I'm Repairing Immortal World

Chapter 90 Demonic Beasts

Xiaobai transformed all these golden flames into his own energy, and formed a flame rune in his body.

The combination of flame runes is also constantly being strengthened.

But at this moment, Xiaobai's body has reached a critical point, and there is a possibility of explosion at any time. If there is no breakthrough, it will disappear completely.

"Is it one step away from success?"

Chen Hao muttered to himself.

If Xiaobai can successfully breakthrough Realm, then its combat power will be greatly improved, even comparable to the masters in the Foundation Establishment period.

Moreover, the Foundation Establishment period is also a qualitative leap.

Xiaobai is the only friend Chen Hao identifies with in this world, and he hopes it will become stronger.

If Xiaobai can successfully advance, then Xiaobai will have a fighting power comparable to the Foundation Establishment period.

Chen Hao believed that if it really advanced to the Foundation Establishment stage, it would be able to help him and eliminate all those enemies.

Chen Hao knew that he had to do something.

"I need to find some elixir suitable for Xiaobai's advancement."

Chen Hao muttered to himself.

Although he had a lot of Medicine Pills, Shi didn't have any elixir suitable for Xiaobai's upgrade.

After all, those Medicine Pills are for people to use. Xiaobai’s essence is a flame, so the medicine is naturally different from the ordinary cultivator.

Finding some elixir nearby is the quickest way.

"Huh? What's that?"

Just as Chen Hao was about to leave here, he suddenly noticed something in the grass in front of him.

Chen Hao narrowed his eyes, and his figure appeared in front of the grass in an instant.

Chen Hao walked to the side of the grass, bent down and pulled the grass away, revealing a dead body.

The corpse was an old man, about seventy years old, short in stature, dressed in blue cloth, with gray hair and beard.

“The identity of the deceased is unknown!”

Chen Hao frowned.

Judging from the wounds on the deceased, he was directly beheaded.

The temperature of the deceased's body is very low. Obviously, during Death, the corpse is very cold, which is why such a freezing effect is produced.

"Did the deceased have any enemies during his lifetime?"

Chen Hao asked again.

He was very familiar with the breath left on the body of the deceased, it was the breath emanating from the body of the deceased.

Chen Hao observed carefully, and found that the aura of the deceased was very faint, but it did exist, but it was very thin, if he hadn't investigated carefully, he would not have been able to find it at all.

"There are three kinds of toxins on the body of the deceased, which are highly poisonous and corrosive." Chen Hao pondered: "When he died, his body was very cold, so he must have been poisoned. And who injected these toxins?"

"Could it be that his enemy is..."

Chen Hao's complexion changed slightly, and an old and thin face suddenly appeared in his mind.

If this person is really that person, then things will be tricky this time.

That man's powerful mother is beyond doubt, Chen Hao dare not contend with him at all.

"Bury these corpses first, and then look for other clues."

Chen Hao dug out the body of the deceased.

"Who did this? It's too cruel to make him look like this."

Chen Hao frowned and said to himself.

The death of this person was really appalling, as if a sharp knife had cut through his chest, and the entire inside of his chest was flattened.

The skin of the deceased was covered with blood-stained scars, as if bitten by thousands of insects, and after the death of the deceased, the skin of the whole body was also purple-black. These wounds were very terrifying, as if some A kind of Demonic Beasts, eating the flesh of the dead, and the eyes of the dead are full of fear, the mouth is slightly opened, as if sticking out the tongue, looking very stern and terrifying.

"This man, must have died at the hands of a dreadful Demonic Beasts minion."

Chen Hao had seen such a scene in some classics recorded in ancient books, but he never thought that someone would be eaten by Demonic Beasts.

"The breath here is very strange, it seems to be left by Demonic Beasts. But this person's Cultivation Base only has nine layers of bone refinement, and it was still torn by Demonic Beasts. If my guess is correct, the attack power of Demonic Beasts is at least as high as Condensed Yuan six layers."

At this time, Chen Hao felt that the surrounding environment was a bit strange.

The air here is very fresh, as if there is a trace of Spiritual Qi in the air, but the Spiritual Qi here is very thin.

