I'm Repairing Immortal World

Chapter 73 Patrol! The Enemy Attacked At Night! (Fourth Update!)

With Li Linxian's promise, the restless hearts settled down.

The transfer power hall and the Baizhan hall were each in the camp, and found a suitable place to set up camp.

Chen Hao found a place close to Zhang Zheng.

Although Chen Hao and the others didn't have their own supplies, they didn't need to sleep in the wilderness with the sky and the ground as beds.

Li Linxian has set up a stockade here, and the supplies have been prepared long ago.

Zhang Deshui led his men, and it didn't take much effort to set up a place to rest.

Not long after it was finished, Zhang Zheng walked over.

Zhang Zheng patted Chen Hao on the shoulder and said:

"Brother Chen, let me tell you something! Tonight, we will have to work hard, and we need to patrol the camp with other people to guard against nightclubs!"

"Patrol? Guard against whom? Oh! I see!"

Chen Hao tilted his head and thought of the purpose of this patrol, so he nodded in agreement.

It is to guard against the young man in white.

Those people who stirred up the situation in Lingyue City are still in the dark.

They are like poisonous snakes, lurking in the dark. If they are bitten by them, Li Linxian and others definitely don't want to see them.

"Just understand, I'll come to you again after dinner!"

Seeing that Chen Hao understood what he meant, Zhang Zheng said with a smile without continuing.

After Zhang Zheng left, Chen Hao checked his equipment.

Iron sword, bronze mirror for raising ghosts, bone bracelet.

They are all placed in a convenient position, and they are warmed up again with Magic power to confirm that there will be no problems when using them.

He called Zhang Deshui and told him to follow behind him later and protect him carefully.

Don't make a move unless it's a matter of life and death.

So as not to reveal your strength and cause unnecessary trouble for writing.

After the preparations, Chen Hao closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, regained his energy, and responded to tonight's patrol in the best condition.

Time flies.

Soon, when it was time to eat, Chen Hao and Zhang Deshui walked out of the tent together.

There is a place for cooking big pots of rice in the camp. Li Linxian prepared ample supplies, even the chefs who cooked the rice were brought along, and the food tasted pretty good.

After eating, not long after, Zhang Zheng brought one of his men to Chen Hao's tent.

"Brother Chen, it's time, come with me!"

"Okay, I'm coming!"

Chen Hao got up and led Zhang Deshui out of the tent.

Following Zhang Zheng, he walked a few steps in the camp and came to a wooden tower.

There is a raging bonfire burning here, and many torches are lit everywhere, illuminating the surroundings brightly.

"Xiao Hufa, people from our transfer power hall are here!"

As soon as he arrived at the tower, Zhang Zheng met a tall and strong man and said with a smile.

This person's name is Xiao Yuanju, and he is the Zuo Guardian of Lei Zhan's Baizhan Hall, and he has the same position as Zhang Zheng.

Zhang Zheng practiced the Chiyang Fiery Fist to strengthen his heart and body. After entering the Tao, his body developed again and grew to nearly two meters.

He didn't know that Xiao Yuanju didn't know what kind of technique he was practicing, and he was actually a head taller than Zhang Zheng.

Just standing there, like a little giant, has a full sense of oppression.

Ordinary people would be frightened just by looking at Xiao Yuanju.

Xiao Yuanju had a dull temperament, he didn't talk much, he opened his mouth to say hello to Zhang Zheng, and after welcoming the arrival of the transfer power hall, he stopped talking.

Zhang Zheng had communicated with Xiao Yuanju and knew his temperament, so he didn't say much.

He directly took over the right to speak of the tonight patrol team, assigned tasks, and said:

"The brothers from Baizhantang have just arrived, and they may not know that the patrol tonight is to guard against a group of people. They spread the news of the relics of the immortal way in Lingyue City, which caused such a series of troubles! From the news of the relics of the immortal way, The head of our transfer power hall, Li Linxian, arranged for Taoist soldiers to set up camp here to guard the entrance."

"Until now, the Taoist soldiers guarding the entrance have never been attacked. Presumably, those people haven't entered the ruins yet!"

"Tonight's patrol is mainly to prevent those people from entering the Immortal Dao ruins before us. The hall master has arranged for ordinary people to walk out of many safe routes in the Immortal Dao ruins. We can't let them pick peaches!"

After hearing Zhang Zheng's explanation, everyone understood the significance of patrolling tonight.

The relics of the Immortal Dao are already pies in the hands of everyone, how can others pick them up, isn't that a slap in the face of their Xuanyin Sect?

Knowing the reason, everyone's willingness to patrol is high.

Xiao Yuanju on the side saw everything and nodded.

After explaining the reason, Zhang Zheng began to assign tasks.

He divided the crowd into two teams, one team from Transfer Power Hall and one team from Bai Zhan Hall.

People in the team are all in the same class, they are more familiar, and it is more convenient to meet enemies and cooperate with each other.

Each team patrolled for half an hour, and then came back to rest, and the two shifts took turns.

Chen Hao and the rest of the transfer power hall were assigned to the first team, led by Zhang Zheng, to start the first patrol.

The camp is built around the mountain wall, with one side against the mountain and three wooden walls, the area is not small.

The manpower of the two halls, together with the Dao soldiers arranged by Li Linxian, and the ordinary people who were captured, so many people crowded the entire camp to the brim.

On the patrol route, there are soldiers standing guard all the way.

Even on the cliff on the side of the mountain, Li Linxian arranged for Taoist soldiers to stand guard, and Chen Hao and the others had to walk around the hill when they patrolled.

In case the enemy threw stones down on the hill, Li Linxian's camp would be in vain.

Patrol all the way to the past, the first trip was safe and sound.

Zhang Zheng and Chen Hao didn't find anything unusual.

It's best if nothing happens, Chen Hao doesn't want to have his own strength exposed before he enters the Immortal Relics.

Who knows what will happen in the ruins of the immortal way, only by keeping a hand can you live longer in the ruins of the immortal way.

Chen Hao and the others finished the first round of patrolling.

Then Xiao Yuanju led Baizhantang to start the second round of patrolling, and the people in Transfer Power Hall began to rest.

Zhang Zheng and Xiao Yuanju had communicated well about the patrol route, and there would be no missing places.

Third lap, fourth lap...

After patrolling until late at night, it was the turn of the transfer power hall where Chen Hao was on the seventh round.

Once again embarking on the same patrol route, everyone was a little bored.

"Cheer up, we haven't had any accidents so far. We can only say that we are lucky. It will be the most sleepy time of the day. Maybe they will sneak attack at this time. We must be careful! Don't catch the enemy way!"

Looking at the listless looks of the others, Zhang Zheng reminded.


Everyone responded, cheered up, and continued to patrol.

As soon as they reached the top of the mountain, there was a loud gong sound from the camp at the foot of the mountain, which was the signal of the enemy's attack.

Everyone's face changed immediately when they heard this.

The enemy, as everyone expected, came at this time!

Qi Qi looked down the mountain, and a gray mist that was so thick that it could not be dispelled enveloped the entire camp.

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