I'm Teaching to Watch the Door

Chapter 331 Devil Emperor Haotian

Chapter 331 Devil Emperor Haotian

A towering giant tree stands in the heavenly courtyard, shrouded in water mist, emitting a glowing light.

Seeing the position of the giant tree, all the immortals in the heaven came galloping.

When they found out that it was indeed a flat peach tree, many people looked surprised.

Earlier, the list of gods exploded. Although the emperor Haotian was able to escape, the heaven did not rise during the calamity of the gods.

That's all, but with the sanctification of Emperor Xuanyuan and the loss of luck in the heavenly court, many immortal families have already planned to leave the heavenly court.

In the prehistoric world right now, no matter whether it is the Great Sage Sect or the Human Race, it is not something that Heavenly Court can provoke.

In the future, if the Heavenly Court wants to rise again, it is completely a dream.

But the Heavenly Court not only suffers from the saint's great teaching during the calamity, but also secretly plots against the human race, so why don't they worry about it.

However, the Heavenly Emperor actually blocked the four heavenly gates, and no one was allowed to leave the heavenly courts, and they had no way to escape.

Although the Heavenly Court is weak, it is not possible for just one person to break out, and they are all trapped in the Heavenly Court for a while.

During this period of time, everyone was already worried, and they didn't want the flat peach tree to have another accident.

Looking at the flat peach tree that kept spewing out innate spiritual energy, the immortals gathered around didn't think it was a good thing.

If another accident happened to this flat peach tree, it would be like adding insult to injury to today's Heavenly Court.

The many fairy families who rushed over were all looking at the sky worriedly, only looking at the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor and others from time to time from the corner of their eyes.

With the Heavenly Emperor and Queen Mother absent, only these emperors are in charge.

Not long after, a purple thundercloud formed on the top of the tall flat peach tree.

"Purple shape-changing robbery cloud!" Dongji Qinghua Emperor whispered softly, with serious eyes.

The Antarctic Longevity Emperor and the others also looked solemn, staring closely at the huge flat peach tree in the sky.

They have seen a lot of Transformation Heavenly Tribulation, but this is the first time the purple one.

Although Jieyun enveloped the entire heaven, they were not worried.

Transformation Heavenly Tribulation is different from ordinary Heavenly Tribulation, it is both tangible and intangible, and it is only aimed at the creatures corresponding to the catastrophe.

Although Jieyun above their heads looked terrifying, they didn't feel the slightest pressure. Not only the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor and others, but also those ordinary fairy families.

However, if the gaze does not move, there is still a strong pressure on the mind.

Among the gathered immortals from heaven, no one spoke, they all quietly looked at the sky.


Shui Yuan, who was about to approach Yuqing Palace, suddenly turned his head slightly, and looked behind him suspiciously.

The robbery cloud that had already condensed and covered a huge area began to shatter under Shui Yuan's surprised eyes.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the robbery cloud covering the heavens instantly faded, and then disappeared into the air.

"What's going on? Jieyun disappeared?"

"Is this the end of the tribulation?"

The group of immortals gathered in the heavenly court was also startled by the scene before them, all of them were dazed.

Even the Antarctic Longevity Emperors at the front looked at each other with deep doubts in their brows.

"This is it?" Patriarch Nine Heavens Slaughtering Demons had a sullen face, his eyes full of confusion.

As far as he knows, Transformation Heavenly Tribulation is not like this. Although the rest of the holy spirits can't be hurt, there will also be thunder disasters falling.

The huge robbery cloud that has been brewing for so long, just disappeared like this?

In the current situation, has the flat peach tree survived the catastrophe of transformation?

No one answered, and the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor and the others didn't know what happened, they just looked up at the sky.

Suddenly seeing the flat peach tree blooming with bright light, there was a sudden shock. Guanghua shrank rapidly, turning into a petite figure in the air.

"Have you survived the catastrophe?"

"How is this possible? We haven't seen Lei Jie yet, so why did he transform into form?"

"What's the matter?"

Some people exclaimed, some were shocked, and some were at a loss.

But without exception, all eyes were focused on the petite figure in the air.

The rhyme light faded, revealing a child in green clothes.

The other party has red lips and white teeth, a small red face, and a little heart on top of the green hair.

Standing at the forefront, the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor and the others looked at it with joy in their eyes.

The early stage of Da Luo Jinxian!

Although I don't know why the Heavenly Tribulation of Transformation disappeared, but without the baptism of the Thunder Tribulation, the flat peach tree that transformed itself has just stepped into the Daluo Golden Immortal.

This kind of strength is in the heaven, even if there is an accident, they can control it.

The four people looked at each other, strode out, and walked towards the child in the air with gentle faces.

The flat peach tree came out of shape, and it may not be possible to have as many flat peaches as before, but the flat peaches grown are far from what they were before. For them, it may be of great benefit.