What's going on here?

According to Chen Hao's guess, the air here shouldn't be so thin.

Chen Hao carefully checked the surrounding environment.

But nothing abnormal was found around.

Except for the thinner Spiritual Qi in the air, there is no other change.

But at this time, Chen Hao suddenly had a guess in his mind.

He felt that this might be the formation of a certain fairy mountain.

And these Spiritual Qi are caused by the power of formation.

"Could it be that the formation in Xianshan has changed?" Chen Hao asked in surprise.

He knew that after cultivators have cultivated to a certain level, they can open up their own Immortal Cave and establish their own sect. In this way, cultivators can live in the fairy mountain for a long time, absorb the spiritual Qi of the fairy mountain, thereby improving their strength, and perhaps they can set foot on supernatural powers environment, become a fairy.

However, it is impossible for cultivators to practice in the fairy mountains for a long time.

The so-called Closed Door Training means that after a period of training in the fairy mountain, you must leave.

Because the speed of cultivation of cultivators is too fast and the time required is too short, the fairy mountain cannot accommodate so many cultivators.

Therefore, one can only continue to cultivate in a certain special area, but in this way, there will inevitably be dangers.

"No matter what, get out of here first."

Without thinking about it, Chen Hao turned around and ran towards the depths of the forest.

In the forest, there are many dangers, and if you are not careful, you will die.

Chen Hao must be careful and not make any mistakes.

"These people died at the hands of Demonic Beasts."

Chen Hao muttered in his heart.

Chen Hao is thoughtful and quick thinking.

In his mind, a picture has already been constructed, a huge Demonic Beasts grabbed the body of this person, biting frantically.

Blood splattered everywhere, and the man's body was eaten alive, leaving only a scorched skeleton.

Such a cruel and bloody scene, even Chen Hao would have the urge to vomit when he saw it.

Such a scene, for a human like Chen Hao, is simply a nightmare memory.

This person's strength is definitely at the peak of the fifth level of Qi Refining, and his defense is very strong. Generally, Practitioners on the second level of Soul Refining would pay a huge price if they wanted to attack him.

Moreover, he still carries treasures on his body, but his defense is still easily pierced.

"What the hell are these Demonic Beasts? Why are they so bloodthirsty?"

The more Chen Hao thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, and he became more and more suspicious of this person's identity.

If it was Demonic Beasts, Chen Hao couldn't imagine what grade such ferocious Demonic Beasts would be.

You should know that there are many grades of Demonic Beasts, and some Demonic Beasts are even higher than Human Race.

How could there be Demonic Beasts here?

Chen Hao galloped all the way, and soon left the forest.

This area was a little far from the place where he entered the Immortal Emperor's tomb. After running for two or three hours, he finally saw a village.

The village is surrounded by forests without a single big tree. It looks very desolate, and the breath in the air is getting thinner.

A hundred meters away from the village, Chen Hao stopped, and then flew away without making a sound, just like a gust of wind blowing by, without a sound.

Chen Hao was not in a hurry to approach the village, but looked at the village from a distance.

On the outskirts of this village, there is a small town.

"Has everyone in the village been driven here?"

Chen Hao thought to himself, and then flew towards the direction of the town.


As soon as Chen Hao approached, he heard shouting.

Chen Hao glanced ahead and found several people in armor standing in front.

Some of these people are Qi Refining four or five-story Cultivation Bases, some are Qi Refining eight-story Cultivation Bases, and some are Qi Refining seven-story Cultivation Bases.

The equipment of these people was exactly the same as that of the bandits that Chen Hao encountered in the past.


Chen Hao looked at these people coldly, then waved his hand.


From Chen Hao's sleeve robe, two iron balls flew out immediately, and hit these people, making a series of muffled sounds.

The bodies of these people flew upside down and fell to the ground, making a "bang bang" sound, and bright red liquid gushed out of their mouths.

Although the strength of this group of people is good, Chen Hao doesn't care about it. All he wants is to find out the situation here as soon as possible.

Chen Hao ignored these people, but flew into the town, and then found a family to ask.

"Boss, how do I get here?"

