I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 198 - Cemetery With You-II

Seoyeon wondered if it was true but when they ate, there didn't seem to be a fight between them. She looked at his face, taking in his expression to the. ask, "Why do you look so happy?"

"Well," Jung Hwa took a step closer to her, taking her hand one hand and pushed her to the wall with another hand beside her face. "I have cleared out my task flawlessly without a single fault you could find. Your brother step out from the house intact without a slightest scratch and as per your words you claimed before he came, it is my time to take my reward."

Seoyeon shrieked back to the wall, and she turned her head to the other side, "I forgot to mention but I will not do anything crazy."

"Look at you trying to haggle but that's not fair you didn't mention this earlier," stated Jung Hwa to take her face and have her look at him and not somewhere else. 

Seoyeon pursed her lips. She was in a hurry that she forgot to secure Jung Hwa from doing anything over the line. With her cheeks reddened, and Jung Hwa could hear Seoyeon's heartbeat picking a race. "Remember how you try to hint something to Seojun during the dinner? I minus a point which in return you deserve to have your merit taken."

"Hm," Jung Hwa hummed in thoughtfulness without saying a word while staring at Seoyeon who was trying to be smart, wanting to put herself in the winning side. Each second he prolonged the silence, anxiousness came in the sound of her heartbeat but her expression hold some anticipation that she could not hide. "Explain your means by crazy."

Is that a yes? Before Jung Hwa could change his mind, she quickly say, "Anything that goes out of the line."

"You have to know my line and your line is far sea apart. My line is high that is over yours which why you should be clearer with your words," Jung Hwa advised her. He was feeling in a positive mood after setting some seeds so Seojun would be the one to punish his relatives without the need of him to do so.

Jung Hwa doubted Seojun would kill his uncle and aunt. He wondered what they would do. It was often heard that hunters have the worse torture to make humans or vampires confessed whatever lie and secret they hold. If it was torture, Jung Hwa was looking forward to see it. Which was why his smile Seoyeon saw was crinkling wide with mirth.

Seoyeon inhaled breaths her eyes wanting to look away as Jung Hwa's eyes that dipped to black turned to red. "Like t-touching me..." The one word gathered many of her courage and her face were lit. Her hands pressed on the wall as if wanting to be one with the concrete so she would be swallowed and disappear out of shyness.

Jung Hwa leaned forward, he took her expression, watching her delicate lips to then take enjoyment on how Seoyeon's skin trembled when his fingers run over it. His finger continued to push the skin of her shoulder to her neck. "Only touching? What about kiss, we can start with your lips down to your neck and even lower," he whispered and Seoyeon felt parts of hers that he mentioned shivered. 

"That's a no too..." she whispered, her voice turning like a chick. She want to tell him to take steps away but when did Jung Hwa would ever put an ear to her words, telling him to move?

"Anything else? I am going to close this conversation after three seconds," Jung Hwa warned. It was Seoyeon who was trying to safe herself but then she was at lost of words when asked. Was there something else she didn't think of? Seoyeon quickly try to turn her head but she can't find anything until the time runs out.

She frowned at him who was using her tameness to his advantage but then when his fingers slipped to the shirt of her shoulder, her back pressed deeper to the wall. "No touching! You promised me before I entered the house."

"Did I?" Jung Hwa frowned as if trying to remember how he had lured her to enter to his den. 

Once Seoyeon entered his house, Jung Hwa doesn't want her to go. The word 'caging' would sound intense but he only want her to be here with him forever. For that to happen, he must sway Seoyeon's heart or perhaps hope that fire would burnt her old house.

"Don't tell me you forgot it," Seoyeon pressed her words, and he didn't overlook the slight hitch on her breaths when his finger felt her collarbone. Jung Hwa didn't touch her in a rough manner and that was exactly the problem. The way he had rubbed her, caressing her skin was in a sensual manner that her ties could not help to twine. "Stop touching me already or I will..."

"Will what?" Jung Hwa was quick to pull her words as he spoke he continued to rub the parts he want while avoiding the private place of her but it didn't help Seoyeon from feeling the tingle on her skin. 

"I will leave," she whispered, her eyes still defiant.

Jung Hwa pulled his hand raising it before his face, "I can't have that misfortune to happen. Starting tomorrow I will hold myself."

"You are supposed to say starting from now," Seoyeon, who pulled her shirt to cover more of her exposed neck, corrected.

"That would be insincere. Not everyone could change or promise at a snap of second and I being a person of my word would only speak of what I could do. I told you I don't lie." Jung Hwa saw how Seoyeon's face shifted subtly when he said he didn't lie. It was the same expression she had before her brother came and he noticed something was being brewed here. "Do you have your coat with you?" he asked as he stepped away.

"Coat? Are we going somewhere today?" asked Seoyeon before she looked at the window at the end of the hallway to see how dark the sky had turned to. Where are they going late at night? It didn't seem like the time to go anywhere as places would be closed at this time and most road would be quiet.

"Where else? Night is the right time to visit a cemetery. We are going to meet you parent's grave, birth parents," added Jung Hwa slowly and he left the place to be followed by Seoyeon. "Your relatives are said to live there but we don't know if they would still be awake. Should we wait until the sun rises?"

"No, night is better. I don't think it would be good if people see us entering the cemetery because you wouldn't enter it by asking a help from the cemetery's caretaker, would you?" asked Seoyeon. She knew how rebellious Jung Hwa was as if this was the attitude he had since before. He loves to do things differently from others that often came as violent and cruel or at times like these, weird. But deep inside she knew That he was a person with a clear intention and heart. 

Each day, Seoyeon pick up new traits from him and somewhere it had her wonder what she would know more about him if she stays longer. Would she be able to know Jung Hwa's core? His past and about his family, everything was still unknown to her and this had her filled with curiosity even though she had never wanted to know about other's past before.

Seoyeon felt that with him part of her continue to change and she doesn't know that she had affected Jung Hwa they way she did to her.

Alfred helped them by giving coats and while she wear one in the living room to see him buttoning the cuffs of his sleeve, she looked around his expression, "Hwa, can I ask you something?"

There was hesitant which was rare for Jung Hwa to hear and he was intruiged at her question, "You don't usually ask for permission. What is it?" 

Remembering Valerie's words which weighed in her mind more than she thought, she asked, "Is there anything you are hiding to me?"

Jung Hwa stopped his hand. Frankly, the question Seoyeon had asked was a question that surprised him because he thought after the incident with the wolf, she had began to trust him. With how she also agreed to live with him meant that she had opened her heart. Yet he could tell now how there was a slight doubt in her question as if someone had put the seed.

"By lying do you mean you don't believe me?" He twisted his question and knew where he was going for. "Have I ever do things that upset you and make you think I hid it from you?" A disappointment was hinted under his voice that even a deaf person could tell that he wasn't happy with her question and felt disheartened.

Seoyeon tried to find if she could find anything by staring at his face, even the subtlest change of his expression but there was none. Valerie wasn't someone she could believe in and compared to Jung Hwa, she would rather believe in him. Her question wasn't because she doubt him but she want to know if Jung Hwa had hid something.. She believes somewhere that even if he does it would be for a reason.

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