But to the four people's surprise, the child in the sky was startled and fled towards the distance.

Pantaoshu made such a move, and the four Antarctic Changsheng Emperors all looked suspicious.

The flat peach tree was given to the Queen Mother by the Taoist ancestor, and it has been in the heaven ever since.

Qinghua Dijun and the others in the East Pole wanted to come, and the probability of the other party staying in the Heavenly Court was still very high.

Unexpectedly, they approached just now, and the other party was about to flee, so the four of them naturally couldn't let him do what he wanted.

Four powerful auras rose up and lined up in four directions, trapping the flat peach tree in the field.

Unexpectedly, with a flash of silver light on the child in the air, he appeared on the Tianhe River not far away in an instant, and then plunged into the Tianhe River, and disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.

The four people who hurriedly chased after looked at the rolling Tianhe water, all of them looked ugly.

Facing Tianhe, which was so close at hand, they didn't dare to break in at all.

Ever since Emperor Haotian and Dongji Qinghua were listed on the list of gods, Tianhe has become a forbidden place in the heavenly court.

Not only can it lead to the prehistoric starry sky, but also directly to the sea of ​​blood and Jinao Island.

It's fine if you go to the prehistoric starry sky, but once you appear in the other two places, you may have to die and throw yourself into the six realms of reincarnation.

The speed of the flat peach tree was too fast, and the group of immortals did not see clearly the scene in the sky. But many immortals saw the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor and the others on the bank of the Tianhe River, and immediately chased them one by one.

Seeing several people staring at the rolling Tianhe water, all of them immediately looked ugly.

Taibai Jinxing opened his mouth, and asked in disbelief, "Dijun! Has the flat peach tree escaped into the Milky Way?"

The flat peach tree, which can be said to be the only way to win over the immortals in the heavens, has also run away now?

As Taibai Jinxing's words fell, many immortals around looked at him with the same attention.

The prestige of the Heavenly Court has been frustrated repeatedly, and the human race has risen again. If the flat peach trees are gone, there is no need for the Heavenly Court to stay.

Emperor Dongji Qinghua didn't answer, he took a deep look at Tianhe, got up and fled towards the east of the heaven.

The Antarctic Changsheng Emperor and the others on the side didn't say much, and fled to the other three directions.

Although they were afraid of entering Tianhe, the silver light that shrouded the flat peach tree just now was obviously the law of space.

The flat peach tree is the innate spirit of Renshui, and it is absolutely impossible to grasp the law of space right now.

There is a high probability that it is the guy who is ubiquitous in the prehistoric world again.

The four of them speculated in their hearts that the disappearance of the flat peach tree's transformation into a catastrophe might be the result of that person. Or the incarnation of the flat peach tree, which is also inseparable from that one.

There was nothing they could do about the escaped flat peach tree.

As for the current group of immortals, it is useless to talk too much, the only thing that can shock them now is Haotian's exit.

What can be done now is to guard the gate of the Heavenly Court and not let anyone leave the Heavenly Court.

How Haotian will accept the hearts of the immortals in the future is not what the four of them have to consider.

Looking at the Dongji Qinghua Emperor and the others who left, Taibai Jinxing didn't feel embarrassed, only his face was full of dignity.

Before turning his head to look, there were already many whispers behind him.

Earlier, all the immortal families were slightly scruples, but now many of them have not concealed their desire to leave the heaven.


Taibai Jinxing sighed in his heart, lowered his head and ran towards Yuqing Palace.

The flat peach tree is the only thing that attracts all the immortals in the heavenly court at the moment, and now it has also transformed into a form and ran away. If the emperor of heaven doesn't want to do anything about it, the heavenly court may really be disbanded.

All the immortals who had different hearts in all directions walked towards the distance in groups of threes and twos, thinking about the way to escape from the heaven.

Only a few people who are loyal to the heaven look anxiously at the empty peach garden.

Shui Yuan raised his head and looked in the direction of Chaos, with strangeness in his eyes.

That silver light was naturally his masterpiece, but the disappearance of the flat peach tree transformed into a catastrophe was the method of that person in Zixiao Palace.

In order to complete the flat peach tree, it is not necessary to directly let the other party transform into a catastrophe.

"It seems that this Taoist ancestor is very confident in his own strength." Shui Yuan muttered softly, and walked slowly towards the palace not far away.

Yuqing Palace, the highest place in the Heavenly Court, only Haotian and Yaochi can come, and now the two are retreating in it.

Although it is the first time to walk in the heaven in a grand manner, Shui Yuan still has some understanding of the special features of Yuqing Palace

Earlier, the six-eared macaques made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, and the two Haotian escaped the catastrophe because they escaped into the Yuqing Palace.

Hongjun's will enveloped Yuqing Palace, blocking their way.

As soon as he approached, Shui Yuan felt a familiar wave.

