The figure nodded, and said: "You are the only apprentice I have accepted, and now I will teach you the Yuan Mysterious Credentials." After speaking, the illusory figure disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a golden rune flew into the center of Chen Hao's eyebrows, and Chen Hao felt that there were many things in his own head. This is a Cultivation Technique called "Primitive Soul", which is one of the core cultivation techniques of Tianxuanzong. At the beginning of cultivation, it is to temper the own primordial spirit, condense the own divine soul, and then reach the stage of Nascent Soul.

It's just that there is no Divine Sense in this world. It may take a long time for him to condense it.

"I'm going to start cultivating. Try not to come over during this time, and wait until I finish cultivating. Remember, don't disturb me. This is very important to my cultivation." After Chen Hao explained, he began to cultivate Yuan Mysterious tactics.

At the same time, in another city.

This city is called Chang'an, the capital of the ancient Shu Kingdom, and the only place with a city wall in the entire Han Dynasty.

At this time, Chang'an's guards were extremely strict, and there were 500 soldiers on the tower at the gate of the city.

Beside the gate of the city, stood a few soldiers in armor and holding spears, and they looked around vigilantly.

Suddenly, a soldier in armor frowned, and said to the people around him, "It's strange, why does it feel a little hot?" Then he reached out and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The person next to him also wiped his sweat, and said with some doubts: "I also feel a little hot. There should be wind here."

"I seemed to see a cold breath blowing just now."

"Is it true that there are ghosts? No, I have to report to the commander as soon as possible."

The few of them wanted to leave here, but when they wanted to leave, they suddenly felt a chill.

"What?" the man called out immediately.

Several other people also looked around in panic. They are normal people, so they are naturally afraid of Ghost, so the moment they feel the chill, they are terrified.

Those few people didn't care about continuing to patrol, and ran away, trying to escape. They ran all the way to the barracks, and then they breathed a sigh of relief.

The captain said to them: "Okay, don't run away, it's okay, we are safe. You are also tired, go and rest." They all breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this, and then supported each other go back.

When they returned to the own tent, they found that everyone's tents were closed, leaving only their own tent. The captain hesitated for a moment, then walked over and knocked on their tents, only to find no answer.

So he turned around and went back to his own tent and fell asleep. He didn't suspect anything, after all, he saw Chen Hao fly out of own's body just now, and no one else knew about it. He must be Chen Hao's Master, and maybe he taught himself some great kung fu from his Master.

After they fell asleep, a white light flashed, and those corpses were reduced to ashes. Immediately, that white light penetrated into Chen Hao's body. Chen Hao opened his eyes, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Then start to run the "Yuan Mysterious Dictionary".

After a while, Chen Hao opened his eyes, looked at Nascent Soul in front of him, and muttered to himself: "Is this Nascent Soul? It really is amazing."

"Junior, do you know the magical effect of Yuanshen?" An old voice came to mind in Chen Hao's mind.

Chen Hao shook his head, and then said: "Master, I still don't understand what the primordial spirit is. Please explain it, and I will listen with all my ears."

"The Nascent Soul Realm is a special kind of energy. After the Practitioner of Nascent Soul Realm has trained Nascent Soul to the extreme, the Nascent Soul will become materialized, just like what you see now. Not only that, Nascent Soul also has strengths and weaknesses .Once the practice is successful, the rank of Nascent Soul will be improved. And Nascent Soul Realm, you can also use the power of Nascent Soul. The rank of Nascent Soul determines the speed of Nascent Soul cultivation. The higher the Nascent Soul, the more it can absorb the Spiritual Qi Even some Practitioners only need to practice Nascent Soul once, which is enough for others to practice for a long time." The old voice continued.

"So that's it. I understand. Thank you Master for letting me know." After Chen Hao finished speaking, he withdrew from the Sea of ​​Consciousness and began to practice quietly.

At the beginning, he didn't notice any abnormalities, he just felt that the Nascent Soul in Dantian was growing stronger.

However, he soon realized that this soul did not simply practice Nascent Soul, but fused his soul into his body.

