Chapter 76

Translator: Sheng Chen

Editor: Arya

Chapter 76: Camera Tsukumogamis!

Arriving at TV TOKYO as fast as he could, the Prime Minister Ichiro Koizumi ordered the manager to stop all the original shows and then opened a temporary news broadcast room on the top floor of the largest and most luxurious TV station .

After the on-site staff settled in, he immediately took the microphone, looked at the camera solemnly and began a nationwide speech for stabilizing the society and the citizens .

“Everyone, I am the current Prime Minister, Koizumi Ichiro . I’m well informed of the bad weather conditions that disturb the nation . On behalf of the members of the National Assembly, I ensure the citizens of their safety as everything is under control . ”

Though completely in over his head, Koizumi Ichiro continued to pretend calm in order to stabilize the national confidence . “In the view of the low visibility due to the mist, please try not to drive any vehicles so as to avoid unnecessary casualties……”

When he was trying his best to calm everyone down, someone suddenly opened the live broadcast room and many of the variety show hosts who were supposed to leave rushed in panickingly, making the scene chaotic .

“What are you doing? Get out!”

The Prime Minister turned around and shouted at them with anger as they didn’t care of the priorities .

It was a live broadcast and now it was ruined . Ridiculous!

At the same time, the camera shooting the room exposed the accident live from the broadcast room to those who were watching TV screen and using mobile phones in Japan .

Pointing to the door of the room in an extremely panicking manner, a male host who looked pale stuttered .

“Prime Minister……Prime Minister, the cameras have become Tsukumogamis! Many cameras gradually become Tsukumogamis under the influence of the bloody moonlight!”

The male host looked extremely afraid as he reached out and said . “Their bodies are still cameras, but they have the same facial features like the living! I witnessed them attacking humans and now all the floors of the entire TV station are in a mess . We were lucky to escape on the top floor……”


With a powerful slap on the face, Koizumi Ichiro snarled furiously . “I don’t have time to listen to your bullshit . Get out immediately!”

Not waiting for Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi to reprimand, the door of the room suddenly exploded .

Along with the screams of several female hosts inside the room, the thick smoke quickly dissipated and a dozen tall black shadows emerged from the exit, walking toward the crowd at a steady pace .

The Tsukumogamis with faces flickering with red light, spider-like limbs, flat body shapes, showed up in the live broadcast room .

The Japanese nationals who were originally watching the speech of the Prime Minister became silent as their eyes were fixed on the TV screen or the mobile phone screen .


Seeing their appearance, Koizumi Ichiro’s throat seemed to be suddenly choked by something invisible and he couldn’t help but freeze in his place .

After taking off the glasses and putting them on repeatedly to confirm that he hadn’t made any mistake, he became stunned and speechless .


As soon as they thought of this idea, it firmly occupied their minds .

Examining the room on the highest floor of the TV station, they knew that they would die after jumping off the building, but the only exit now was guarded by the Tsukumogamis .

The guards accompanying Koizumi Ichiro looked very scared as their wrists holding the guns trembled .

Those guards were way overqualified to deal with usual security problems, but they now faced too much psychological pressure in the face of these Tsukumogamis transformed by the cameras!

“Tsukumogamis……please don’t eat me! I am really not tasty!” The male host desperately squeezed in the crowd to stay behind others as much as possible since he faced a life-threatening emergency .

The Tsukumogami in the front had a stiff face and waved its spider-like limbs .

At the very next moment, the male host was entangled by his lower body and a huge force pulled him directly to the entrance to the room .

Unable to compete against the force, the male host was immediately lifted up and pulled to the front of the Tsukumogami .

The Tsukumogami stared at the host with its pupils which flashed with red light and he quickly passed out .

The white mist visible to the naked eye constantly rushed out of the host’s nose and quickly flowed into the body of the Tsukumogami .

“Is the Tsukumogami……absorbing the yang force?”

As a Japanese, Koizumi Ichiro also had a slight understanding of the Japanese folklore legends .

Legend had it that there existed a large number of ghosts in various parts of Japan .

Although many could get along with humans, but there were some scary ones eating human flesh!

In the past, Koizumi Ichiro naturally didn’t believe this, but now what he saw frightened him!

Seeing what happened in the live broadcast room, every Japanese citizen couldn’t help but gasp and entered a state of extreme shock and confusion .

Throwing the host aside, the Tsukumogamis began to approach Koizumi Ichiro and others from different directions .

At the last moment before being unconscious, Koizumi Ichiro only heard the guards shooting madly and saw the indifferent pupils of Tsukumogamis which flashed with red light close at hand .

No one was standing in the room .

In the mind of every Japanese, this was a resounding crazy speculation .

– The Prime Minister was attacked by Tsukumogamis and killed in TV TOKYO today?

In fact, they were totally thinking too much .

What Hu Feng wanted was the fudge value transformed by the spiritual power provided by those who believed and recognized his creation .

If the Tsukumogamis and ghosts he created today actually killed someone, except a large number of casualties, he couldn’t get any benefits .

On the contrary, the fudge value he might get would be greatly reduced since the population would have dropped .

Hu Feng never killed civilians indiscriminately as it violated his inner morality .

In fact, most of the attacks of the Tsukumogamis and ghosts only made people faint and the imitation of absorbing human qi (yang force) was just a small trick that Hu Feng deliberately designed – Illusion .

The purpose was to focus on the non-human identity, the Tsukumogamis and the ghosts, making people impressed and convinced!

A very small part of the ghosts were capable of hurting others, but Hu Feng only allowed them to use their ability when fighting against the onmyojis or counter attacking the Japanese Self-Defense Force .

Dealing with the ordinary people, these ghosts, as always, made people pass out and then created the illusion of absorbing human qi . After that, they would quickly leave to find the next target and spread panic everywhere in Japan .

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