Not long after Erin called the police, police cars whizzed past and surrounded the hotel where Erin woke up.

After a short but fierce exchange of fire.

Two bodies were carried out of the hotel, and Gwen Stacy was quickly rescued and sent to the hospital.


Gwen Stacy was rescued, but Erin, who was hiding aside, felt a little cold in his heart at this time.


The police only carried out two bodies and did not escort the third person out, even though he had heard three people outside the door before.

Three people, but only two were carried out in the end, which means that one of them escaped during the police's roundup.

Erin didn't know who the person who escaped was.

But he knew he was in big trouble.

No matter whether those people entered the room before the police arrived.

Just from the fact that the police only rescued Gwen Stacy in the room this time, the group of people only needed to check a little to understand that they had escaped before the police entered the hotel.

Considering the precise raid by the police, if the gang is not too stupid, they will most likely blame me for this.

I will be in danger then.

In this way, there are only two ways to go.

One is to go to the New York Police Department and seek protection as a victim.

In view of the fact that I made that phone call and saved Gwen Stacy, Erin believes that her father George Stacy will not mind giving me some help.

But is it really safe in that way?

Before, when the guys who kidnapped me were chatting, I heard that Gwen Stacy was kidnapped because one of George Stacy's enemies was dissatisfied with him. Can he really protect me?

And being able to grasp the whereabouts of George's daughter so accurately, Erin has reason to suspect that the big man those guys mentioned is a member of the New York Police Department.

If that is the case, then if I go to the police station to seek help, I will really be walking into a trap.

"No, I can't let others control my life safety."

Having just crossed over to this world, Ailin, who was full of vigilance and lacked a sense of security, almost subconsciously denied this path.

It is not what Ailin wants to rely on the kindness of others for his life.

In this case.

Then he can only find a way to solve this problem by himself.

But before that, he has to go back home first.

Thinking of this.

Ailin turned around and walked towards Chinatown where "he" had lived for more than ten years.


Took out the key and turned the door lock, walked into the old three-story apartment left by his mother, and just pushed the door open, he saw Pepper Potts, who was wearing a blanket and frowning on the sofa in the living room.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Pepper Potts turned around and saw Ailin standing at the door.

The moment he saw Erin, Pepper Potts' frown immediately relaxed by seven points, but soon tightened by three points. Pepper took off the blanket on her body, stood up and looked at Erin, saying: "It's not a good habit to stay out all night. Can you tell Aunt Pepper where you went last night?"

Erin was also stunned when he saw Pepper Potts.

And it seemed that Pepper Potts had been waiting here all night.

But soon, the fragments of memory that flashed through his mind reminded him who the person in front of him was.

Pepper Potts.

Personal assistant of Tony Stark, chairman of Stark Industries.

She was once a partner of Erin's mother Kelly Lin's company and the best friend of Erin's mother.

When Kelly was alive, she had invited Pepper Potts to stay in this small building many times, and even specially made a key for Pepper Potts.

During the time when Kelly died in a car accident, Erin seemed to have lost his soul and was in a daze.

At that time, Kelly's funeral and the subsequent inheritance were all arranged by Pepper Potts. If it weren't for Pepper Potts, Kelly's inheritance would have been divided up by those vampires.

Given the virtues of those vampires, it was considered a great mercy to leave this three-story building to Erin.

Not to mention any inheritance.

Moreover, the reason why Erin, an orphan, can still study in Midtown High School, a top-ranked college in New York, is also related to Pepper's great efforts.

After recalling the relationship between Pepper and his predecessor, Erin's eyes lit up. It seemed that there was another way.

Without hiding anything, Erin repeated everything that happened today in detail to Pepper Potts.


After listening to Erin's description, Pepper Potts's face changed.

Originally, she thought Erin had reached puberty and went to the bar with that bad friend, or made an appointment with that girl and spent the night outside.

Pepper wouldn't say much about that kind of thing, she would just remind Erin to be careful and not to cause any deaths.

After all, she was young once.

But who knew that Erin's experience last night was much more exciting than she had imagined.




Dead people.

All these elements put together can be used to shoot a youth idol drama.

After quickly realizing the potential danger, Pepper Potts immediately pulled Aylin and said seriously: "Leave this matter to me and I will solve it. Don't go home for the next few days. Come and live at my place." a few days.”

Aylin shook his head when he heard this, "Aunt Pepper, I'm very grateful for your help. As for me, I won't go back with you."

The community where Pepper Potts lives is a middle-class community dominated by white people. Although the public security is much better than that of Chinatown, it is not as good as it is in Chinatown.

If Aylin had stayed with him, his safety wouldn't have been guaranteed, and he might even have implicated Pepper Potts.

This is not what Aelin wants.

When Pepper Potts heard this, he thought Aylin didn't want to leave his home, so he put his hands on Aylin's shoulders and analyzed the pros and cons to Aylin in a serious tone: "If it's like what you said, then The people who kidnapped you have actually been targeting you for a long time. It’s not safe for you to stay here alone until the matter is resolved, Aylin.”

"Believe me, when the time comes, you just need to stay at Aunt Pepper's house for a few days like you did when you were a child. When the matter is resolved, Auntie will send you back."

Before Pepper Potts could finish speaking, Aylin spoke again: "I know, Aunt Pepper, I don't want to implicate you. I will find a place to hide myself these days. Chinatown is very big and very exclusive. "It's not easy for those outsiders to find me here. Don't worry, Aunt Pepper, I will protect myself."

"Besides, the New York Police Department is not a vegetarian. Those people kidnapped the police chief's daughter. Now they may not even be able to protect themselves, but they may not think of me."

After saying that, Aylin showed a gentle smile to Pepper Potts: "Of course, the school needs Aunt Pepper to call me and ask for leave."

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