"Where are we going?" Su Qingying glanced at her and asked in a low voice, her tone was particularly soft and soft, she was in a state right now.

"Where do you want to go?" Wu Chen asked.

"Go wherever you say you want to go." Su Qingying whispered and glanced at Wu Chen with a different emotion.

"Then go to my house!" Wu Chen said.

"Okay..." Su Qingying nodded, and then subconsciously put her legs together.

Wu Chen stepped on the accelerator, and the speed of the car soared!

go home!

Some things can be done!

Although Su Qingying is a woman who has never been touched by a man, she has always thought that she is an M after all, and she is a twenty-seven-year-old woman with strong hormone secretion. Think about it!

Su Qingying's ID on the forum is called "When is Mingyue?". In fact, Su Qingying did not choose this screen name casually. She used this screen name to express her thoughts very vaguely.

When does Mingyue have a poem by Su Shi, the head of the water tune!

Su Qingying's surname is Su, and her name is Qingying, and there is a sentence in Su Shi's poem - dancing to figure out Qingying, how does it seem to be in the world!

I have to say that people with culture have such excellent and connotative screen names.

So Wu Chen doesn't plan to wait now.

He wants to take Su Qingying home, and then... dance to find out Qingying!

After half an hour.

The blue Lamborghini had already returned to the main city, and it should have arrived home, but it didn't. Wu Chen didn't return to the East China Sea Palace in the North City, because the suite had already been transferred to him and registered under his name.

He wants to go home to the old house, which is in the name of his parents.

The Su family is looking for him, and they will check him. The house under his name is not safe, and someone may suddenly look for him!

So go back to the old house.

In this way, it is estimated that no one will disturb him today.

Chapter 0081 Come, say something!

On the old streets of Dongcheng District, the blue Lamborghini has been parked on the side of the road outside the alley for several hours, and no one knows who it is, because Wu Chen was very careful when he brought Su Qingying back. return.

In fact, he was not afraid of being seen by acquaintances in the neighborhood, but Su Qingying couldn't.

As the successor of Jinfu Group and the number one beauty in the East China Sea, Su Qingying is really well-known in the East China Sea, and she has been on the news frequently these days. Because of the big robbery on July 7, the frequency of her recent public appearances very high.

She can't be seen.

So Wu Chen simply bought two masks, so as not to be seen by others.

It's already two o'clock in the afternoon.

Wu Chen brought Su Qingying back at ten o'clock, and four hours passed.

On the fifth floor, Wu Chen's house, in the bedroom.

Wu Chen is using a small shovel to shovel the wax oil on the small cabinet. The candle was bought by him when he bought the mask, and he has already used it. Because it burned too much, more than half of the candle melted, and a lot of wax oil was dripping on it. on the table.

Clean up the table.

He picked up the rope on the ground again, rolled it up, and stuffed it into the lower drawer of the small cabinet. There was also a fly swatter... It was originally at home. Although Wu Chen had moved and couldn't live here, he just took it away. For some clothes and toiletries, the East China Sea Mansion is packed with bags, and Wu Chen doesn't need to carry other things.

The fly swatter, Wu Chen, was cleaned when he came back. It was clean.

Wu Chen was busy with his own affairs. Behind him, Su Qingying was wrapped in a quilt and fell asleep.

Su Qingying has a habit of taking naps, which is good for her skin, but of course she's sleeping now has nothing to do with taking a nap, but she's too tired, she slept sweetly, and there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

Jingle Bell……

Wu Chen's cell phone rang suddenly.

He turned his head to pick it up and looked at it, then said, "Have they found you?"

"Brother-in-law... uh, brother-in-law, you know!" It was Li Ruotai.

"Yeah." Wu Chen responded with a nasal voice.

After returning, Wu Chen asked Su Qingying during a break. After she checked her information, who else knew the information. Su Qingying said that the information was destroyed after she checked it. She was really careful, and she was afraid that her parents would find out, so she went to investigate a young man by herself.

