I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 103 - Entering The Court-I

Rae Neul entered the room. The place was wide like any other rooms people would find in this very building where he was in but it was odd, thought the half vampire. There were many seats in the room and wide surface in the middle of the room but when he entered, he was met with the human girl on the corner of the room in front of a painting. Was she feeling the room too wide and unsettling which is why she came there to feel saver? As a vampire who was once a human, he do feel sorry for her who he heard was dragged to the vampires' society after seeing how a hollowed vampire attacked her and the suspicions whether she was the one who had turned the the vampiress to Hollowed by potions, a witchess.

Rae Neul turned his eyes at Jung Hwa standing in front of the doors finding his eyes were red and remembered the incident occurred just as soon as he entered the building. He sighed internally, hoping people would begin to understand never to play with him.

"Who will be there in the court?" Jung Hwa asked him, he was a new member as well, rarely hearing about the court and its session.

"Deok Ji Hyeang and Lee Young." Rae Neul replied.

"Lee Young, so he is here too." Jung Hwa hummed from the same lips he used to speak toward her earlier, thought Seoyeon. She then saw his finger raised and moved in a hither movement as if calling her to come and she did. Following Jung Hwa and Rae Neul, she left the room with a still heating ears. It was hard for the hotness she feels to disappear and walking out of the room somehow did the trick.

Walking out of the room now her mind was filled with the court. She heard from Jung Hwa she would be called but she didn't know it was a court. What was a court in term of Associates was it different from the court humans had? But usually court is when a person had been deemed as a suspect. But she wasn't. Seoyeon frowned at the thought. What if they think she was a witch?

Thinking about witch made her heart thudded loudly. Although she didn't do anything hurtful that could make her feel guilty now she felt on edge and nervous. The corridor was empty until she reached at some point where a few people stood at the place gathered together. When she passed by, it was hard not to notice the stares the vampires gave. They were watching her like an experimental cat, their mouth moves unstoppably. Was there a lot to speak about her? She was sure there was plenty of humans out there and they aren't rare to their eyes but they seem to have taken their own amusement by watching and talking about her. The reason, she guessed, must be that she came under Jung Hwa's protection.

Seoyeon tried faster to catch up and stand beside Jung Hwa as her body subconsciously felt the safest when she is by his side. Noticing how she had fasten her steps to catch to him which is rare as the girl always preferred to stand behind him, he wouldn't want to tire the slender legs she had by walking faster than she always did. He slowed his steps, matching it with her small steps that was adorable to him.

"How's our sweetheart here?" Jung Hwa twisted his lips at her, his voice came to break into her mind that kept her occupied. "Nervous, I take it?" He replied to his own question while his eyes trained on her.

With the opportunity to talk seriously, Seoyeon made sure their conversation was clear and to not walk back to her previous conversation when their talk turn to his uncontrolled flirtatious words, she thoughtfully asked, "What is the court? I thought I was called to be asked a few question." She asked him, her eyes then looked at the vampires who were standing against the wall where two windows were on their left and right. Their gazes were too piercing that even when Seoyeon said not to look, her face would turn with the eyes.

She wasn't used to the states and find it hard to come to a peaceful life with it. Jung Hwa noticing her frown and her gaze, shifted his eyes at the vampires too. He saw it was two men who was staring at her and as if a drop of water had created ripple of waves in him, his smile disappeared and came his glare red eyes. They were walking in between the walls that had windows on right and left side. Creating the walls in the middle with lesser light and more shadows. The shadows fell over Jung Hwa's face, his red eyes glowed and the vampires who noticed his glare knows well not to ogle at Seoyeon again.

Seoyeon didn't know what happened. When she passed by the wall to the window and light greeted her, she turned her face.

"What's wrong?" He asked her, attaining her surprised face from behind to him.

"Nothing, I just thought that something weird happen." That vampires stopped staring at her because before, they would stare at her endlessly and tirelessly even until she was no more to be seen, they were still staring at the spot she had just walked on.

"You asked about the court earlier." Seoyeon's eyes turned from behind after checking the vampires behind her again for once and her eyes met his red ones. "If you think it is a court like usual, you are wrong. The court in Associates is much different than the human's court. You will not be taken there to be sentenced." His reply was clear for her to understand and concise.

Seoyeon stared at his bright red eyes for a few moments. While her mind process his words, she found how his eyes were bright in red and subtly tilted her head to her shoulder. Were it still red by the time they had leave the room? Because now it was red in color. When they left the room and walked through the corridor she didn't look well at his face but she thought it had revert back to black colors.

Her feet turn to turn when Rae Neul who walked in front of her also turned. "But I will be judge there." she spoke.

"You will but Associates have lesser sentence to humans. They rarely and only at one point could punish a human. As long as you proof yourself not to be a witch you would pass without a problem. They only want the truth of Gwon Sheiin's sudden transformation to Hollowed."

Her brows furrowed remembering the incident and the gory scene where Gwon Sheiin had her heart pulled out and crushed by Jung Hwa. "How do I proof myself?" she asked him, was there a special way to show herself not a witch?

"You'll know it later." Jung Hwa replied her ambiguously. Her nerves meter was on shot to the highest at the moment and her eyes stared intently at Jung Hwa for not replying to her question.

She wasn't a witch and she was sure she wasn't also the one who had killed Gwon Sheiin but why does she feel fears now?

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