I'm Repairing Immortal World

Chapter 68 Everyone Has A Copy!

Under Li Linxian's gaze, Wang Changgui honestly told what happened last night.

The emphasis is on the ferocity and superb skills of the young man in white.

Of course, Chen Hao and others who were mixed in were naturally omitted by him.

"Let you spread the contents of this piece of paper throughout Lingyue City within three days. They want everyone to know about the ruins of the Immortal Dao!"

After listening to Wang Changgui's narration, Li Linxian tapped his fingers on the table and said calmly.

"It's like this. At that time, I was frightened out of my wits by the young man in white. I agreed to his request without looking at the things on the white paper. After the young man in white left, I saw the things on the paper and felt that the situation was not right. Miao, hurry up and report to the hall master!"

Wang Changgui explained in fear.

"Hehe, when you come to me, don't be afraid of that young man in white who is watching you in secret. If you don't follow his request, he will kill you!"

Li Linxian glanced at it and smiled lightly.

"Uh, this subordinate was stupefied by the matter of the Immortal Dao ruins at the time, and didn't think about other things..."

Wang Changgui tried his best to explain.

Chen Hao and others have talked about this danger, but they all agree that it is unlikely that the young man in white will keep Wang Changgui.

The route map on the white paper was neatly written, and there were faint traces of rubbing on the route map. Obviously, the young man in white had made more than one copy of the route map of the relics of the Immortal Dao, and the young man in white requested that it be spread throughout Lingyue City.

Wang Changgui must not be the only one looking for, how could it be possible to keep Wang Changgui all the time!


What's more, at that time, Chen Hao and others were following behind them all the way from Guiweipo to Lingyue City. Even if they did meet the young man in white, they would not be afraid, at most, they would just do it.

"If you were really scared, after the incident happened last night, you should have come to me for help overnight! Why would you wait until now? When you are old, you have more thoughts! You want to see me and that The young men in white are fighting!"

Li Linxian shook his head, piercing Wang Changgui's little thoughts.

Wang Changgui was so frightened that he quickly put his head on the floor, apologized desperately, and begged Li Linxian for forgiveness.

Looking at Wang Changgui, whose head was like garlic, Li Linxian was bored, and picked up the white paper on the table and looked at it in front of his eyes.

He added:

"Forget it, because you have worked for me for many years, you can leave this matter alone! Recently, you can stay in the mansion with peace of mind and take care of yourselves!"

"Yes, yes! The subordinate understands!"

Wang Changgui followed the path of kindness, and immediately stood up and resigned.

When he walked out of Li Linxian's room, Wang Changgui touched his back, his hands were sweaty.


In the room, Li Linxian was sitting in front of the desk, digging through the pile of books on the desk a few times, and took out several blank papers.

Spread out, they are all white papers sent by Wang Changgui, exactly the same road map of the relics of the Immortal Dao.

Looking at several circuit diagrams on the table, Li Linxian called the guards outside the door and ordered:

"You send this piece of paper to print, print a few more, and then send some people to the city to distribute it, it's best to make it known to everyone!"


The guard responded, took Li Linxian and randomly pulled out a circuit diagram from the desktop, and took the order to leave.

After giving the order, Li Linxian thought about it, and then sat at the table and wrote another letter.

Putting the route map and the letter into the envelope and sealing it, Li Linxian summoned a guard and asked him to hurry up and deliver the letter to the master of Baizhan Hall in Qingshui City.

Qingshui City has always been the base of the Xuanyin Sect's Baizhan Hall. It's not far from Lingyue City, and it's only two days' journey at a fast pace.

This time delivering the letter, Li Linxian moved to drag Baizhan Hall into the water.


In a flash, it came to the afternoon.

Li Fu's work efficiency is very high.

What Li Linxian ordered in the morning has been fulfilled in the afternoon.

The route map of the relics of the Immortal Dao has spread like crazy in Lingyue City.

All the streets and alleys are talking about it.

The grocery sellers on the street have all turned into "newsboys" shouting loudly.

"Let's take a walk and take a look. The newly released route map of the relics of the Immortal Dao! Only three renminbi, only three renminbi, you won't suffer a loss if you buy it, and you won't be fooled if you buy it!"

The storyteller in the teahouse also keeps up with the current situation and gives full play to his language skills.

Compile the information on a piece of paper into various jokes, and tell the audience in the audience.

The students in the Tiger Martial Arts School also failed to escape.

When practicing martial arts in groups, some of them were absent-minded, discussing the relics of the immortal way in a low voice, and a good set of fierce tiger punches was like Wang Baquan.

Zhou Jianjun, who was so angry that he taught them martial arts, was furious.

In Chen Hao's yard.

The elder sister Xu Ying came to Chen Hao nervously holding the route of the relic of the Immortal Dao.

"Junior brother, something is wrong. This road map of the immortal road ruins in the city is spreading like crazy. It is everywhere. Everyone has a copy of this map!"

Chen Hao stopped practicing, and took the paper from the elder sister Xu Ying.

After a glance, it was exactly the same as the piece of paper they received last night.

Chen Hao looked at Xu Ying and said thoughtfully:

"This picture is being circulated everywhere on the street. It seems that the Xuanyin Sect has made a move, and in Lingyue City, only Li Linxian has the power to make this matter spread so widely! He can see that someone is Deliberately spreading information about the relics of the Immortal Dao, or does he have another purpose..."

This matter has now become a game between the Xuanyin Sect and the young man in white.

What Chen Hao can do now is to keep his head down as much as possible, so as not to attract the attention of these two parties.

Wait for a while, and when Chen Hao's team is established, his good days will come.

When the time comes, are you still afraid of Li Linxian and the young man in white?

He said to his elder sister Xu Ying: "Don't panic, this matter has little to do with us for the time being, we just wait and see what happens, and just practice hard!"

How things will develop, Chen Hao will wait and see.


On the other side, in a decent mansion in Lingyue City.

The young man in white, whom everyone was thinking of, was frankly treating each other on the bed with the round-faced maid, practicing dual cultivation.

Last time I went to the ruins of the Immortal Dao, the young man in white was accidentally injured, and now he is recovering from his injuries through dual cultivation.

After half a ring, the two men finished their work.

The young man in white opened his eyes, exhaled heavily, glanced outside the room, and said:

"Yue'er, you can come in!"


The tall maid, Yue'er, pushed open the door and walked in, closing the door behind her.

Yue'er saw the scenery inside the house, without any expression on her face.

Dual cultivation, serving the young man in white for many years, she has seen it a lot, and it has long been commonplace.

"Young Master, according to your instructions, I have found a lot of Rogue Cultivators in Lingyue City in the past three days, and I have given away dozens of copies of the route map of the Immortal Dao Ruins!"

Standing by the bed, Yue'er reported to the young master in white.

But thinking of the current situation in Lingyue City, Yue'er had a trace of displeasure on her face.

"However, due to the help of the Xuanyin Sect, it took almost one day for the route map of the Immortal Dao Relics to spread to the point where every ordinary person in Lingyue City has a copy!

Young Master, will the route map of the immortal road ruins spread to such an extent, will it affect your plan? "

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