I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 186 - Hand Through Chest-II

On the words of dark witches, a certain hostility came over Jung Hwa's eyes that Min Beomgyu could feel the chill without looking at his face.

"When did this happen?" Jung Hwa took one step from his place.

"After the day when you came to the court," answered Min Beomgyu to fill in Jung Hwa's question. They both walked deeper to the hallways of the second floor to get away from the staircase where people would pop up one after another.

"Which room?" Jung Hwa stopped only until they reached a secluded place in the corner of the hallway.

"There and the rooms all along this," replied Min Beomgyu. "The dark witch forced open almost eleven rooms while knowing the potion was in the the door knobs. There was also dried black blood that I presume came from her hands that were horribly wounded."

Jung Hwa followed the place where Min Beomgyu pointed, seeing the entire passage was the eleven rooms Min Beomgyu mentioned. "A stubborn dark witch, isn't it?"

"All the dark witches are stubborn more than you think even after death," replied Min Beomgyu. "The potion I use is a very high potent one. I expect the dark witch to lose a finger if they managed to open the room but she failed. And me being here is already revealed."

"You are scared they will come for you? I thought white witches is as strong as dark witches," Jung Hwa stepped to the doors, holding the knob that didn't do anything to him. 

He questioned if Seoyeon open the door? If she did her hands would be burnt but he remembered that he had been the one to open every door for her to enter which means Seoyeon didn't touch the door. He didn't want to use this method to find out which witch Seoyeon either and prefer a method that would not harm a single strand of her hair,

"If the dark witches hadn't use black magic, there might be a change we could win but dark witches never plays fair," explained Min Beomgyu.They would snuck in silence, taking chance when the white witches at most vulnerable time. I doubt I can ever win even if they came to face me without any preparation." The white witch then walk toward one room and bend his knees, "This is where I found the blood stain."

Jung Hwa bent his knees beside the white witches with one leg propping to elevate his elbow. There was indeed blood stain on the carpet in the color of black. His eyes lifted up to see the door knob that was gleaming in the golden color, "Did you clean the door knob?"

"No generally blood of the dark witches never disappear when it come in contact with fabrics but they disappear fast to metal. The longer it disappear shows the level power of the dark witches. It had been a week and to my knowledge this dark witch power is very powerful," Min Beomgyu explained and his feet constantly tapping the floor. When Jung Hwa's eyes fell on his feet, the man stopped. "I heard someone died near the building."

"A vampire," replied Jung Hwa, seeing no problem to tell Min Beomgyu as the white witch didn't seem to be the type to gossip. "A woman struck her hand and took out his heart, leaving him under the ground buried."

"A woman? I am being prejudice today against woman even if I don't mean to, but is it possible a dark witches was the one who killed the vampire?" Min Beomgyu pressed his chin with his thumb and index finger in the thought. "Dark witches is strong in term of raw physical power too."

"That's my new theory for now," replied Jung Hwa it was bothersome that dark witches could enter the associate freely. "Could you use a spell or potion to lock the building from dark witches to enter?"

"That would be hard. I am a white witches who specializes more in potion that would be easier with spells but I should find a way soon, I have spent days finding about it too." A closer look to Min Beomgyu's eyes a heavy dark eye bag was present bellow his eyes.

"Well maybe you are lacking enough books to know or plainly lacking knowledge," Jung Hwa chimed. "Speaking of books did you receive any new books? The dead vampire was said to bring a trunk of books maybe he is bringing your books?"

"Don't joke, Associate Jung. I searched for books in my own and I don't think the vampire know I am a white witch," replied Min Beomgyu knowing Jung Hwa had just tested him. 

Jung Hwa pushed himself from the floor, raising his hand, he swept his hair to the back of his head, letting it to fall over his prominent forehead. Turning his face, he was able to see the front side of the graveyard. 

"What do you know about catalyst?"

The relaxed expression on Min Beomgyu instantly fell when Jung Hwa swept his gaze over the white witch. "Close to nothing. Only a tale of how witches ended on the hand of the catalyst. Can I ask how do you know about the catalyst?"

"I read a book about them," the white witch may be on their side but not trustful enough yet for Jung Hwa to reveal everything. "You could search for the ways meanwhile I will call you later."

"Call me?" Min Beomgyu inclined his head on his shoulder, holding a confused expression. 

"About my witch, she want to learn more about her origin and she wonder if you could help us. Of course you would was what I told her, I will drop a call," replied Jung Hwa without asking the man's opinion. 

Unless the white witch wish to go against Jung Hwa which would end him with a wound for sure. If anything Min Beomgyu could understand about the pureblood after their second time meeting was that he seemed to hold a very strong rage against witches but more than his playful expression, he was a person with a sense of responsibility that vampire rarely acquire.

