I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 124 - I Could Kill You-II

Seoyeon felt at a sudden lost as her heart pound loudly on her chest with her eyes on Jung Hwa. Slowly, the black color turned red and his eyes glowed before her, coloring her features in red after basking from his eyes. The wind brushed harder, picking everything from the ground high up and her eyes that stared on him, squinted to cover anything from entering her eyes.

Jung Hwa brushed her cheeks, his fingers then stopped at her lip and he pushed the lower part up, sliding his finger across and had his finger to be covered by her red lipstick. When she felt her lips being touched and felt, Seoyeon opened her eyes finding him had licked his thumb and smiled at her.

"How could you be so sure?" she asked him, the question she always thought. Jung Hwa always seemed like a person who could predict the future. He didn't felt surprise, his emotions were controlled by himself that was hard for her to know what he felt or what he thought. Some times she would see him being gentle like the way he did now but she knew he could be cruel. Ruthless, she had seen the glimpse of his evilness and know that wasn't the end of it all. "We only know each other for a few week, less at times. I don't know you yet-"

"You could ask me then, anything you wish to know." Jung Hwa replied and his hand loosened from her. The wolf that stayed not too far from them began to play with himself, before resting down by curling his body to the ground.

"All your questions you need to know and I will reply. We will have to to know each other for this relationship to work." and seeing Seoyeon's lips opened, he brought his finger to her lips, "Shush, don't start denying. It is not a relationship yet but I know how your future will turn out."

Seoyeon's brows raised at his words and his lips broke to breezy chuckles, "You'll fall for me, top to bottom. Like how I did to you."

His words resonated in her mind. The way he had spoke the words were like a person who had bet on something he knew he would achieve and Jung Hwa trust to himself that his words would come true soon; and the soon is close. The boundary Seoyeon had was slowly getting melted by his touch. She was yet noticed it but Jung Hwa knew it well as his attempt to cut their proximity had worked well.

Jung Hwa raised his hand and pushed the hair covering her eyes behind her ears as his eyes trailed down from her chin and down, it didn't stop from her collarbone but lower to the top of her chest and down to her hands she had used to touch his chest. "Tell me about your family Seoyeon, your father, mother, or siblings if you have," he spoke as if he hadn't tried to find information about her. With most of informations he know, he want to hear directly from her lips. "I want to know." He added.

Seoyeon didn't know why he had asked the question. Perhaps it was to find her identity, "I was orphaned." She started, her eyes went to look from him to the sky and her lips pulled a smile that were with a solemn look, "I don't know about my biological parents but I was told that they died in a fire. I lived in the orphanage for years before Han couple adopted me. There I became a family and had a younger brother. When my parents died, I was in highschool. At the time, Seojun my little brother was still in middle school so I dropped out of school and began to work." She pulled her tone high to make herself cheerful.

She didn't know why she could tell the story to Jung Jwa lightheartedly when of others had asked her, she would have refused to tell. It wasn't something she particularly like to tell people about her life story. Most people would began to pity her but she felt happy with her life. There was sad times but the sad times blew away whenever she thought of the small happiness she had. She didn't want to be pitied or told that her life was sad because she felt proud with her life.

When she turned her head from watching the moon to him, he smiled at her, "Don't everyone have their sad stories? You're not the worse I've hear yet, Seoyeon. Don't be saddened, there are worse," he spoke and her eyes widened at his words she thought of he would say the same words at others but she should have know him. Jung Hwa was a different person of his own, a unique pureblood vampires with a slightly twisted personality.

Her lips were stretched wide and she broke into a laugh. Looking at him, she shook her head with her smile still upon her lips, "That's the first I've heard anyone say that and I'm not competing with anyone." she added. Somewhere she felt happy with his reply.

Jung Hwa who saw her smile stopped and watch her smile with his lips falling from a smile. He stared at her, entranced by the soft laughter she gave that was warm despite the darkness covering her. He took one step back, enjoying the view of her laughter under the dark sky and found that out of every expression he saw from her, the laughter she showed was always the most brightful one.

He raised his hand and placed it on top of her head, softly rubbing and feeling the texture, and seeing his action, Seoyeon's stared at him, "You've done your best." He whispered. The words he said to her felt like a praise and console for her as she had reached everything to be in the position where she is now.

She wondered if pureblood have magic or in general vampires do. Because when Jung Hwa had spoken, all his words began to weigh heavily on her heart; although heavy, it was also light and stayed specially in the corner of her heart. He just knew what to say and what word she needed to hear.

"Your reaction is gone." He pointed, Seoyeon looked down tobher eys and let's to see that his words were correct. The red rashes on her hands and leg had disappeared without her knowing. "Thankfully they didn't put anything dangerous there, or else, my cat would need a witch vet. I wonder if the Associates have that? Well if they don't we can drag that witch earlier. He seem to comply at my wishes well." hummed Jung Hwa, taking pleasure at other's obedience and fear at him.

"I don't think he wanted to comply to your wish." Seoyeon rebutted. At first she was frightened when Jung Hwa also saw the red rash. She felt fear but the fear was not only up to the point of understanding that she had become a witch or that if the Associates knew, they would put her under their arrest. Because it was Jung Hwa who had found her that she felt more unsettled.

Seoyeon looked down on the wolf who seemed to have slept and slowly she opened her pursed lips to claim, "I am not a witch."

Jung Hwa broke into a chuckle, attaining her glaring look after his chuckle and he brought his fingers to rub bellow her eyes, "That's the third time you told me this."

"Because I am not one." She's never been one and Seoyeon believe she never was one. The witches from what she had heard wasn't good and to be tell that she was the same as the witches who had kidnapped Seulgi, she didn't know if she could feel fine. To know that she wasn't what she had always thought she is, made her feel her stomach churn with the anxiety.

"Yet the powder showed you are one. If no one tampered with the powder, you are a witch, Seoyeon." He said slowly, understanding her feeling by listening close to her heartbeat. "But that doesn't necessarily make you a bad person or something too different from your former self. Just a change of identity and a little bit of power, doesn't that sounds a little more exciting?" He asked with his lips pulled, seeming to be the one who seemed to be the least affected even though his mother was killed by a witch. In fact, Jung Hwa was affected but not with anger or betrayal from Seoyeon but rather curiosity.

"I don't think that's how it works."

"It will work." He assured her, "For first your origin is unknown, we can find out which type of witch you belong to later, I'll bring the witch earlier to help you figure everything out and make him tight-lipped. And as for your parents, it could be that either of your parents is a witch without themself knowing it. That witch earlier said that most witches don't even know they are one." and when he spoke, the wind brushes again.

Seoyeon watch how his hair he kept in front of his forehead unruffled by the wind and he let the wind do its work to make his hair dance. Only when one hair stuck close to his ears, he pulled it back with his fingers.

"I thought you would kill me." She spoke honestly. Whether it was the mood that make her feel as if there were only the two of them in the world, it made her honest words to come.. His eyes looked at her, slowly and he smiled, showing his fangs that were hidden before.

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