I'm starting a mysterious resurgence in Marvel

Chapter 95: Interrupted Divination

"No, it's not my mom who's looking for you, it's me."

It's not Aunt Feng who's looking for me, it's Xiao Nannan?

What does this mean?

Yuan Nan on the other end of the phone seemed to have anticipated Ai Lin's doubts, and continued: "My mother is in trouble, I want you to help save her, so I called you."


Hearing this, Ai Lin frowned, stood up straight, and said in a deep voice: "What's going on?"

Aunt Feng and Xiao Nannan are the two relatives left by Uncle Yuan in this world.

Uncle Yuan helped Ai Lin when he just crossed over, and even died because of it.

Now that Aunt Feng is in trouble, Ai Lin can't turn a blind eye to this matter no matter what.

"I once agreed with my mother that no matter how busy she is at work, she will come back before 10 o'clock in the evening. Now it's past 10 o'clock. I called her, but no one answered."

"And originally, she should have come back before 6 o'clock today and had dinner with me."

In just a few words.

Yuan Nan mentioned several key pieces of information.

Ai Lin knew Aunt Feng well, even if she really had an emergency at work and needed to work overtime, she would not let Xiao Nannan wait alone from six to ten without making a phone call.

Thinking of this, Ai Lin immediately asked: "Do you know Aunt Feng's work address?"

"My mother didn't tell me, but I know where it is. Come to the apartment to pick me up and I'll take you there."

Ai Lin on the other end of the phone refused immediately after hearing this:

"That would be a waste of time. Just tell me Aunt Feng's work address and I'll go there directly. That would save some time. After all, if Aunt Feng really had an accident, the sooner we find her, the safer she will be."

Even if it doesn't save time, Ai Lin didn't want to take Xiao Nannan with him at all.

If Aunt Feng really had an accident, taking Xiao Nannan with her would only be an extra burden.

Ai Lin didn't want to comfort a little girl while saving people.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Nannan on the other end of the phone said stubbornly: "No, I have to go."


"Except me, no one can find where my mother is, and I don't believe you. My mother is my only relative, and I must go to save her myself."

"If you still have some feelings for my dead father, come to the apartment to pick me up."

After saying that, Yuan Nan on the other end of the phone didn't give Ai Lin a chance to speak, and hung up the phone directly.

When Ai Lin called back, he found that the phone was turned off.

I suddenly had a headache.

This naughty child!

But despite the headache, Ai Lin finally decided to go to Aunt Feng's apartment to pick up Xiao Nannan.

It's not that Ai Lin was afraid that he couldn't find Aunt Feng, but he was worried that if he didn't care about the little girl, she would go to Aunt Feng alone.

Don't let Ai Lin find Aunt Feng, but Xiao Nannan is lost, then Ai Lin will really have a headache.

After putting the eggshell grenade and stink bomb he had just pulled out into his pocket, Ailin took out the exaggerated M500 pistol and quickly walked out of the room.

After waiting for a while at the intersection of Chinatown, Ailin stopped a night taxi and drove quickly to the apartment where Aunt Feng lived.

After rushing to the apartment, Ailin took out a hundred dollars and quickly "persuaded" the driver to wait for him a little longer.

However, as soon as Ailin got off the car, he saw a little girl wearing a white dress, dressed like a porcelain doll, walking towards him quickly.

In the delicate facial features, a trace of Aunt Feng could be vaguely seen.

So Ailin directly recognized this delicate little girl, the naughty child Xiao Nannan he was looking for.

"Xiao Nannan?"

After the other party approached, Ailin asked tentatively, and Xiao Nannan nodded and said to Ailin.

"Let's go!"

As she said that, she directly opened the door of the taxi behind Ailin and got into the back seat.

All right.

Seeing this, Ailin had no choice but to get back in.

After Ailin closed the car door, Xiao Nannan had already told the driver the address.

After Ailin sat down, the driver gave Ailin an inquiring look. After all, compared to the porcelain doll-like little girl in the back seat, Ailin was the real boss who paid.

Seeing Ailin nodded helplessly, the driver stepped on the accelerator and drove the taxi out.

It was not until then that Ailin had time to turn around and ask Xiao Nannan beside him: "Xiao Nannan, do you really know where Aunt Feng is?"

On the way here, because he was worried about Aunt Feng's safety, Ailin deliberately used divination to divine Aunt Feng's location.

After being promoted to a clown, Ailin's divination ability has actually improved a lot.

Even without the other party's private items, a person's approximate location can be divined.

But when divining Aunt Feng, Ailin's divination... failed.

It seemed that a mysterious force was constantly interfering with Ailin, preventing him from divination of Aunt Feng's exact location.

After the divination was disturbed, Ailin immediately realized that this matter was not simple.

But what surprised Ailin was that Aunt Feng's daughter Xiao Nannan seemed to know where Aunt Feng was with great certainty.

"Don't call me Xiao Nannan, I'm not a child anymore, you can call me Metis, this is the name my mother gave me."

After refuting Ai Lin, Xiao Nannan said, "Although my mother never told me her work address, I have seen the address on the invoice when she occasionally took a taxi back."

"Plus, she sometimes talks about work with others on the phone, and the styles of work clothes she has recently added, as long as I pay a little attention, I can guess where she works."

After listening to Ai Lin, who was standing aside, his eyes suddenly became strange when he looked at Xiao Nannan.

What Xiao Nannan said is not difficult, but who would pay so much attention on weekdays, not to mention that Xiao Nannan is still a little girl of seven or eight years old.

She can find these, it is definitely not as simple as she said.


At the same time.

In a huge building.

Feng Qingwu, wearing a silk nightgown, had her eyes slightly closed, her white and delicate legs exposed, and she was holding a few layers of quilts and gently stroking them.

She was beautiful and locked, and her hands unconsciously wanted to grab something, but she couldn't grab anything.

She was half asleep and half awake, trying to open her eyes, but she couldn't. In the end, even her thoughts became scattered.

Between sleep and wakefulness, she felt a little hot in her stomach and body.

Indistinctly, she seemed to see a dark night sky dotted with bright stars in her dream.

Countless shining stars were connected to each other, forming a strange pattern.

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