"This is equivalent to being possessed by Nascent Soul. No wonder those Practitioners choose Nascent Soul to possess after being promoted. This can avoid being struck by lightning during Transcend Tribulation. But this time I was possessed by Nascent Soul own body." Chen Hao sighed secretly.

However, if it comes, it will be at ease, Chen Hao simply let go of his mind and began to use his soul to cultivate.

The night passed quickly. Chen Hao opened his eyes, exhaled a foul breath, and his eyes were shining with excitement. He felt the changes in his body and nodded in satisfaction.

"Nascent Soul Realm is indeed much stronger than I was before, especially in this world, even if I meet a group of Gold Core cultivators, I probably don't have to be afraid." Chen Hao said in a low voice. He stood up, pushed open the curtain of his tent, and found that the outside was still empty, and there was no one there.

He looked at the town in the distance again, and found that there seemed to be no one there, so Chen Hao walked over and found that there was no living person in the whole town except himself.

Only then did he realize that what happened last night was definitely not accidental, but inevitable.

Anyway, he was a blessing in disguise.

He walked around the street and found that there was no one on the whole street, which made him feel a little weird. It stands to reason that no matter how desolate it is, there must be a few people.

But he didn't figure it out after thinking for a long time, and he was too lazy to waste time here, so he found a carriage and prepared to return to his village.

Just after taking two steps, he stopped. He found that there were three people fighting in front of him. And he also noticed a familiar voice, isn't this Zhang Yun. Chen Hao thought for a while, then walked up.

This place is Pingyang Town, the nearest town to where he is.

Zhang Yun's Cultivation Base is not bad, but at this moment he looks extremely embarrassed, with scars all over his body.

"You bastards, today you killed my mother's child, I will definitely kill you." A woman cried in pain while holding her own son. Her husband had already been chopped down in a pool of blood.

"You stinky bitch, don't think that just because you gave birth to a bastard, you can show off your power. It's your honor that our Young Master can marry you." The man said arrogantly.

"Get out, you Young Masters are also worthy." Zhang Yun roared angrily.

Chen Hao was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect Zhang Yun to have such an experience. Forced to marry a dude. Unexpectedly, Zhang Yun's father loved his mother so much that he eloped with her.

"You guys are simply deceiving people too much." The man said, glaring at Zhang Yun viciously.

"Stop talking nonsense, today I will kill you at the risk of my life." Zhang Yun said through gritted teeth.

The man snorted coldly: "It's up to you, you don't know what you can do, and you don't take a pee and look in the mirror to see how ugly you are, and dare to be rampant in front of us. You are also worthy of being a concubine." , I don’t know how many women like you, it’s really cheap for you.”

The other two men next to this man also laughed.

The three of them looked contemptuous and didn't take Zhang Yun seriously.


"Shut up." Zhang Yun's mother couldn't help shouting.

"Hehe, you bitch still dare to tell me to shut up. If I don't show you today, I thought you really thought who you were. Believe it or not, I will beat you to death today." The man said, While talking, he rushed towards Zhang Yun's mother.

His arm swung his fist and hit Zhang Yun's mother's cheek. Zhang Yun's mother did not show any weakness, and beat him on the arm with a wooden stick.

"Crack!" With a crisp sound, the wooden stick broke, and bright red blood flowed on his arm.

"Bitch, you dare to hit me. Daddy will kill you today." As he said that, the man raised his fist and hit Zhang Yun's mother on the shoulder again.

This time, Zhang Yun's mother did not escape, her shoulder was beaten to pieces, and blood spattered everywhere.

"Bitch, see if I don't beat you to death today!" The man yelled frantically.

People around all avoided, no one wanted to step into this muddy water.

"Mom." At this moment, a sad cry came, and Zhang Yun ran over to support Own's mother.

"Ah Yun, it's all my mother's fault. My mother is useless. I can't protect you Little Sister. I can't avenge you, woo woo..." Zhang Yun's mother burst into tears, tears and snot all over his body. .

