I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 196 - Suspicions-III

Seoyeon knows not to answer. This had happened many times. When she thought she has taken a smart move to overturn their conversation, it came back to the position where each of her words be one a weapon to trap her. 

Jung Hwa the ability to bring out the words he want others to say while being subtle about it whether when he goes against others and trapped their words like the time with Seojun. Like a master on it, he also knows what to say that could move Seoyeon's heart that was hesitant to move despite her strong and fierce eyes.

"You know that whatever I say you would turn my words for you," said Seoyeon with her eyes looking at him and a gulp rolled her throat that wasn't missed Jung Hwa's sight.

Jung Hwa brought his finger to touch her neck, trailing softly to the valley under her neck to go near where her heart was. Each second his finger glide, Seoyeon felt her nerves running amock. Not knowing what to say Seoyeon curled her lips like how her ties were , "You promise not to touch me."

"In front of your brothers but now there are no eyes that are looking at you than mine, rest assured," he whispered, even though Jung Hwa wasn't close enough for their face to stay against each other, she could almost feel his breath brushing her cheeks and hair. "You know and we know that no matter what you say I could tell what is inside your heart."

"As if you are reading my mind," added Seoyeon which only add more lines of smile on Jung Hwa's lips.

"Yes, as if I am reading your mind. I know you Seoyeon, you are curious about me, you want to get close to me but you can't, and it is not because of yourself," Jung Hwa slide his hand to dangerously dropped near her chest which he narrowly stopped. "Have fell for someone in the past but betrayed?"

Seoyeon stared at Jung Hwa a couple of seconds with her lips saying nothing but her eyes wide staring at him. She opened her lips wanting to say but her words disappeared as if it was stuck on the back of her throat. Her eyes didn't shift from Jung Hwa whose expression from a smile had turned to seriousness. 

It took a moment for Seoyeon to say, "He didn't betray me, we parted with a reason."

Jung Hwa leaned forward in away that make Seoyeon to pull back but when she did, her hand on the armrest was hold firmly. "Don't run," a flickering emotion was set ablaze to Jung Hwa's eyes. "Tell me more about your first love."

Seoyeon pulled her neck. He didn't need to tell her to not run as she was in position where running was impossible. "He is not my first love." She decided to answer to his question and Jung Hwa was being transparent about himself. 

Jung Hwa slide his hand to her hand to her wrist, "So there was someone else you have dated other than him?" He asked.

"There wasn't. But we were not exactly dating. We only go out in high school to eat, karaoke, and eat. It wasn't the kind of dating where we are serious and that I liked him or anything but," Seoyeon wet her lips, taking something deep from her memory to say, "Just one day he stopped contacting me and I tried to talk to him but somehow we just parted on way. I don't know what happened."

"Is that all?" asked Jung Hwa. He believe in Seoyeon but not everything she said could be truth at one point. "Your expression told me otherwise before. If you parted with him that simple way, why would you need to be surprised?"

"No, that I was just surprised that you could see through everything. It's not a really good memory," confessed Seoyeon while staring down at her fingers, taking time to say, "After that, there were rumors circulating around me that I dumped him right after his accident and whatnots."

"Accident?" Jung Hwa lifted his brows, curiously wanting to know more. This time, there was no jealousy in his voice. 

The man they were talking of was nothing more than a large fool who let go of a precious diamond in which Jung Hwa was grateful of. So he would not be needing underhanded trick, thought Jung Hwa without showing his thoughts.

"Yes, the month before he texted me a message, he met an accident. He stayed a month there before I received the message," replied Seoyeon who then looked at him with a sigh, "In the line of his message, he told me that his accident was my fault. That's why it wasn't a good memory for me. Then a day after that, my parents died in an accident which somewhere make me feel hurt. To me their accidents that happen simultaneously was somewhere my fault."

Jung Hwa brought her hands from the armrest holding it together where she felt warm he shared, "How would it be your fault? Your aunt's and uncle's words? Or was it the words of someone who your barely love in the past?"

"You know of the timings," sadness appeared on Seoyeon's face as she pulled a small smile that stayed low as she continued, "Everything happened one after another that I can't help but think that maybe there was a small chance that I did cause their accident. I heard he got to accident on his way to buy me a present while my parent died because I called them to hurry back home after their trip. Maybe with that in consideration I did cause their accident."

Jung Hwa raised his hand to her head and flicked her lightly that she didn't feel any single pain. "I took some privilege to read of your background a little and I know that's not true. Your parents died because a drunk driver ignored the red light also that guy are talking of I may sound like biased but I am. He was the one who wish to buy you a present, he was also the one who got into an accident, where is your fault there? Instead he was the one with faults to blame someone who was not even there."

She saw him playing with her fingers while his eyes continuously stay at her without wanting to look away. "You are not at fault and if you are truly at fault or a misfortune bringer. I would have died or maybe your brother. But I an still alive and so is your brother. Speaking of him, isn't he too late?"

Now that Seoyeon realized it, Seojun hadn't come and her brows were raised, "I will go to find him."

"Stop it sister, I can go to the washroom alone," replied Seojun who came at the same time Seoyeon went up from the chair. She found Seojun and Alfred standing beside to bow at her. 

"I showed the guest the way back, it seems he forgot how to walk back," Alfred replied before bowing again to leave in silence. 

Seojun turned his eyes at the old half vampire, his eyes loosing spark while staring at the butler who had thin presence that he could barely felt and an inaudible footsteps.

"We should resume the dinner, should we?" Jung Hwa raised his glass to Seojun as if telling him to go back to his seat. 

With a click of his tongue, Seojun sat down on his chair in silence. 

"How could you forgot your way back?" Seoyeon asked him because she knew Seojun as a boy with a very excellent memory. 

"Like you day sister, the place is almost like a maze that I lost myself in it," replied Seojun with a wide smile.

Jung Hwa chuckled and Seojun's eyes hawked at him. Jung Hwa put a smile, "I didn't know that my house was that large. To prevent anything like this to happen again, I will make a sign board next time so you would not lose yourself."

"No need, I will not come back here again," Seojun was quick to refuse and began to stuff one food and another to eat. 

There was a reason why he didn't come back fast and it wasn't because he lost himself in the large house. Seojun had an excellent memory and to remember the blueprint of the house took him less than five minutes which he had memorized last night before breaking into Jung Hwa's house.

Remembering what took place before he came back to the dining room created a line of frown to take place on his forehead. As soon as he left the dining room, Seojun was set to search for any secret the pureblood vampire could be hiding inside the house. The house was simpler than he thought and it didn't seem like there was a secret or hidden room but he can't be too sure.

There was some rumors about Jung Hwa and some being that in his house, the pureblood hold his own cell room where he torture people. It would be far fetched for human being to do but compared to how cruel the vampires in vampires' society was, this was less than their salt.

Seojun had some of his thought without being partial or biased on his distaste to vampires. He would agree for Seoyeon to stay in Jung Hwa's house but with proper measure. From what he heard and the pureblood not-so-subtly alluded, the man had taken a liking to Seoyeon. It didn't seem like he would harm her, outwardly that is.. But not inwardly and Seojun was on his way to pull some secret under Jung Hwa's feet.

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