Walking away Jung Hwa noticed a set of footsteps and he slowed his footsteps to meet face with the vampiress. Che Hara was wringing her hands together when she met path with Jung Hwa and seeing the vampire she admired, she would want to smile but her expression was instead with surprise. 

"Good afternoon," Jung Hwa strike the conversation as the vampiress had an expression of wanting to run away. It was one of Jung Hwa's trait to do the opposite of what one would expect of him. "Where are you going in a hurry in the Associate Building? I don't remember anyone holding a party today."

"I was called to come. I am about to go home now," said Che Hara said and to veer the conversation. "I didn't expect you to be here too," a certain blush appeared on Che Hara's cheeks as she stared at Jung Hwa's handsome face and her eyes moved behind like a hawk to eye whether the human secretary was with him but seeing he was alone, her smile grew wider.

"I thought you know," Jung Hwa stared with her brows raised.

"I know... about what?" questioned Che Hara looking like a harmless deer in contrary to her true character.

"Your friend was found dead on the graveyard by a woman," said Jung Hwa and he scrutinized a slight shift on Che Hara's face she managed to hold back with a shocked and confused expression.

"My friend?" a gasped left her mouth, "Which friend? Who is it?" asked Che Hara with a curious and worrisome expression.

Unlike humans, vampire was able to have a calm heartbeat regardless of how surprised they were which hindered Jung Hwa's ability to know if the words said by Che Hara was true or lie. But he had no slightest intention to believe Che Hara's words as she was one of the primes suspect he had on his mind now.

"So many questions at once. I believe you have many friends that you are getting worried," alluded Jung Hwa and Che Hara gave a queasy smile. "It's Chu Sunji."

Che Hara's eyes quickly looked away from Jung Hwa to the window that was before path. "I find it hard to believe that he is dead... and a woman had killed him. I think it is hard for a woman to bury a body alone."

"Believe it or not," hummed Jung Hwa and he took one step to stand before Che Hara. His frame towered the woman with shadow. "You are a great guesser Che Hara," his words attained a questionable expression of Che Hara and her expression fell to soak in fear on Jung Hwa's next words, "I don't think I mentioned Sunji was buried?"

Che Hara has always like to attain Jung Hwa's attention and his eyes on hers but not the kind of attention she was having now and her eyes darted away to stay again at Jung Hwa when she was ready to speak, "Because of the word graveyard, the idea just came into my mind. Maybe I am wrong."

"No in contrary you are very on spot that I am amazed," Jung Hwa praises with his lips curling to a smile and somewhere Che Hara was feeling happy. "You spoke almost as if you are the killer that I was surprised." Jung Hwa saw the vampiress gulped and he didn't miss how her hand squeezed on each other. "You have to be careful especially in night. You would not know when this killer come to you because they seem to look innocent outside but evil inside after seeing Sunji's shocked expression."

From behind another set of footsteps came and Jung Hwa saw Yu Sheen, "Well I hope you are still alive next time we meet, Hara." With the words, Jung Hwa left Che Hara from the place whose expression continued to pale.

"Did you find the trunk yet?" asked Jung Hwa once he reached Yu Sheen who rushed over to his side.

"No, I can't find anything like a trunk. There is a possibility it is buried under the ground but I find something more plausible. The incinerator has a bits of fabrics inside I think the killer burnt the trunk with other evidences," Yu Sheen had ran around the place finding possible ways.

"Great job." Jung Hwa patted Yu Sheen's shoulder but the half vampire hope he could shrink back in fear. "I should make you a permanent member of my team from now on."

God forbid that! Yu Sheen prayed he could leave the team but the more he shows his capability he was chosen by Jung Hwa but then if he slack; that wasn't an option because he knows the pureblood was cold hearted.

"Where would you be going?" Yu Sheen questioned when he saw Jung Hwa turning away.

"Where else but home?" Jung Hwa need to go back with Seoyeon at his house and he had found most puzzles anyway. "I doubt there would be any more clue in the place I will give the report on my own tomorrow." 

Thank god, breathed Yu Sheen in relief that he wouldn't gave to spend an hour or more beside Jung Hwa to write the report. 

They both left from the place without knowing someone had watched Jung Hwa keenly and seeing the pureblood vampire descending down to the stairs, the person's smile curled. 

Jung Hwa suddenly stopped his feet to loom up at the top of the stair case he walked on. His eyes casually watched the spot beside his eyes narrowed. 

"Associate Jung?" questioned Yu Sheen wondering why the pureblood wasn't moving on with his walk but stopped awkwardly in one place. Then he followed Jung Hwa's eyes to see the top of the staircase before inclining his head as he found nothing.

"You are noisy Yu Sheen," commented Jung Hwa before he resume to walk.. For sure he noticed someone was staring at him earlier.

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