I'm Repairing Immortal World

Chapter 4 Hanging Up With Ghosts, Searching For Loot

Sending away ghosts will hang up the phone, Chen Hao looks out the window.

It was dark, but also silent.

The screams that happened in the room just now seemed to be transmitted not far away.

It didn't attract much attention from the surrounding neighbors.

I don't know if they really didn't hear, or they covered their ears and pretended not to hear.

However, it didn't matter to Chen Hao, if someone kindly came to help and saw Chen Hei died in his room, it would be even more troublesome.

"Also, how to deal with this corpse?"

Chen Hao was very quick when killing people, but after everything was over, looking at the corpse on the bed, he suddenly felt dizzy.

Disposing of dead bodies is a very troublesome technology.

After thinking about it, he dug out the booklet of Xuanyin's Ghost Control Technique and searched for it, and finally found a good way for him to destroy corpses and traces.

First move Chen Hei's body out of the bed and touch the body.

Then he took out the soul urn, commanded the ghost to stir up Yin Qi, and poured Yin Qi into the soul jar.


A puff of black air emerged from the soul urn, swirled in the air, and then fell on Chen Hei's corpse, and in an instant, the white corpse was completely melted by the black air.

After absorbing Chen Hei's flesh and blood, the black energy grew stronger.

After returning to the soul urn, Chen Hao obviously felt that the soul urn in his hand was a little colder.

[Hint: Your soul urn swallowed a corpse, and you will gain +1 sacrifice experience]

Devouring the flesh and blood of living beings is a sacrificial method in Xuanyin's ghost control technique.

It looks a bit evil, but Chen Hao doesn't feel anything when using it.

On the contrary, I think it is a good way to walk Rivers and Lakes to destroy corpses and traces in the future, and maximize the use of enemies.

"Fuck, it's stupid again!"

After urging the soul urn, Chen Hao felt sleepy again.

Ignoring the harvest of checking the dead body, I fell on the bed in a daze and fell asleep.

Although it is powered by Yinhun, using Magical Item Chen Hao also consumes energy and pays a price.

The little energy that Chen Hao regained from sleeping just now was sucked dry again.

Early the next morning.

Chen Hao woke up to the sound of cock crowing.

[Hint: Your dependents work hard to absorb Yin Qi while you are sleeping, and gain skill experience +1]

Yinhun hangs up all night, absorbing Yin Qi, and his strength has improved a little.

Letting the ghost continue to hang up, Chen Hao cooked breakfast for himself, and the rice tank at home bottomed out again.

After breakfast, Chen Hao walked out of the house.

The weather is nice and sunny today.

The warm sunlight shone on Chen Hao's body, making his pale face a little more bloody, and he looked a little healthier.

Feeling this bad state, Chen Hao thought to himself:

It's not an option to go on like this.

After all, Xuanyin's technique of controlling ghosts is a kind of heresy.

Only practice spells, not life.

The pamphlet is full of ways to continuously consume life to activate Magical Items.

If things go on like this, it won't be long before he will be sucked dry in the process of using the Xuanyin Ghost Control Technique over and over again.

One more important point.

When he woke up just now, Chen Hao discovered something that made him very uncomfortable.

Weak and weak!

Can Chen Hao bear it?

I kept thinking in my heart, where can I find a way to strengthen my yang, so as to make up my body well.

Chen Hao does not want to die young.

"Tonic? Martial arts? Immortals?"

Chen Hao touched his pocket, feeling ashamed.

Including the harvest from touching the corpse last night, plus own money, the total is only three taels of silver.

Even going to the pharmacy in the city to grab some medicine, this little money is not enough!

Suddenly, Chen Hao thought of Chen Hei.

Last night, Chen Hei came to his house to rob. He didn't need any money at all, he only brought a few shabby copper coins with him.

He has no money, but his family probably has money.

After so many years, how could it be for nothing?

Thinking of this, Chen Hao suddenly couldn't sit still.

After tidying up in a hurry, Chen Hao put the soul urn in his pocket and went out.


"Isn't that Chen Hao? I heard screams from his house last night?"

"That's right! I was facing the crack of the door, saw Chen Hei, and entered his house!"

"Yeah! He looks like he's all right? What's the matter?"

"By the way, have you seen Chen Hei today?"

"It doesn't seem like he has. He usually comes to my tea stand to eat the Overlord's meal in the morning. He doesn't seem to come today?"


Seeing that Chen Hao was safe and sound, the neighbors whispered and discussed what happened last night.

To their surprise, Chen Hao was not injured at all, while Chen Hei, who was domineering and domineering yesterday, disappeared.

Contact last night, Chen Hao's family screaming in the middle of the night.

Suddenly, they figured out a rough idea.

Chen Hei, fell!

It fell on a young, fledgling young man.

"Chen Hao, I grew up watching him, he will definitely not be the next Chen Hei!"

"Chen Hao doesn't seem very old, he seems to be the same age as my daughter, or..."


The wind and the water took turns, and no one in the neighbors thought that Chen Hao would still be where he is today.

They all recalled the relationship between their family and Chen Hao, whether they were close, distant, or feuding.

For a moment, Chen Hao didn't know that he had messed up countless people's hearts just by showing his face.

At this moment, Chen Hao has arrived at the door of Chen Hei's house.

Blue bricks and gray tiles, two ups and two downs, a house with a small courtyard.

It is the most beautiful and luxurious house in the nearby alleys.

"He's really rich. His house has become a landmark. I don't know how many people's hard-earned money piled it up!"

Chen Hao stood in front of the house, criticized it, and then stepped forward to push the courtyard door.


In the yard, a vicious dog, smelling Chen Hao as a stranger, barked ferociously.

Then he didn't take the dog to heart, took out the key he found from Chen Hei, and opened the courtyard door casually.

As soon as the door opened, the vicious dog in the courtyard rushed towards Chen Hao who was at the door.


Chen Hao was full of experience, exuding an aura of ghosts. The vicious dog rushed halfway, and was frightened by the breath of ghosts.

He tucked his tail, whimpered twice, and shrank into the corner of the yard, not daring to move, looking pitifully at the vicious intruder.

Strange to say, Chen Hei has been domineering in the nearby land for a long time and made a lot of money.

But he was alone all the time, and he didn't even marry a woman. I don't know, how did he come here on weekdays?

Check the bar to listen to music?

by hand?

Chen Hao walked into the room while thinking wildly.


Standing at the door, a stench came to my face. Chen Hao immediately gave up the thought of going inside to search for it himself.

With a thought, the ghosts in the soul urn flew out, searching for property.

Chen Hao just stood at the door, looking inside at Chen Hei's house.

Chen Hei's house is not small. Except for the hall where the door is open, the other rooms are in a mess, with all kinds of sundries piled up randomly, and some unknown things are rotten and smelly.

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