Also went to the Summit War to quell the war on one's own.

This man is mysterious.

Seems to know a lot of unknown secrets.

And he has a very close relationship with Luffy.

The red-haired arm is what saved Luffy's life.

Now that Luffy is captured by Kaido, could the redhead come here to save Luffy?

This is not impossible.

Because the red hair has never played cards according to common sense.

During the Summit War, he first went to warn Whitebeard to be careful of Blackbeard, and after Whitebeard went to Naval Headquarters, the redhead went to Whitebeard's territory to intercept Kaido.

After that he went non-stop to Naval Headquarters to quell the war.

If you want to say who is the busiest because of the Summit War, the redhead is the busiest. I ran back and forth three or four times to Whitebeard's site alone. After New World settled down, I went to Naval Headquarters "across the front and back half of the Grand Line" .

He's an outsider, he's busier than Whitebeard, who knows what he's up to.

However, if the red hair comes to Wanokuni, it may become the biggest turning point in the Wanokuni incident.

To deal with an emperor-level powerhouse, I am afraid there is only another emperor-level powerhouse.

Red hair VS Kaido, winning or losing is not certain.

As for the fourth option Marine Admiral Kizaru.

That's even more interesting.

One side is the alliance against Kaido, and the other side is the Four Emperors Kaido. If Marine Admiral is involved again, the incident in Wanokuni will be more complicated this time.

Who will be the final winner?

This is very exciting.

This question immediately added a hint of doubt to Wanokuni, who seemed to have already decided the end.

The situation became more and more treacherous.

Any of these four options is possible, and the possibility is not small.

It is logical to take any one out as the correct answer.

Choose the most likely one from these four options.

This is not easy.

There was a lot of discussion.

The Five Elders also couldn't get an answer for a while.

There is no news about the Blackbeard guy now, but in the prophecy, this guy replaced Whitebeard and became the Four Emperors guy.

Among Wanokuni's coalition forces are the remnants of the Whitebeard pirate group, as well as the former Blackbeard, who is like the hunting straw hat Luffy, who is also Ace's younger brother.

And he is very interested in ability users, and Kaido's Beasts Pirates, among other things, there are many ability users, the three disasters, and the average ability person in Fei Liubao.

With his ambition, it might not come without the idea of ​​Wanokuni mantis catching cicada and oriole in the rear.

If Blackbeard has this idea, why doesn't World government have this idea?

Then it makes sense for Kizaru to come to Wanokuni.

As for BIGMOM, Five Elders thinks it is very possible, because now BIGMOM is in Wanokuni.

However, the time and cause are different, and it is not right to copy them mechanically.

As for the redhead, this guy has a lot of ideas, and Five Elders is not sure if this guy will go to Wanokuni.

But it was a wake-up call for Five Elders.

Now Wanokuni has gathered three Four Emperors, Whitebeard, Kaido and BIGMOM.

And World government and Naval Headquarters, plus Revolutionary Army and NEO Marine.

Almost the most powerful forces in this world are here.

Only the redhead remained silent.

Although there is no Summit War staged now, it is already bigger than the level of Summit War.

Does the redhead do nothing?

Thinking of this, Five Elders immediately asked CP to inquire about the red hair.

Now Wanokuni's side is in a delicate balance, and the situation is temporarily deadlocked because of this.

But such a balance is very fragile, as long as some weights are added to one side of the balance, the balance will be broken.

If Hongfa intends to participate, his choice will directly affect the entire battle situation.

The balance of victory will also change accordingly.

The existence of red hair is the biggest uncertainty factor, they can't help but guard against it.

There is also Kaido who has such an idea.

The relationship between them and the red hair, it cannot be said that there is no friendship at all, it can only be said that the relationship is not good at all.

Redhead belongs to Roger Pirates, Whitebeard, Kaido and BIGMOM belong to Rocks Pirates.

The Rocks Pirates were defeated by the Roger Pirates, so the fate is not good.

And Roger and Whitebeard got on pretty well.

There was nothing redhead could say to be on his side in the war.

However, there is no sign of the redhead coming to Wanokuni yet.

But it's not entirely impossible.

If the redhead in the answer has the intention to come to Wanokuni, then they have to make plans early.

This question makes all parties have their own ideas, but the people of Wanokuni hope in their hearts.

Hope it's either a redhead or Marine Admiral Kizaru.

Because the first two options come with nothing good, Blackbeard, Kaido and BIGMOM, all three are downright villains.

It's not a good thing for any of them to come.

It's the redhead, who's on good terms with Luffy, and a friend of a friend can be a friend, which might save Wanokuni.

Marine Admiral Kizaru is also acceptable. Although Marine's reputation is not very good, he is still a pirate catcher. As long as he can capture Kaido from Wanokuni, he can do anything.

However, the people of Wanokuni, who have no information, do not know that Marine is now secretly joining forces with Kaido to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates and the Revolutionary Army.

In the live broadcast room, ten respondents were lost in thought.

(Get it?) When I first came up with such a difficult problem, it was really difficult to make a choice.

Any of these four options is possible.

If we have to rank by possibility, BIGMOM is the most likely, followed by red hair, then Marine Admiral, and finally Blackbeard.

The biggest reason for the possibility of BIGMOM is that Luffy and the others just messed with BIGMOM not long ago.

It is also very possible for BIGMOM to hunt down Wanokuni.

But here comes the problem,

Now one Four Emperors Kaido in Wanokuni has knocked them out.

Now there is another BIGMOM chasing and killing, how can we fight?

Have them confront the two Four Emperors?

This difficulty has directly doubled several times.

If the answer is this, then their trip to Wanokuni must have been a disaster in the prophecy. .

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