I'm starting a mysterious resurgence in Marvel

Chapter 5 Taking the Magic Potion

All the fate points given by the Scale of Fate were used for the lottery, and Ailin had no remaining fate points for the second lottery.

If he gave up the fortune-teller potion in his hand, Ailin didn't know how long it would take for him to touch the extraordinary power system next time.

In this world dominated by ordinary people, it is not so easy to obtain extraordinary power.

And even if you get it.

Most of the extraordinary powers in the Marvel world have a lower upper limit than the sequence potion system.

There is no certain power.

In this world full of dangers, can he really live to that day?

Moreover, even if he accumulates 100 fate points again, can he really draw something that he is satisfied with?

Thinking of the information he received at the beginning that the Scale of Fate was contaminated by a certain existence, Ailin doubted that even if he turned the [Destiny Compass] again, what he got would not be much better than the [Fortune-teller] potion in his hand.

The Scale of Fate was contaminated, who knew whether the things it drew would be affected.

And... I don't have much time to worry about it.

Let alone anything else.

Even now, there are still a lot of troubles waiting for me outside.

Thinking of this.

Ailin looked at the tube in his hand with a firm look.

At this moment, Ailin suddenly felt that his body was getting heavier rapidly, and the surroundings were erratic. His eyes were dark at first, and then he regained his sight.

In a trance, Ailin returned to the hotel where he rented. If he hadn't been holding the tube of dark blue potion in his hand, Ailin really suspected that everything just now was just a dream.

"Huh, it doesn't seem too bad, at least I'm not a person without a golden finger."

After laughing and teasing himself, Ailin raised his head and poured the [Fortune Teller] potion in his hand directly into his mouth.

The cool and smooth feeling quickly filled Ailin's mouth, then slid through the esophagus and flowed into the stomach.

Then the tube of viscous blue liquid seemed to grow thin and long tentacles, and the cold and stimulation instantly penetrated into every cell of Ailin.

Under the stimulation of the potion, Ailin twitched involuntarily.

Then his vision began to blur, and his soul seemed to have started to upgrade again. Everything around him quickly twisted and deformed, and then became abstract.

Even Ailin's thoughts began to become erratic, but fortunately his remaining sanity maintained that trace of clarity.

He barely opened his eyes and sensed the surrounding scene.

Around him, there were strange and indescribable figures, "they" constantly surrounded "himself", as if they wanted to pull him, let him become one of them, and fall here forever.

"No, can't be pulled by them..."

Suddenly, Ailin had an epiphany, his consciousness sank suddenly, and quickly merged with his body.


In an instant.

The abstract painting style returned to normal, and the figures surrounding Ailin also quickly dissipated.

The scene in the room returned to normal, but Ailin obviously did not recover from the transformation of the potion so quickly.

At this moment, a large amount of knowledge rushed into his head instantly, making him feel as if his head was bursting, and his eyes were full of shadows, and a large number of double images also appeared.

Those double images kept whispering something in Ailin's ears, but Ailin could not hear clearly.

He felt a sharp pain in his forehead, and his heart was quickly filled with the urge to vent and destroy.

He frowned and shook his head continuously.

It took a long time for Ailin to overcome the bad feeling.


After a long breath of turbid air, Ailin found that he was wet all over, as if he was soaked in water, and his whole body was wet with his sweat.

"What a terrible experience!"

After a bitter smile, Ailin did not feel much pain in his heart, but a little more joy.

After taking the [Fortune Teller] potion, Ailin suffered not only pain, but also truly gave himself extraordinary power and a part of mysterious extraordinary knowledge.

"According to that knowledge, I should now learn to gather my power through meditation, and then control... it!"

The first step is to adjust your breathing.

Alin deepened the intensity of his breathing and slowed down the corresponding frequency.

With slow, melodious and rhythmic breathing, Alin emptied his mind little by little.

At the same time, he sketched out a huge sacred balance in his mind, letting all his attention and thoughts hit it, so as to eliminate the rest of the messy thoughts.

Meditation requires sketching out objects that do not exist in this world and are imagined out of thin air. Only in this way can you transcend the "self" little by little, become one with the "I" in the universe, gain insight and enlightenment into the truth, and obtain knowledge that only you can understand.


In a night of meditation and practice, Alin, thanks to the [Fortune Teller] potion, has been able to gather the power of the potion and barely mastered the ability of "spiritual vision".

As for the various abilities related to divination, Alin still needs some learning and practice to master them.

Now, he might not be able to interpret even the simplest dream divination effectively.


None of this could suppress Aylin's excitement.

Because from today on, he is also one of the "Extraordinary".

After becoming an Extraordinary, Aylin's sense of crisis was somewhat relieved.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the room where Aylin was located.

The moment he heard the knock on the door, Aylin's pupils shrank, and his right hand subconsciously reached under the pillow and held the Beretta.

Compared with the [Soothsayer] potion that has not yet formed a combat capability, firearms are still more of a deterrent and more helpful to him now.

This cheap Chinese hotel doesn't have a wake-up service, and the boss won't be kind enough to provide it.

Picking up the pistol, Aylin carefully rolled out of bed like a cat, then picked up his backpack and walked towards the window.

The location and rooms of this hotel were carefully selected by Aylin so that if something went wrong, he could quickly escape through the windows outside the room.

But at this time, the person knocking on the door seemed to have heard the movement in the room, and said:

"Boy Lin, I am your Uncle Yuan. Come and open the door when you wake up. Last night we saw three niggas entering Chinatown and prying open the door of your house. They seemed to want to go in in the dark and do something. However, we were loyal to them. The police arrested me, and I tortured you for a long time. They said they were here to cause trouble for you, and you’d better come and take a look.”

Um? ? ?

Hearing the words coming from outside the door, Ailin, who was about to jump out of the window and escape, was slightly startled.

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