Chen Hao's voice made everyone in the shop look up at Chen Hao. When they saw Chen Hao, they were startled.

"You...you don't want to die?" the little boy asked in surprise.

"I don't know how to get here. I'm going to take a look around Xianshan Mountain. Just tell me how to get there. I'll leave right away, so I won't delay things." Chen Hao said.

"This place is very far away from the fairy mountain. Once you go far, you will not know the year of the monkey if you want to return here." The young man said: "However, I can tell you some information, but you have to pay some rewards."

"What payment?"

"There are a lot of Medicinal herbs in this small town, you can go to collect them, and I will calculate the price for you."

Chen Hao nodded, then sat down and waited quietly.

This small town is not too big, after a while, the young man walked over with a wooden sign and handed it to Chen Hao.

"Take a look. The goods here are traded every day. The prices are very low, and there are special people responsible for collecting them. If you want to sell something, you can exchange it here. If you want to buy Medicine Pill or weapons, you can also You can come here to exchange, but there is no fee. You can take your time."

Chen Hao knew all these things and was very familiar with them. After Chen Hao saw them, he set his sights on the young man.

"Can you exchange all these things into gold coins?"

"What kind of gold coin do you want, you can choose any of these items." The boy said.

"The most common one is a thousand gold coins."

Chen Hao said calmly.

"A thousand gold coins? These things are something that ordinary people dare not touch, but you are so expensive, are you crazy?" the boy said with his eyes wide open.

"You said that these things are not available to ordinary people, so do you think the people in your village are ordinary people?"

"I have no idea."

"I don't know either. But I trust my feelings. I guess you are also from this town?" Chen Hao asked.

"Well. We are all from a small town. However, our village is very poor, with only a few hundred acres of land." The boy said: "You can only sell these things for two hundred yuan at most. If you want to exchange them for gold coins , I'm afraid it's not enough."

"I'm not bargaining with you, you should pay for everything."



"If you make a round package, the price will be doubled." The boy said.

"Then pay my price."

"Okay, deal, a total of 10,000 gold coins." The boy said.

Chen Hao took out a storage ring and threw it to the boy.

The little guy took the storage ring, checked it, and confirmed that it was genuine, he immediately smiled.

Chen Hao took out another thousand gold coins and handed them to the boy.

The little guy didn't refuse either, put away the storage ring, and walked towards the town with Chen Hao.

The town is very lively, but not all the inns or taverns are open.

"This is a restaurant, do you want to stay?" the boy asked: "If you don't want to stay in the hotel, you can also go to the city lord's mansion. Our city lord is a very powerful person."

Chen Hao was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head.

"Well, take a look for yourself." The boy took Chen Hao around the town.

Soon, the boy led Chen Hao to the outside of a restaurant called "Zuixiangju".

Outside this restaurant, there are many stalls, and the cultivators who set up the stalls are all Qi Refining period Cultivation Base, and not far in front of them, there are many cultivators in uniform clothes busy.

After Chen Hao followed the boy into it, he was shocked by the magnificence in front of him.

All kinds of materials are placed in front of them, and even many cultivators are constantly bombarding the spiritual plants with spells, and then take out a treasure to bombard them again.

"These are the materials needed to refine weapons and weapons. You just need to buy something you like. This is your identity token, and you can come and go here freely." The boy said.

Chen Hao glanced at the token and nodded.

In this small town, both cultivation resources and Cultivation Technique are very precious. Although Chen Hao has no shortage of cultivation resources, these cultivation resources are hard-earned by himself, so he naturally cherishes them.

Half of this small town is full of shops. Looking at the things in these shops, Chen Hao kept seeing all kinds of shops in his mind. In the end, he stopped at a shop named "Tianxing Pavilion" .

This attic is dedicated to selling spirit tools and Magic Treasures, and they are all top-notch.

"Which Magic Treasures do you like?" Chen Hao had just walked to the door of the attic when a vigorous and powerful voice sounded.

Chen Hao turned his head to look, and found that it was a man in his sixties, with a white robe and a black beard.

The man's Cultivation Base has actually reached Fifth Stage, much higher than Chen Hao's.

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