Yin & Yang conflicts in doing so? Is it dangerous to practice this spell? "

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