
Aylin chuckled and said, "I told you, this is a magic potion."

"In the world of ordinary people, there is indeed no panacea, but this does not mean that there is no panacea that can cure all diseases in the mysterious world."

After saying that, Aylin directly activated [Desolate Gaze], intending to let Norman Osborn experience the mysterious side of incredibleness for himself.

The pressure condensed into substance almost crushed Norman Osborne's extremely weak mental will, hitting the depths of his soul.


Norman Osborne's mental will was more fragile than Aylin expected. It was even worse than the will of the two security guards that Aylin had encountered before.

Just like an ordinary person who is seriously ill and has exhausted his energy, his weak spiritual will is almost broken at a touch.

[Desperate Gaze] The condensed spiritual witchcraft disintegrated the opponent's spiritual barrier without encountering any decent resistance, and planted the seeds of fear deep in his soul.

The next second.

Aylin put away his [Desolate Gaze], looked at Norman Osborn who had fallen into a coma, and frowned slightly.

Then another sigh of relief.

It seems that the Norman Osborn in front of him is really the weakest ordinary person version of Norman Osborn among The Amazing Spider-Man.

Otherwise, if the Norman Osborn in front of him was related to the evil Green Goblin, Aylin's [Desolate Gaze] would not be able to stun him so easily.

However, having said that, Norman Osborn's vulnerability seems to be a good thing for Aylin.

Originally, Aylin only wanted to prove the existence of the mysterious side and the authenticity of the [Universal Antidote Potion] to Norman Osborne through [Desolate Gaze], and then use the [Universal Antidote Potion] to reach a deal with him, and get from him Get enough funds on your body.

But now, Norman Osborne's fragile performance made Aylin have another, even crazier idea.

Since Norman Osborn's mental will is so fragile, can he directly occupy the magpie's nest, control Norman Osborn through hypnosis, and thereby control the entire Osborne Group and let this huge group serve him? ?


Aylin's current mental power is not that strong and cannot completely change a person's thinking permanently. Even through some special techniques such as [Desolation Gaze] and spiritual Mahamudra, it can only temporarily hypnotize a person.

As long as time goes on, or the other party is strongly stimulated by the outside world, it is possible to break away from Aylin's hypnosis.

This is why Aylin only planned to make a deal with Norman Osborne.

After all, the Green Goblin is considered a famous character even among the villains of the Marvel Universe. With Aylin's current skills in hypnosis, he has no chance of hypnotizing such a big villain.

At that time, if the hypnosis fails and instead arouses the Green Goblin's hostility towards him, he will really be shooting himself in the foot.

But now, Norman Osborne's mental will is so fragile, but it gives Aylin a lot more places to operate.

Just do it if you want to do it.

Aylin walked over to Norman Osborne's bedside.

Through the secret technique recorded in the spiritual Mahamudra, a trace of the will containing his own spirituality was condensed into a seed, and then penetrated into the depths of Norman Osborne's heart, and planted a seed in his mind. The seeds of trust.

Then through the continuous penetration of Mi Mi music, he deepened his impression in Norman Osborne's mind and consolidated the hypnotic mark.


More than five hours later.

When Aylin walked out of the Osborne family's manor again, he had an equity transfer document notarized by a lawyer in his backpack.

This document changed Aylin's identity from an Asian boy with small assets to the Osborne Group's third largest shareholder who controls 5% of the Osborne Group's shares.

Although the Osborne Group's stock has been somewhat precarious recently and has fallen a lot due to Norman Osborne's serious illness, it is still a behemoth with a market value of more than 200 billion U.S. dollars.

Five percent of Osborne Group's shares are worth at least more than 10 billion U.S. dollars when converted into U.S. dollars.

It can be said that this contract directly led to the birth of a billionaire.

This trip to Osborne Manor can be said to have made Aylin a lot of money.

And this...

It was just the gain on the surface that Ailin gained from this trip. Compared with the 5% share of the Osborne Group on the surface, the gain behind the scenes made Ailin even more excited.


other side.

After Aylin left.

In the manor of the Osborne Group, Norman Osborne, who had taken the [Universal Antidote], looked at the lesions on his body that were receding, and his body that was regaining its vitality and vitality at a speed visible to the naked eye. , couldn't help but tremble with excitement.

Beside him, Brian, the butler serving Norman Osborne, also had an incredible look in his eyes.

If it weren't for the swollen thigh that he pinched, there would still be constant stinging pain, reminding him that he was not dreaming.

Brian even suspected that he hadn't woken up yet.

Tens of minutes later.

Norman Osborne changed his clothes and swept away the serious illness in his body.

Standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling mirror in his room, feeling his body that had regained its vitality and felt much more relaxed, he smiled sincerely and said with emotion:

"It's great to be alive!"

And Brian, the butler standing quietly behind Norman Osborn, was also full of joy in his eyes at this moment.

As the butler of Osborn Manor, Norman Osborn's recovery was absolutely good news for him.

At least, he didn't have to worry about losing this well-paid job.

For a long time.

After standing in front of the window for a long time, Norman Osborn spoke again:

"Brian, go and ask Felicia to notify all the board members of the Osborn Group. Tomorrow I will hold a board meeting in the Osborn Group Building. All board members must attend."

"Okay, master."

After witnessing Norman Osborn's recovery, Brian, the butler who had followed Norman Osborn for more than 20 years, soon realized what his master was going to do.

After the news of Norman Osborn's serious illness was leaked, not only did the stock price of the Osborn Group fluctuate, but undercurrents also began to surge inside.

Before, Norman Osborn had no energy or mood to care about those things because of the torture of his family's genetic disease.

But now.

Everything is different.

Brian, who was refreshed, bowed slightly and immediately retreated.

In the reflection of the mirror, after seeing Brian retreat, Norman Osborn's eyes flashed a trace of barely perceptible tyranny and cruelty.

"It's time to clean up a group of rats."

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