Who she is investigating is not a problem, the problem is that the object of the investigation is a young male, she has been careful to this extent.

And the reason why she was able to successfully investigate Wu Chen's information was because Wu Chen had sent her a text message first, and she had Wu Chen's real-name certified mobile phone number.

But her mother didn't.

Although her mother can also find Wu Chen's phone number, and she can find out by checking Su Qingying's call records, but... she may not go in this direction first. The first direction of investigation should be Wu Chen's blue Lamborghini. , the license plate number directly check the owner!

However, Lamborghini is not under Wu Chen's name, but under the name of Wang Zhuangyuan, which has not been transferred.

The car Wu Chen was just driving, and Wu Chen didn't need to care about the violations, Wang Zhuangyuan would take care of it.

So obviously, Su Qingying's mother will find Wang Zhuangyuan first.

But it is obviously impossible for Wang Zhuangyuan to reveal Wu Chen's information easily.

Wu Chen knows these people too well, so he can even figure out the reactions of everyone step by step.

"...The champion called me first, saying that Mrs. Su was looking for him. He asked who was driving the car. He couldn't do anything, and he didn't dare to tell me about you, brother-in-law, so he pushed it to me, and then Mrs. Su also called me. I'm on the phone..." Li Ruotai said briefly.

Wang Zhuangyuan is still very good at doing things.

As for Wu Chen, he is offering, after all, he has a closer relationship with Li Ruotai, and it is better to tell Li Ruotai about some things.

"What did you say?" Wu Chen asked casually and turned his head at the same time.

He heard the movement behind him, it was Su Qingying who was awakened.

Wrapped in the quilt, Su Qingying looked at Wu Chen with a blink of an eye, a look of a young woman immersed in love... Of course the two are not in love, this look is just the same as that of a young woman in love, because she is M , so after she was harassed by Wu Chen, the feeling Wu Chen gave her, the position in her heart, was completely different.

Wu Chen raised his hand and rubbed Su Qingying's hair.

Su Qingying crawled towards Wu Chen, tilted her head and rubbed the back of Wu Chen's hand, then grabbed Wu Chen's hand and nibbled at Wu Chen's fingertips.

Not making a sound.

Of course she knew that Wu Chen was on the phone.

"...Just say you are my brother-in-law, and say that you and my old sister are about to get married." Li Ruotai asked again, "Brother-in-law, what's going on? The Su family has been checking you for the past two days. I Sister, did you tell you yesterday? Madam Su called just now to hear her tone. She was very angry. I asked her if you offended her brother-in-law, but she didn't say anything, she just said I was looking for you..."

Of course Mrs. Su did not dare to say that she would not allow her daughter to have any "stain", so she is just looking for Wu Chen now, and will not mention Su Qingying.

"I also said that she didn't say anything to talk to me. She also said that it has nothing to do with the Li family, but with you, brother-in-law." Li Ruotai finally said, "Then let it go."

"Well, okay, I see." Wu Chen said.

"Brother-in-law, what is it... Brother-in-law, you don't have to hide it with me, I'll carry it for you if you have something to do, we are all family, you don't have to be polite to me." Li Ruotai said again.

"It's okay, a small problem." Wu Chen said with a smile, "Do you think I'll be okay?"

"I know brother-in-law, you are amazing, but this time, it's quite strange..."

"Okay, don't mix it up, I'll handle it, hang up first."

"Then, okay..."

Wu Chen hung up the phone, everything was what he expected.



When Wu Chen put down his phone, he heard two beeps in succession, and picked it up again to see that two reminder text messages had been entered. Just when he was talking to Li Ruotai, someone called him and couldn't get through, so a text message reminder came.

It's Li Ruobing!

It is estimated that Li Ruotai called Li Ruobing first after talking to Mrs. Su.

