Chapter 32

Translator: Sheng Chen

Editor: Arya

Chapter 32: Disputes?

After the meeting of the National Special Bureau, Director Guo directly handed the plan over to the head No . 1 . The project codenamed ‘Lure’ was quickly approved and allowed to execute .

But when implementing the program, various elites who were temporarily transferred from the national special bureau had great disputes .

The most crucial difference lay in how to treat Meng Jingyu .

Some members and the female agent holding murder license and engaged in secret intelligence work for many years believed that they should mobilize the military, organize plans, and try to capture him alive .

Then they should use methamphetamine, diacetyl/morphine and other drugs with strong addiction, so that he would tell all the secrets, including his identity, when the drug took effect .

Qin Wenhui and other members resolutely objected this simple and rude behavior .

“Everyone! I hope everyone won’t think of quick success and instant benefit . Meng Jingyu is an extraordinary martial arts master . He might have mastered legendary internal qi…”

Qin Wenhui, who had already made his mark, tried his best to express his views . “I don’t know if you have seen martial arts novels or TV dramas . Those martial arts masters aren’t easy to be controlled by drugs!”

“And considering his behaviors so far, his character seems decent . If we can establish a good communication channel . That is undoubtedly invaluable!”

“Not to mention the think tank analyzed that assuming what Meng Jingyu said is true, his lover, the female disciple Lin Qingxue from mysterious Kunlun, is able to easily but successfully arrange his lover to come to life, decades after with Feng Shui patterns…”

“How strong will mysterious Kunlun be?”

“What do you mean? Meng is very likely to be the important figure connected to mysterious Kunlun how we can find him now?”

Hands crossed and arched on the chest, the indifferent female agent asked .

“You can say that again!”

Qin Wenhui added . “Even if we forcibly arrest the martial arts master, we get nothing more than martial arts, which is valuable . ”

“But compared to the current nuclear weapons in the world, even you have the internal qi, it’s still very easy to kill you . ”

“On the contrary, if you can establish a relationship with mysterious Kunlun, once we can control the magical resurrection technology, we will definitely have an unparalleled bright future!”

“Imagine it! With this, we can resurrect the great scientists, even all the revolutionary martyrs who died during the establishment of the new China… ”


The member of the Central Commission, who had been silent for a long time, couldn’t help but stand up and hand out his own pre-copied documents to everyone .

“Everything you said is for the most perfect situation . If he explicitly refuses and attacks us when we contact him, what are you going to do?”

“He can travel from the Chongyang Palace in Shaanxi Province to Shaolin Temple in Henan Province within sixteen hours without any means of transportation!”

“The distance between 2 locations is 685 kilometers!”

The members of the Central Commission pushed his golden-framed glasses . “That is, even if the martial arts master doesn’t do anything else that wastes time, his speed is 713 meters per minute!”

“Every second, he can advance at least 11 . 89 meters!”

“Tyrannosaurus Rex can move about 29 kilometers per hour, which is 8 . 05 meters per second!”

“And you tell me that even if we arrest him, we will only get some insignificant martial arts such as internal qi?”

When he said this, he leaned down on the conference table, staring sharply at Qin Wenhui aggressively .

“Excuse me, is there a problem with your vision, or is my data analysis not intuitive enough?”

Qin Wenhui became silent .


Hearing this and looking at the data analysis they got, all the members who participated in the action couldn’t help but take a deep breath .

They didn’t notice this, but now, this member pointed this out .

Suddenly everyone couldn’t help but be surprised to find out!

This young man, who seemed to only have martial arts, had already surpassed the limits of humans!

“I am really sorry, I think I have a lot of shortcomings in my plan . I need to get it back and modify it…” He stood up and felt embarrassed .

But he completely couldn’t expect what happened to him!

The female agent who denied his plan said . “I’m sorry to be so careless too . After reading the analyses, I must reconsider how to treat Meng Jingyu . ”

“In fact, the reason why I advocate tough means to capture Meng Jingyu is because I think that although he has some rude martial arts, he’s simply unable to resist the suppression and searching from the state . ”

Suddenly pausing, she raised the report that recorded Meng Jingyu could move at least 11 . 89 meters per second in her hand .

Qin Wenhui and others clearly saw that this indifferent woman looked a bit nervous in her eyes .

“Moving nearly 12 meters per second, no food, no drink, no rest, extraordinary physical endurance… Such a dangerous person, even if we mobilize a large number of army infantry to chase and intercept, I am afraid it is impossible to catch him!”

“For example, if the target is found at a close distance . Before five-man combat squad pull the trigger, they will be easily attacked by him!”

“And we use lethal weapons, we can only kill him, which isn’t worth it . ”

Talking about this, the female agent suddenly turned to look at Qin Wenhui . “So I now think that Comrade Qin’s proposal to treat the target friendly and establish a communication channel is very feasible!”

“Yes, I also agree!”

Turning with horror, Qin Wenhui was confused to find out that, the man was the member with a large number of data files who also questioned him!

Are you sure?

One of you just firmly opposed me, and the other one even sneered at me…

Now you’re on the same side with me and firmly support my plan . Are you sick?

Qin Wenhui was murmuring in his mind, but he still pretended like it was nothing .

The member of the Central Committee quickly came over .

“Comrade Qin, don’t get me wrong!”

“You may think that I came up with so much data to question you, but it’s not the case . ”

“The reason I do this is to correct your ideas and improve your plan!”

Qin Wenhui was simply confused . “What do you want to correct?”

“Please think about it yourself . What is the main focus of your plan?” The member of the Central Committee asked .

“Of course, I’m going to find out the mysterious Kunlun…”

“So, after you read my data files, what’s new?” The member of the Central Committee smiled .

Qin Wenhui hit upon a great idea .

“I understand! You want to tell me that the mysterious Kunlun is important, but Meng Jingyu is also very valuable, so we cannot easily let anyone of them go!”

The member of the Central Committee laughed and uttered like an old man saying elegantly . “The young man is promising and worthy to be taught . ”

“Okay! Now please raise your hand if you agree to take a friendly approach, and strive to establish a channel for communication . ”

After a glance at Qin Wenhui and others who reached a consensus, Guo shouted loudly .

In the administrative building, more than 90% of the members raised their hands in favor .

The answer was obvious!

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