I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 924: Some things can't be compared

There is really no talent in cooking.

The two steaks in the back almost made him fry again.

Finally, under Qiao Mianmian's utmost rescue, the steak was barely still edible, but the sale was particularly poor.


With Qiao Mianmian joining in, a meal took almost an hour and was finally ready.

Mo Yesi really can't cook.

There is really no talent in cooking.

The two steaks in the back almost made him fry again.

Finally, under Qiao Mianmian's utmost rescue, the steak was barely still edible, but the sale was particularly poor.

The sweet and sour pork ribs were also made almost twice. The second time, still under the rescue of Qiao Mianmian, he barely ate it.

When dinner was ready, Qiao Mianmian was really hungry and groaned.

Finally made four dishes and one soup.

One sweet and sour pork ribs, two steaks, and two dishes were completed by Qiao Mianmian alone.

Mo Yesi came out of the kitchen with some frustration.

He didn't want to admit it anymore, and he had to realize that he was really not talented in cooking.

It seems a very simple dish, but he made it not so much.

Even if he strictly followed the recipe step by step, he was unsatisfactory regardless of the appearance or taste.

He almost burned the kitchen just now.

It was unfavorable for him to do so for the first time, and it was still in the face of Qiao Mianmian, which made him feel very faceless.

After all, it was a very simple thing for him to talk.

Unexpectedly, I hit my face so soon.

Originally I wanted to perform well in front of my wife, but as a result, I didn't earn anything to say, but lost someone in front of her.

Mo Yesi walked out of the kitchen in silence, then went to the dining room in silence, and then sat down silently.

He glanced at the two ribs and steak that had been scorched at a glance. He saw Qiao Mianmian stretched his chopsticks to clamp the ribs, hesitated, and grabbed her hand. It’s definitely not tasty, and it’s unhealthy. I’ll take it and dump it.”

"Don't." Qiao Mianmian patted his hand and clamped the ribs into the bowl. "Isn't this edible, what are you doing, how wasteful."

Mo Yesi frowned: "But it's burnt."

"It's not too anxious." Qiao Mianmian glanced at the dark bowl in the bowl, ignoring his conscience, "It's just that it looks a bit different from the selling. I just tried it and the taste is not bad."

How to say, this is the first meal Mo Yesi prepared for her.

A young man who has been raised since he was young and has no fingers in the spring water is willing to cook for her. No matter how he cooks, at least he has a hard time.

She cherishes this intention.

Considering that she and Su Ze have known each other for so long, and have been in contact for a full two years. Everyone around her said that Su Ze was very good to her, but in the end, Su Ze never cooked for her.

Some things cannot be compared.

After a comparison, she discovered that she thought that the man who loved her deeply did not like her that much.

In the end, Su Ze derailed Qiao at ease, also proved this point.

If a man loves you deeply and you are all in your heart, how could it be seduce away by other women.

When thinking of Su Ze, Qiao Mianmian frowned physiologically, and there was a trace of disgust uncontrollably in his eyes.

The more she hated Su Ze, the more she felt that a man like Mo Yesi was too valuable.

It also strengthened her determination to stay with him.

She will always stay with him, no matter what happens, she will not leave him.

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