I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 141 - Following The Agenda-I

By morning when Seoyeon woke up, the bed beside her had been tidied and her little brother had left early. As her younger brother love in the city that were apart from where she was, Seojun had to leave the house early in the morning so he wouldn't be late to come to school.

She quickly pushed herself to raise up by her elbow and stood to walk toward the cupboards, realizing there was something, Seoyeon took to see that it was a folded paper. Her fingers unfolded the paper until she saw a childhood picture of her and Seojun.

A nostalgic feeling comes to her after seeing the picture. Although time had changed most of things, there was the pictures that didn't change, thought Seoyeon. Then her eyes turned the paper to see a small written letter from Seojun, "Bring it with you every time." Seoyeon read the writing and she couldn't help but chuckle at Seojun's instruction.

Unlike Seoyeon who had lived alone since young, Seojun was always with his families and perhaps living alone had made him homesick. Seoyeon took the picture and pushed the paper to her wallet, the item she would never forget to bring and she went to prepare herself to work.

In noon, Jung Hwa came back to his office and Seoyeon left to come back to his room with the tea that was red in color and picked the cup to set it carefully beside his hand along with the cookies she didn't know why he would put a must to bring it along with the tea.

Seoyeon couldn't tell if he was a sweet tooth or just thought he needed to keep his mouth busy.

"If you keep looking on my cookies, I will think you are very hungry now that you can't help but wanting to steal and eat these cookies of mine." said Jung Hwa with a grin to her, his sarcasm came back on her ears that had her shook her head subtly.

Not wanting Jung Hwa to twist her words and using it to his advantage, Seoyeon shifted to ask, "Why do you like to drink this red tea?" She thought there was many others tea types and as he was wealthy enough to buy a different flavor he could change daily yet there was only one tea he drank.

"Hm, curious?" asked Jung Hwa and he brought the tea cup he hadn't drank of go play it by his hand. "I give it to you for a taste."

Seoyeon raised her eyebrows. How oddly generous Jung Hwa was today to her. Was this one of his kindness effect?

Hearing that Seoyeon didn't deny or accept, Jung Hwa brought his finger up and called her with his movement instructing her to come closer. Out of a habit, Seoyeon didn't ask and came toward his side. Jung Hwa watched her who was like a lamb who was a little dummy, following an instruction that come from a wolf.

When she was closer, he whispered to her, "However I don't share my things simply to others without something in exchange."

"As expected..." sighed Seoyeon right near his face.

"Is that dissatisfaction I heard over there?" Jung Hwa's eyes met Seoyeon who by the look gave her a bleak expression, "Continue your words, as expected of what?"

Since Jung Hwa had asked, Seoyeon took the chance to say, "You wouldn't be generous." she completed the words and had him chuckle once.

"Is there anyone who would give what they like to others without anything on exchange? If there is, I should say that person is quite bad in understanding how the world work." His eyes met her were still black but the intensity was no different than the time when his eyes were red. "Well I guess there are some exceptions."

"Exceptions?" Seoyeon questioned his words. Was there exceptions for the petty pureblood vampire in front of her now? If there was, it made Seoyeon to be curious what were the exception.

"Someone who is dear to me who I treasured and a person who is in a soft corner of my heart. If it is that person I don't mind exchanging my things without anything in exchange." answered Jung Hwa and his grin just grew widened.

Seoyeon couldn't help her tongue that say, "You didn't give me the tea."

Jung Hwa grinned at her, when he stood up, Seoyeon moved back. Between them was the desk Jung Hwa used that now felt like a bridge between them. When he turned and walked toward her, somewhat for no reason, Seoyeon felt she should run. But where to run? In the end, she only took her steps back when he stepped forward.

Jung Hwa saw how one step forward of his could have Seoyeon to take two or three steps backward that had him to widen the smile in glee. He didn't stop and continued. With Seoyeon's eyes on him, Jung Hwa doubted that she would know when the wall would hit her back and when it did, Seoyeon's body flinched.

She felt like a mouse who was trapped after being lured by cheese. But the cheese was Jung Hwa's words. He just knew what to do to make her reply what he wanted and somewhere Seoyeon had expected it only to fail.

"W-Wait." Seoyeon's hands shot up to stop him but a mere hand wouldn't be able to stop the pureblood in front of her.

Only seven to six steps were between them and teasingly, Jung Hwa slowed down his steps and his ears picked up how her heartbeat pounding aloud and he knew Seoyeon had also noticed the loudness which was why one of her hand settled in front of her chest as if to tell her own heart to quiet down to no avail. Her chest heaved slowly in a delicate manner that only made him thirsty.

"Was that an agreement you said?" Jung Hwa asked, his steps were frustratingly slow to Seoyeon and she wasn't sure if she want him to walk faster toward her or slower.

"What?" She asked as if she hadn't heard of anything and Jung Hwa didn't repeat.

His steps were cutting close the distance and Seoyeon could feel that she didn't want him to come not out of fear but something of eagerness. She heard him continue, "That you agree to be mine."

On his words, Seoyeon breathed out to feel the air escaping from her lips quivering daintily. There was no playfulness on the words he spoke to her but one out of seriousness. She met his eyes that felt piercing.

Her eyes looked away, finding the tea and she recalled something faintly, "Did you do it out of purpose?" She asked him and it did a little effect for Jung Hwa to stop.

He asked, "Do what?" Because there was so many things he did that he could keep on tab. The teasings, his words, the care, and the killings he did that involved her but he knew it was better to keep it in silence. Jung Hwa wouldn't hide his true nature to her and he knew that Seoyeon was able to know the real him who was blood thirsty. However the killings unless it needed to surface, he wouldn't tell.

"The tea in our first meeting in the office, did you ask me to repeat the tea in purpose?" She asked, fortunately at her words it seemed that Jung Hwa's steps did stopped. But the fortune was short like an air leaving her lungs now, as instead of stopping, he cut the distance faster.

When he leaned forward, Seoyeon pressed her back to the wall, she was afraid of the red lips her eyes had been watchful of to press on her lips. Her tongue sneaked out to run over her lips.

"That day it wasn't me who was cruel but you," on his words, he had her eyes slowly lifting up from the lower half of his face to his eyes.

Most of people would try to avoid looking directly to his eyes as they were unable to contain the emotions bubbling inside them while staring at him. Not even Barbara, his cousin was able to look at him less than half a minute. His aunt could, but when it come to his angry eyes he once showed, he remembered how the older woman was startled.

Only Seoyeon was different and it was odd to him. It felt as if a surge of unknown wave had come to usurp his dead heart. Jung Hwa wondered what if it was another person he had met that day in the blind date meeting that wasn't Seoyeon, would he still love the woman? He doubted so. There was just a certain nostalgia he felt with Seoyeon that others could never give the same effect toward him.

Seoyeon, on the other hand was confused by his words. She was cruel? But what did she do when she hadn't done anything that could hurt him? Her brows were pulled in puzzle, "I didn't do anything." Did she hurt him by accident? Or was it the water she threw on him? "Except the water." added Seoyeon in whisper. She saw that when her air from her lips leave, it hit his skin and her cheeks turn redder.

"Oh no, not that water. It didn't hurt me the least, instead it woke me up to see you and I'm grateful you did that to me." Then what? asked Seoyeon in her heart. She heard him spoke again, "It was what you did after.. When we first meet in this room what you did was cruel enough to make me sad."

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