Zhang Yun held onto his mother's clothes tightly, gritted his teeth, and said, "Mom, stop talking, is your injury serious? I'll send you to the hospital right away."

"It's fine, I'm fine." Zhang Yun's mother waved her hand and said, "I'm fine, you can take your Little Sister away quickly."

"How could I leave you alone, let's go together, our family will never be separated." Zhang Yun said seriously, his eyes were moist, and tears kept sliding down from his eyes.

Seeing how filial his own son is, Zhang Yun's mother felt very relieved, but she also knew that she would only drag Zhang Yun down if she stayed, so she persuaded: "Ah Yun, you are still young, listen to your mother, go away."

"I won't go. You are my mother. No matter what dangers you encounter, I will accompany you." Zhang Yun said resolutely, his eyes were firm and he could not refuse.

"You brat, you're still so stubborn. Well, since that's the case, let's go together. Anyway, both of us are widows, and it's the same everywhere." She said, and was about to walk to the side.

"You bastard want to leave? There is no door, brothers, catch this woman for me first, and then wait for Young Master to come to claim the reward." The man grinned.

The other two men rushed towards her immediately.

Seeing this, Zhang Yun hurriedly stood in front of Own's mother.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and then, a black shadow flew towards this side and hit the three people.

Bang, all three people were knocked out and fell to the ground. They looked up and saw it was a cow. The cow was seven or eight meters long and carried a pig on its back. The pig's belly was swollen and it looked very fat. I don't know how much it ate.

The cow is clad in armor and has a knife hanging from its waist.

Chen Hao said in surprise: "This is a general-level ferocious beast, and it is wearing heavy armor. It is probably an iron rhinoceros."

"What is an iron rhinoceros?" Zhang Yun asked.

Chen Hao said: "The iron rhinoceros is an extremely ferocious beast, with strong defense, extremely fast speed, and infinite strength. The most important thing is that this rhinoceros is also very poisonous, even if it is stabbed with a sword, it will be fatal." .Unless there is an antidote, it can only be slaughtered by it."

"No wonder this woman is so miserable." Zhang Yun looked at Zhang Yun's mother and found that she didn't have any wounds, so it shouldn't be fatal. But her face was pale, as if she had lost too much blood.

"No, I have to get treatment as soon as possible. If I continue to delay, I'm afraid it will be troublesome." Chen Hao said.

"Why are you standing there stupidly, save my mother quickly." Zhang Yun said anxiously to Chen Hao.

"I can't, I don't know how to cure diseases and save lives." Chen Hao shook his head, he was still in a state of bewilderment.

"Why can't you even cure diseases and save people? Don't you even know a little basic knowledge? You are not a god, how can you not know medical skills?" Zhang Yun said angrily, his tone was a little fierce.

Chen Hao was a little displeased, but he thought that his performance just now was indeed a bit inappropriate, so he said patiently: "I really don't know how to cure diseases and save people, but you also know that the Cultivation Technique I cultivate is special, and it requires the practitioner to cultivate the inner strength to display it." Medical skills. If my inner strength does not reach the Foundation Establishment Realm, there is no way to treat your mother."

"Then... how long will it take you to recover to the Qi Refining state?" Zhang Yun asked, his eyes were full of hope, he knew that if Chen Hao recovered to the Qi Refining state, his mother would definitely be cured.

"I don't know. The Cultivation Technique I practice requires the cultivator to absorb the Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth to refine it, otherwise it is useless." Chen Hao shook his head and said.

"Then...then what should I do? Help me quickly, my mother is dying, I beg you." Zhang Yun begged Chen Hao.

Chen Hao looked into Zhang Yun's eyes and found that he wasn't lying, and his eyes were blue, which is the color that can only be obtained after practicing the Cultivation Technique of the Blue Devils. This color represents that Zhang Yun is a pure blue demon.

"Okay, I'll try my best. I can only try." Chen Hao nodded in agreement.

"Thank you so much, my lord." Zhang Yun said happily.

Chen Hao stepped forward, grabbed Zhang Yun's mother's wrist, and examined it carefully.

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