The will of heaven is indeed the will of heaven.

Hongjun fits the Dao with his body and cannot enter the heavenly court. Many methods in the prehistoric are almost all relying on this will.

Shui Yuan stretched out his right hand, and a layer of invisible energy pressed in front of him. But in an instant, an inexplicable breath swayed from Shui Yuan's palm, and then the protruding right hand slowly stretched in.

The space in front of him flickered slightly, and Shui Yuan's figure had stepped into it.

"From the same source, why resist?" With a whisper, Shui Yuan raised his head and looked at two places.

One place is haunted by strong magical laws, while another direction exudes a cold aura, which is the place where Yao Chi retreats.

Taking a closer look, Shui Yuan has already discovered the reason: "The water of Taiyin! It turns out to be the turned body of that innate god."

To be accepted by Hongjun as a Daoist and still occupy the position of Queen Mother is really not an ordinary role.

After looking at it for a while, Shui Yuan strode towards Haotian's retreat.

In the main hall of Yuqing Palace, there was a pitch-black demonic energy, and there was an aura that was completely different from the laws of the magical way, which made Shui Yuan feel a little familiar. He had felt it on the God-killing Spear in the past.

The breath of Demon Ancestor Rahu!

Haotian is really just an abandoned child!

What Hongjun really wanted was the origin of Luohu's magic law.

Under one law, there can be many Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxians, but there is only one Chaos Demon God representing the corresponding law.

Luo Hu's resurrection is definitely not just Hongjun's plan, maybe the other party's origin has not been completely crushed.

Thinking about it this way, among the many original fragments that fled to him, there may be other powerful Chaos Demon Gods hidden, especially Hanoi who has evolved for a long time.

Shui Yuan witnessed the power of the time demon god, Shichen.

Shui Yuan, who was thinking in his mind, did not stop, and walked slowly towards the center of the hall.

Already fused with the laws of the magic way, Haotian couldn't find the water element at all, and I'm afraid the other party didn't expect someone to enter the Yuqing Palace.

The pitch-black demonic energy could not stop Shui Yuan's sight, he had already seen Haotian sitting in the middle.

Just as Shui Yuan was about to approach, a subdued exclamation sounded: "Shui Yuan! Why are you here?"

Suddenly seeing the devilish energy surging in front of him, a jet-black figure condensed, it was the devil ancestor Luohu.

It's just that at this moment, Luo Hu looked solemnly, looking at Shui Yuan warily.

If he could, he wouldn't want to come out to see Shui Yuan at all, but Luo Hu knew that the other party's body was fused with the law of magic, and he also got the God Killing Spear, so he must have discovered his existence long ago.

He was severely injured by Pangu's blow from Mount Sumeru. If Haotian hadn't had a close relationship with him, it would have been impossible for him to recover his true spirit so quickly.

It's just that Luo Hu can't resist now facing Shui Yuan.

Compared to Luo Hu who was nervous, Shui Yuan smiled and replied softly: "Don't panic, I'm here to help you!"

Luo Hu, who was listening, suddenly shuddered, with anger in his eyes.

As the Chaos Demon God representing the Dao of Demons, he dared to harden the existence of Pangu. Among the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods, there were not many that he could look straight at. Now, a mere Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian dared to talk to him like this.

However, given the current situation, Luo Hu could only stare angrily.

For some reason, he had an inexplicable intuition in his heart that even if he met Hongjun, he would never run into Shui Yuan.

Luo Hu was about to speak, but with a wave of Shui Yuan's big hand, he suddenly saw the strong magic law pouring in, rushing towards Haotian in the middle.


Discovering the purpose of Shui Yuan, Luo Hu was furious, but could only disappear quickly.

With his current strength, he is no match for Shui Yuan at all, on the contrary, he is still hiding in Haotian for safety.

After all, this one not only enjoys the status of Emperor of Heaven, but is also closely connected with Netherworld.

In the prehistoric world, which has not been stabilized to a certain extent, Shui Yuan will never make a move against Haotian. And from Shui Yuan's earlier actions, Luo Hu could also see a thing or two.

Looking lightly at Haotian in the field of vision, Shui Yuan walked towards the place of meditation in Yaochi.

Haotian, who was sitting in the meditation field, didn't notice the changes around him at all, while he was in meditation, he only felt more and more demon energy pouring in.

The magic law that had been shattered a long time ago was merging into his limbs and bones at an extremely fast speed, and quickly fused with his body.

With every breath, Haotian found that his strength was exploding.

In less than ten breaths, I suddenly felt a bang in my body, and some kind of shackle was broken.

Opening his mouth and inhaling, all the devilish energy in the palace was absorbed into his body.

Haotian suddenly opened his eyes, his face was full of ecstasy: "Haha! Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian! I finally stepped into Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!"

He was certified as Hunyuan and stepped into the ranks of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian!

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