Wu Chen didn't think that Mrs. Su would call Li Ruobing directly. After she knew that the man who took her daughter was Li Ruobing's boyfriend, not only would she not call to ask questions, but she might even have doubts and doubt her own judgment.

Li Ruobing's boyfriend, dare to kidnap other women?

It's not easy to ask questions directly. Mrs. Su is worried about causing trouble. The most important thing is that Li Ruobing's character may not be accustomed to her. If she dares to say something bad, Li Ruobing can kill her!

Mrs. Su's status in the East China Sea is extremely high. After all, she is the wife of the richest man in the East China Sea. When she married Su Ruiwen, although Su Ruiwen was rich, she still had no money to this point. That is to say, most of Su Ruiwen's current wealthiest assets are It is the joint property of husband and wife!

Also, Su Ruiwen respects and loves his wife very much. Mrs. Su is an intellectual and has helped Su Ruiwen's career a lot over the years!

Mrs. Su can call Li Ruotai directly and ask about the situation, so as not to get angry with Li Ruotai, she is not so brainless, and even if she has a verbal dispute with Li Ruotai, she can make peace later.

It's different from Li Ruobing.

If she has a conflict with Li Ruotai, she may not really offend Li Ruotai, she can make up, but if she goes to trouble Li Ruobing, it will really offend Li Ruotai directly!

Jingle Bell……

After Wu Chen read the text message, the phone rang.

It was the third time Li Ruobing called, and this time it got through.

Wu Chen picked it up.

"Artest called me." Wu Chen said first.

"What's the matter with you?" Li Ruobing asked, her tone was just puzzled, "What is your relationship with the Su family? Listening to Artest, I feel that you offended the Su family. Yesterday, I quietly investigated you, but today Just call and ask where Artest went..."

"You want to know?" Wu Chen said with a smile.

"Say what you want." Li Ruobing replied, she knew what Wu Chen didn't want to say, she would never say it.

"Well...you wait a minute." Wu Chen said, turned to look at Su Qingying, handed the phone over and said, "Come on, say something!"

Chapter 0082 Friend, do you call him husband?

Su Qingying was stunned for a moment, Wu Chen asked him to say something?

Although she listened to Wu Chen's two phone calls, she did not know what the person on the phone said, and Wu Chen himself did not reveal any key information. The word "Artest" could not let her know the details. who is it.

So she didn't know or guess who was on the other end of the phone.

In fact, she didn't listen at all just now. Wu Chen said it in detail when he called. He turned his head and forgot about it. It had nothing to do with her, she just wanted to enjoy today.

Not only Su Qingying was stunned, but Li Ruobing on the other end of the phone was also stunned.

"Come on, say something." She heard it.

Is there anyone around Wu Chen?

"It's alright, let's talk." Seeing Su Qingying looking at him, Wu Chen gave Su Qingying a no-worry smile.

"What?" Su Qingying asked in a low voice.

Li Ruobing heard it, it was a woman's voice.

"What do you want to say, don't worry about her knowing who you are." Wu Chen said.

Su Qingying blinked, glanced at her phone again, and asked Wu Chen in a low voice, "Husband, who is it? Does it matter?"

Although she was quiet, her phone was nearby.

Li Ruobing heard it.

husband? !

Wu Chen is not only surrounded by a woman, but also called his husband? ! !

She didn't know that Su Qingying had called Wu Chen's husband more than that. In the previous four hours, she had also called Wu Chen "master", "daddy", "bad guy", "dear", etc. When she was excited, it was really special. Let go!

"Who, if you ask her, you'll know, it's okay." Wu Chen said with a smile.

Su Qingying finally took over the phone and cleared her throat.

"Hello, how are you?" Su Qingying's tone was no longer as lazy and soft as before, it was a very formal and polite tone.

"Who are you?" Li Ruobing asked directly, with a cold tone.

"Who are you?" Su Qingying frowned and asked back, turning her head to look at Wu Chen.

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