I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 203 - Determination-I

In a snap of second the air turn taut. Seoyeon noticed how the old man who was holding the glass stopped before he could placed it down on table with his eyes looking at Jung Hwa in an intensity. 

Jung Hwa chuckled, placing a hand on his chin, he crossed his arm, "Isn't this what a blessing in disguise is? That one day our car broke for we to find your parents. Should we meet them now?"

Seoyeon didn't know that this was in the script. Jung Hwa didn't told her there would be an ad lib she would have to fill her own words. She only looked at him when her body flinched at the hard sound of glass hitting the wooden desk.

Seoyeon saw Jung Hwa turning his face first before she followed, she gulped. At first look, the caretaker was an old man whose back wasn't straight and he didn't look menacing but somewhere Seoyeon felt unnerved by the man. If she could, she would rather not be with the old man and with how ramshackle the house the air felt more denser and harder to take.

"May I know young lady who is your father's and mother's name?" questioned the old man. His voice was toneless as he asked her.

Seoyeon turn her face to look at Jung Hwa, wondering what should she reply by looking at him. While she guessed Jung Hwa would give her a sigh whether to say a fake name or a real one, he was in silence, enjoying the situation like how he always was.

Should she replied with the truth? Or the lie? The old man could be senile and forgot the names of people on the headstones which Seoyeon wished so she could lie but she could tell the caretaker seemed to remember everything, "Their name is Yang Jiae and Yang Sunghoon," it was the name of her parents which she had just learned a few minutes ago before arriving to the small hut where she was in now.

"Yang," the man looked shocked by the name Seoyeon uttered and he knitted his expression as if it was something he never expected to come. "Young lady how old are you?"

"Me?" Seoyeon questioned herself before she asked, "I am twenty six, do you know about my parents?"

The caretaker seemed as if he was taking considerations of things. The shock he received ease and a determined expression sit place. "Yes I know your parents, they were buried nineteen years ago here in this cemetery."

It was just as what Seoyeon know, and she wondered what come after which she doesn't know. "I see, did you remember if my parents' relatives came to visit?"

"As I know there was only one man, he was a tall, young, and handsome man," replied the man who left place to take something from the shelf which was towel and he placed it on the round table in front of Seoyeon. "You can clean yourself with this," said the man and Seoyeon looked suspiciously at the towel.

"Do you know anything I could use to contact that man?" asked Seoyeon. She was still holding the mystery of her parent's body disappearance from the coffin. It made her unable to feel at ease after knowing how inside the coffins, her parents had disappeared.

"That I don't know, we mostly hold the contact number of the family but that man was not your parent's family, therefore, we do not have anything to contact him. I didn't talked with him either so I know less about his name," replied the man an each words filled Seoyeon with gloominess as she expected the caretaker would know of a few things. "It had been about eighteen years and by far I have never seen anyone visiting your parent's grave."

Is it because they know the coffins were empty which was why they could not be bothered to visit? Seoyeon can't help but to suspect every little informations given to her because of the unsettled feeling she felt.

"There was really no one?" Seoyeon asked again to see the man shakes his head and she sighed.

"It's a very wondrous coincidence that the car you rode broke and you arrived here. About your parents, I never know they still have a daughter, I thought you died along them in the fire," said the man holding a casual conversation.

"Oh?" Jung Hwa broke to chuckle that he can't hold. The chuckle receive the caretaker's eyes on him and Seoyeon also stare at him with a confused expression. "So much for not talking with that man but knowing how her parents died. I assume you are not acquainted with her parents until they are buried?"

The caretaker didn't seem to be surprised by Jung Hwa's words and he looked relaxed instead, "It's a common knowledge for me to know reasons of death of the people buried here. It was written in the form," which make sense at least to Seoyeon until she saw Jung Hwa's eyes seeming to follow the caretaker. "But no one really can tell the future."

"Not necessary," Jung Hwa's eyes which was still in the color of black eyed the man's movement who walked to the cupboard, "I knew a fortune teller who could see things maybe you should take up her offer and see your future. If you have one, that is," the moment Jung Hwa's smile faded and his eyes narrow, the old man jumped over him, pulling a knife he hid behind him. In ease, Jung Hwa took the man's hand which was holding the knife. Giving a light squeeze was enough for Seoyeon to hear a clear pop sound.

Seoyeon was surprised by the sound of pop but she was more shocked to see that the old man pulling knife. Standing abruptly, the chair fell and due to the age once the chair fell, the legs broke. 

"Get back Seoyeon and stay where you are," said Jung Hwa, holding out his hand to warn her to stay where she was. 

"Damn vampire you know what I am," the caretaker glared at Jung Hwa, despite having his hand broken the old man seemed as if he can't feel pain, continue to push the knife with his broken hands. 

"Yes, a dark witch isn't it?" Jung Hwa grinned, his face tilting on the man. "I knew it was odd the moment I entered this house. Your heart is beating but it doesn't show any sign of lying even when you did. That's not very humane thing to do."

The dark witch as still curious and he asked, "Tell me then, when did I lie that you could spot my nature?"  

"Since the beginning, I could tell that you planned to poison us," Jung Hwa's eyes that were black in color dipped into red and his lips stretched wide. "Not by drinking as the water doesn't contain poison," his eyes then move at the cupboard, "It was the glass that you smeared poison on."

"Tch, pity that you are not surprised." The dark witch hissed, his words slurring as he laughed in a horrifying laughter. "I would have feasted on you and your friend there if you hadn't notice what I am."

"It's too late to state your plan when everything is ending, don't you think?" Jung Hwa tightened his hold, crushing the bone of the man's wrist.

The dark witch writhe in pain, his voice curling and somewhere Seoyeon spotted the man's skin began to peel off and she shuddered from the chilling view. The dark witch continued to cry in pain before he began to sudden laugh, "This is the start, vampire! Didn't I told you it was 'we'?"

On the words, Jung Hwa's eyes immediately snapped wide, "Seoyeon!" He yelled her name and Seoyeon turned her head to behind her, seeing a woman smiling wide and a knife striking to her head.

Before it could reach Seoyeon's head, Jung Hwa shielded her face with his hand, having the knife to pierce through his palm. The witch was startled when Jung Hwa pulled the blade along with the handle to shake off the man.

In surprise, Seoyeon stared at his bleeding eyes with wide eyes, "Hwa!" She was alarmed by the amounts of blood that dribbled to flow over his wrist when she felt the dark witchess came back and kicked the woman's stomach.

When they had enough distance, Seoyeon saw Jung Hwa pulling the knife from his hand and she could see how his wounds continue to bleed when it should have closed now. She pulled her ribbon on her neck, covering the wounds, "A-are you alright? Why is it not stopping?" she asked confused with how the blood continue to flood. 

"This knife is use in a different material so my wound can't close, tch, that damned dark witches must have stolen this from a hunter," Jung Hwa then placed the same knife that had wounded him to Seoyeon's hand before pushing her hand that was tending his wound. "I will protect you but if they come to you kill them," biting to the end of the ribbon, he continued to wrapped his palm before ripping it to tie.

"O-okay," Seoyeon agreed in a hurry but she wasn't sure if she could ever kill people. 

The dark witches are needlessly to say was evil. When they had wounded Jung Hwa, they didn't hesitate to kill despite the wounds the received. But the dark witches had taken the appearance of a human that made Seoyeon who had never kill people before to left unsure on what she should do.

The same dark witchess came out from the hut, her lips were stretched so wide that the corners almost reached her ears, "What a flimsy kick. I expect as a fellow dark witchess you could have put more power in your kick.." The words were directed to Seoyeon whose body turned to a stone when hearing the woman's words.

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