I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1621: Mo Yesi paid more emotions

"Don't you say that I will support my work?"

"Well, I said that."

Of course, what he said, he certainly remembers.

Only then, he didn't think too much.

What's more, even if he doesn't want to, he can't deprive her of her preferences and let her do what she likes.

In that case, he is too selfish.

"I want to repent now, is it too late."

The man had a serious look in his eyes, not as if he was joking.

Qiao Mianmian: "...husband, I really like filming."

Mo Yesi remained silent for a few seconds, sighed softly, reached out to touch her head, and said helplessly, "Okay, I know."

"Then do you mean you don't object?" Qiao Mianmian's eyes lighted up, and there was a smile in his eyes again.

Mo Yesi looked at her: "I object, will you listen to me?"


"So what's the use of my objection. Instead of objecting to making you hate me, the best option is to support you."

"But..." Qiao Mianmian looked at his face and said, "You don't actually want me to continue acting, right?"

"Want to listen to the truth? The truth is that I really don’t like you. I don’t like you as an actor, but I don’t want to see you have any intimate contact with other men because of acting. I know this is just your job. I shouldn’t mind that, but I can't control my mood either."


Mo Yesi sighed again, full of helplessness in his tone: "I don't want to be the kind of person you hate."

So even if you don't like it, be patient.

Just because this is what she likes to do.

Qiao Mianmian wanted to say something more, and heard Bai Yusheng coming over to urge her: "Mianmian, be prepared, it's your turn."

Qiao Mianmian gave Mo Yesi a deep look, his eyes very tangled: "I'm past?"

Mo Yesi nodded: "Well, go."

Qiao Mianmian saw that he didn't mean to leave, and didn't say anything. When it was her turn, she didn't delay time, and immediately went over to find a place and was ready.

When she passed, Qin Han also stood in place.

Qiao Mianmian thought that with Mo Yesi, she would have some scruples and would not perform well.

But the result did not.

Before the official performance, she also felt a little uncomfortable.

When Bai Yusheng started shouting, both she and Qin Han entered the performance state every second. Except for the drama they played, they had no intention of paying attention to other things at all.

Qin Han is also the same as Qiao Mianmian.

When I officially performed, I seriously put myself into acting, and I don't distract my attention to other things.

The performance process was smooth as always.

The only thing that makes Qin Han feel different in peace is that he always feels that his back is a bit chilly.

I didn't know where the cold air was blowing from, and kept blowing it on his back.

When the intimate shot was taken.

The heroine played by Qin Han and the heroine played by Qiao Mianmian had a quarrel because of misunderstanding. The heroine turned around and wanted to leave.

The female host struggled and the male host hugged more and more tightly.

Mo Yesi has seen this plot.

Therefore, when he saw that the heroine played by Qiao Mianmian quarreled with the male character played by Qin Han, Qiao Mianmian turned and ran away, Qin Han caught up, and he suddenly stood up.

"Wait a minute, don't shoot now."

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