The two of them were crying, but the two of them were still crying.

"Dabao is crying so hard, come and see!"

Lin Kewei's voice was urgent.

Gu Xingchen hurried over and saw that it was true!

Little Candy was crying because she was in pain!

Lin Kewei was panicked when she saw her daughter was in such pain.

Gu Xingchen quickly comforted her, "Wife, don't worry, I'll call Dr. Pei now, and if it doesn't work, we'll go to the hospital."

Gu Xingchen ran over before the meal was cooked.

Lin Kewei hugged her daughter and coaxed her anxiously, and Xiao Nuomi on the other side also joined in the fun and cried with a pursed mouth.

After the call was connected, Gu Xingchen and Dr. Pei introduced the current situation of Little Candy.

Doctor Pei asked with concern on the other end of the phone, "How did Dabao cry?"

Gu Xingchen couldn't describe it, "Doctor Pei, is it convenient for you to connect via video? I'll call you via video, it's better for you to see it with your own eyes, I can't describe it."

Doctor Pei nodded, and then the two switched to a video call.

Through the phone, Doctor Pei was not sure about the specific situation.

"I need to go to the scene to judge. Are you free now? Send the baby to the hospital. I'm on duty in the office tonight."

I heard that they were going to the hospital.

Gu Xingchen quickly dressed Xiao Tangguo and prepared to go out, "Wife, I'm going to take Xiao Tangguo to the hospital, you stay at home with Xiaobao."

Lin Kewei also quickly dressed Xiao Nuomi, "No, I want to go with you with Xiaobao. Dabao doesn't know what's going on, and I'm worried waiting at home."

Gu Xingchen glanced at his daughter who was crying with a sad expression, and then looked at his wife's worried expression.

"Okay, let's go together, but we have to dress the babies."


The temperature will drop at night, and the babies must be well prepared before going out.

Gu Xingchen put on long sleeves, small hats, and small socks for the babies.

After packing up, Xiaobao was put in the stroller and pushed out, while Dabao was held by Lin Kewei.

Going to the basement parking lot, Xiaotangguo cried in her mother's arms.

After going out, the little guy's crying seemed to be a little quieter.

Xiao Nuomi was in the stroller, tilting her head to look at her father and mother, and blinking her curious big eyes from time to time to look at her sister.

At this time, the couple were extremely worried about whether Xiaotangguo was sick!

In their hearts, they prayed that Dabao must be safe!

Xiaotangguo is a hard worker, she has such a good body and a good physique. Lin Kewei comforted her that her daughter would be fine!

Drive to the hospital.

Gu Xingchen hurried to register, and then took Little Candy to see Doctor Pei.

As soon as they arrived at the hospital, Little Candy's crying gradually became louder!

Doctor Pei examined Little Candy with a stethoscope.

"There is nothing wrong with Dabao's heart and lungs."

After that, he checked her belly again. Doctor Pei would gently press Little Candy's belly. If there was any discomfort, the little guy would react.

But Little Candy had no abnormalities at all. No matter where Doctor Pei checked, she still cried as uncomfortably as before.

Doctor Pei stopped the examination and frowned to ask Little Candy if there was anything abnormal at home recently.

It was learned that the little guy had a reduced appetite for milk, and other things such as poop, height, weight and temperature were normal.

The couple answered while worrying about their daughter anxiously.

Doctor Pei saw the tension of the two and comforted them by saying that the baby was growing so well, there should be no big problem, don't be nervous.

Doctor Pei is indeed a doctor with many years of clinical experience.

"Let me check the baby's mouth..."

The routine physical examination was fine, so I checked the oral cavity to see if there were any problems.

Then I held a small flashlight in one hand and a cotton swab in the other to check Little Candy.

The little cotton swab was so uncomfortable that she almost vomited.

Doctor Pei finally found the reason why Little Candy was crying, "Little Candy has no other problems, it's just that she's growing teeth, so she has such a reaction."

As soon as the voice fell, the couple was stunned, "Doctor Pei, you said Little Candy has grown teeth?"

Although both of them are novice parents, they have been taking care of the child for three months, and they know some common sense about babies.

Shouldn't babies grow teeth when they are six months old on average?

But due to the different physical constitutions of babies, some babies start to grow teeth when they are four or five months old.

Some grow late, and some babies grow teeth at one year old!

But their eldest baby is only three months old.


Even though there is still some time before the fast-growing 4 months.

Doctor Pei explained to them, "It is not impossible for babies to grow teeth at three months. Some babies have good physiques and nutrition, so it is normal for them to grow teeth earlier."

"Don't worry too much, this is normal."

The couple suddenly realized that it was teething, and they were relieved that the baby was not sick.

Doctor Pei reminded them, "Babies will feel uncomfortable when they grow teeth. They can't speak yet and can only express their emotions with crying. This is normal."

"Teething is a physiological phenomenon. Some babies may have low fever, increased saliva, drooling, sleep disturbance, irritability and other symptoms when teething."

"In this case, comfort the baby to relieve the pain caused by teething."

"Supplement them with protein, calcium, phosphorus and other vitamins and nutrients appropriately."

"Use teething gel carefully. Excessive use of teething gel is not good for the baby's teething..."

After leaving the hospital, the couple breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, Dr. Pei showed them the baby teeth of Little Candy.

They grow on the lower gums, so small that you can't see them if you don't look carefully.

Dr. Pei also said that after the teeth grow out, Little Candy won't cry as uncomfortably as she does now.

"Honey, I was saying that it's getting more and more painful to feed Dabao now. Today I was wondering if she has teeth, but you didn't believe it. Now you believe it, right..."

Gu Xingchen smiled while pushing the stroller, "Yes, yes, I'm short-sighted. I shouldn't have disbelieved what my wife said."

Little Nuomi looked up at her parents stupidly.

The baby's physique is somewhat different from her sister's.

Because they are twins, born together, Dr. Pei just checked the little guy.

As a result, their little cute baby hasn't grown teeth yet!

Looking at the little Candy in her arms, Lin Kewei's expression was both happy and sad, "Husband, it hurts so much when the little Candy just grows teeth and feeds. Won't it be more painful when her teeth grow out?"

When opening the car door and placing Xiaobao, Gu Xingchen hugged his wife and said distressedly, "Wife, you have worked hard!"

I have experienced the pain of pregnancy and childbirth, so the pain of feeding is nothing. It will pass if I endure it.

If the baby is hungry, he must be fed. Can I let them continue to be hungry without feeding?

The reason why Lin Kewei said this was to let Gu Xingchen see it and make him feel sorry for her.

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